Malta events (with synonyms) (with subtypes)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
Summer Olympics 2020
(syn. of Olympics 2020)
2021 - ...
Treaty of Rome 1957 start
UN resolution on marine resources 1967 - ... 20th
UN founding 1945 (4) - UN 25th, 40th Anniversary of the UN, 50th anniversary of the ..., ... syns. UNO founding
UPU founding
(syn. of Universal Postal Union founding)
1874 (2) - UPU 75th, UPU 100th
U.P.U. founding
(syn. of Universal Postal Union founding)
1874 - 125th Anniversary of UPU
University of Malta founding 1592 - 400th Anniversary of The ...
Uprising 7th of June 1919 1909 - 76th Anniversary of the ...
Valetta-Rabat Railway opening 1883 - 100th Anniversary of the ...
Valletta founding 1566 - ... 400th
Vallette death 1568 - ... 400th
Victoria Lines start 1897 - ... centenary
Visit of Pope John Paul II (Malta) 2001 - Visit of Pope John Paul II
4th World Conference on Women 1995 - ...
World Cup 1978 1978 - ... syns. Argentina 78, World Cup Soccer 1978
World Cup 1982 1982 - ... syns. World Cup Soccer 1982
World Cup 1986 1986 - ... syns. soccer championships 1986, World Cup Soccer 1986
World Cup 1990 1990 - ... syns. soccer championships 1990, World Cup Soccer 1990
World Cup 1994 1994 - ... syns. World Cup Soccer 1994
World Cup 1998 1998 - ...
World Cup 2006 2006 - ... syns. World Cup Soccer 2006
World Cup 2010 2010 - ... syns. World Cup Soccer 2010
World Cup 2014 2014 - ...
World Cup 2018 2015 - ...
World Food Program founding 1963 - World Food Program 10th
WHO founding
(syn. of World Health Organization founding)
1948 (2) - WHO 25th, WHO 40th
World War I 1914 1918 Armistice Beginning of start of victory
end of World War II
(syn. of World War II end)
1945 - 50th anniversary of the ...
WWF founding 1961 - ... 50th
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