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Fausto Coppi

Details | Gallery | Order by name | Oldest first
  • Colnect-4631-017-Fausto-Coppi-1952.jpg
  • Colnect-4631-014-Fausto-Coppi-1949.jpg

Issue but not design:
  • Colnect-181-338-Coppi-Fausto.jpg
  • Colnect-679-305-Fausto-Coppi.jpg
Name: Fausto Coppi
Type: person
Dates: 1919 – 1960

Fausto Coppi birth 1919
80th Anniversary of the Birth of Fausto Coppi Italy 1999
Fausto Coppi death 1960
50th Anniversary of death of Fausto Coppi San Marino 2010

Appearing in designs:
Fausto Coppi St. Vincent 7/1/2003 $5 issue=100th Anniversary of the Tour de France
Fausto Coppi (1949) (2 stamps of Grenada, 2003)
Fausto Coppi (1952) Grenada 6/17/2003 $2 issue=100th Anniversary of Tour de France

No synonyms.
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Next person: Gonzales Coques

External links:
Wikipedia article