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  • Colnect-1523-309-50th-Anniv-of-Interpol---INTERPOL-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-2271-355-INTERPOL-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-995-764-Interpol-emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-2235-760-INTERPOL-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-995-765-Interpol-emblem-Surinam.jpg
  • Colnect-1286-263-Interpol-Emblem-and-Headquarters.jpg
  • Colnect-1919-716-Headquarter-INTERPOL.jpg
  • Colnect-2151-148-Interpol.jpg
  • Colnect-2151-149-Interpol.jpg
  • IT077.12.jpg
  • Colnect-4969-539-INTERPOL-Headquarters-and-Emblem.jpg
  • Colnect-140-484-Interpol-badge.jpg
Name: INTERPOL emblem
Type: symbol

Appearing in designs:
INTERPOL emblem & handstamp Surinam 11/7/1973 30c issue=50th Anniversary of Interpol
INTERPOL emblem & Headquarters Togo 9/29/1973 30fr issue=Interpol 50th
INTERPOL emblem & Interpol Headquarters (3 stamps of Libya, 1973)
INTERPOL emblem & stylized Coliseum Italy 11/3/2012 0,60€ issue=81st General Assembly of INTERPOL
INTERPOL emblem (1973 India) India 10/9/1973 20p issue=INTERPOL 50th anniversary
INTERPOL emblem (1973 Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania) Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania 10/24/1973 1.50sh issue=50th Anniversary of Interpol
INTERPOL emblem (1973 Surinam) Surinam 11/7/1973 15c issue=50th Anniversary of Interpol
INTERPOL emblem (1973 Thailand) Thailand 9/3/1973 75s issue=INTERPOL 50th
Interpol Headquarters & INTERPOL emblem Nepal 9/3/1973 25p issue=50th Anniversary of Interpol

Interpol badge
Interpol badge Switzerland 2/15/1973 40c issue=INTERPOL 50th

Wikipedia article