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HMS Roebuck

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  • Colnect-772-158-HMS-Roebuck.jpg
  • Colnect-3194-249-HMS-Roebuck.jpg
  • Colnect-3194-251-HMS-Roebuck-sinking.jpg
  • Colnect-3194-252-HMS-Roebuck-s-ship-bell.jpg

Candidate designs:
  • Colnect-706-314-Hms-Roebuck.jpg
Name: HMS Roebuck
Type: ship

Appearing in designs:
HMS Roebuck (1976) Grenada Grenadines 5/18/1976 2c issue=American Revolution 200th dt=ships (1976 Grenada Grenadines)
HMS Roebuck (2015) Ascension 12/1/2015 35p issue=300th Anniversary of Death of William Dampier
HMS Roebuck sinking Ascension 12/1/2015 1lb issue=300th Anniversary of Death of William Dampier
HMS Roebucks ship bell Ascension 12/1/2015 1.60lb issue=300th Anniversary of Death of William Dampier

No synonyms.
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Wikipedia article