Philippines philatelic exhibitions (with synonyms) (with subtypes)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

Types | List | Gallery | No subtypes | No synonyms

1 to 20 of 20

Name Issues/Designs
AMERIPEX 86 1986 - ... syns. AMERIPEX '86
ASEANPEX '96 1996 (3) - ..., ... b, ... c
Ausipex '84 1984 - Ausipex 84 syns. Ausipex 84
CAPEX 78 1978 - ...
Espana 84 1984 - ...
FILIPINAS 2004 2003 - ...
FILIPINAS 2005 2004 - ...
Hong Kong '94 1994 - ...
Hong Kong '97 1997 - ...
Hong Kong 2001 2001 - ...
JAKARTA 2008 2008 - ...
PHILAKOREA 1994 1994 - ... syns. Phila Korea '94, PHILAKOREA '94, Philakorea 94, PHILKOREA '94
PhilaKorea 2002 2002 - ...
Philanippon 01
(syn. of Philanippon '01)
2001 - ...
SINGAPORE 2004 2004 - ...
TAIPEI 2015 2015 - ...
TAIPEI 2005 2005 - ...
Taipei 2008 2008 - ...
Taipei 96 1996 - ...
World Stamp Expo '89 1989 - ... syns. World Stamp Expo 89

1 to 20 of 20