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Zebrasoma flavescens (synonym of yellow tang)

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  • Colnect-4899-488-Zebrasoma-flavescens.jpg
  • Colnect-4950-932-Regal---Yellow-Tang-Paracanthurus-hepatus-Zebrasoma-flav.jpg
  • Colnect-2799-982-Yellow-Tang-Zebrasoma-flavescens.jpg
  • Colnect-3002-639-Lemon-Sailfin-Zebrasoma-flavescens.jpg
  • Colnect-4411-304-Yellow-tang-zebrafoma-plavescens.jpg
Name: Zebrasoma flavescens
Type: fish
Synonym of: yellow tang

Appearing in designs:
Paracanthurus hepatus & Zebrasoma flavescens Palau 11/29/2011 75c issue=Dangerous Sea Creatures
yellow surgeonfish Zebrasoma flavescens Djibouti 11/20/1978 30fr dt=fishes (1978 Djibouti)
yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) (1996) Philippines 5/10/1996 4p issue=ASEANPEX '96 dt=fishes (1996 Philippines)
yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) (1998) Maldive Islands 12/10/1998 5r issue=Fish 1998 dt=fishes (1998 Maldive Islands)
yellow tang Zebrasoma flavescens (2000) Nevis 3/27/2000 $1 dt=tropical fishes (2000 Nevis)
Zebrasoma flavescens (1997) Guinea 6/15/1997 1000fr dt=fishes (1997 Guinea)
Zebrasoma flavescens (1998 Grenada) Grenada 2/10/1998 $1.50 issue=Fish 1998 dt=fishes (1998 Grenada)
Zebrasoma flavescens (1998 Tanzania) Tanzania 1/30/1998 250sh issue=Marine Life of the World 1998 dt=marine life of the World (1998)
Zebrasoma flavescens (1999) Comoro Islands 1/25/1999 150fr issue=Marine Life 1999
Zebrasoma flavescens (2016) Mozambique 11/10/2016 100.00MT issue=Tropical Fishes 2016
Zebrasoma flavescens (2018) Togo 2/9/2018 800fr issue=Fishes 2018
Zebrasoma flavescens (2019) Niger 2/27/2019 800fr issue=Fishes 2019
Zebrasoma flavescens, Ctenochaetus truncatus Central African Republic 6/25/2015 750fr issue=Tropical Fishes 2015
Zebrasoma flavescens, Pocillopora damicornis Solomon Islands 9/4/2017 $10 issue=Reef Fishes 2017
Zebrasoma flavescens, Zanclus cornutus Comoro Islands 12/14/2009 500fr issue=Fish of the Indian Ocean
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