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Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • Colnect-467-051-River-Trout-Salmo-trutta-fario.jpg
  • Colnect-3558-246-Rainbow-Trout-Salmo-gairdneri.jpg
  • Colnect-1997-667-River-Trout-Salmo-trutta-fario.jpg
  • Colnect-6326-355-Rainbow-Trout-Salmo-gairdneri.jpg
  • RO060.13.jpg
  • Colnect-3063-410-River-Trout-Salmo-trutta-fario-Black-Waterfall.jpg
  • Colnect-3492-853-Trout-Salmo-sp.jpg
  • Colnect-2397-033-Brown-Trout-Salmo-Trutta-Fario-Japanese-Azalea.jpg
  • Colnect-122-301-Brown-Trout-Salmo-trutta.jpg
Name: trout
Type: fish

Appearing in designs:
Czarna Wiselka & trout Poland 6/12/1992 2000z dt=waterfalls (1992)
halfpenny coin & trout Falkland Islands 12/31/1975 2p issue=new coinage dt=coins & animals
trout (1958) Poland 4/22/1958 2.50z dt=fishes (1958)
trout (1960) New Zealand 7/11/1960 1sh3p issue=1960
trout (1979) Poland 4/26/1979 2z issue=Fish and Environmental Protection
trout (1983) New Zealand 2/2/1983 40c
trout (2013) Romania 7/9/2013 7.60l issue=Sport Fishing and Hunting
trout and Japanese azalea Japan 5/8/1998 50y issue=National Afforestation Campaign 1998
trout Salmo trutta Great Britain 1/26/1983 26p dt=river fishes (1983)

No synonyms.

External links:
Wikipedia article