Danzig persons

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
Zygmunt II August d - Zygmunt II August City hall tower 1937
Robert Koch 1882 1910 birth death d - Robert Koch (1939) 1939 syns. Koch, Doctor Robert Koch, Dr. Koch, Dr. Robert Koch
Gregor Mendel 1884 death d - Gregor Mendel (1939) 1939 syns. Mendel, G.J. Mendel, Gregor Johann Mendel
Wilhelm Röntgen 1845 Wilhelm Rontgen birth syns. Roentgen, Wilhelm Roentgen, Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, Röntgen, Wilhelm Rontgen, Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen, Wilhelm Konrad Röntgen
Wilhelm II

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