Togo things (with synonyms)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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101 to 200 of 1980

Name Issues/Designs
amethyst d - amethyst 2017 syns. amethyste
(syn. of amethyst)
d - amethyste, Mexico 2019
Amorphophallus abyssinicus d - Amorphoph..yssinicus 1987
Amphiprion ocellaris d - Amphiprion ocellaris 2015
Amphiprion percula
(syn. of orange clownfish)
d - Amphiprion percula (2018) 2018
Roald Amundsen birth 1872 - Centenary of ...
Roald Amundsen death 1928 - 90th Anniversary of the Death of ...
Anacardium occidentale
(syn. of cashew)
d - Anacardiu..cidentale (1986) 1986
Ananas comosus
(syn. of pineapple)
d - Ananas comosus (1986) 1986
Anas acuta
(syn. of northern pintail)
d - Anas acuta (2019) 2019
Anastomus lamelligerus
(syn. of African openbill)
d - Anastomus..elligerus 2019
Andalusian d - Andalusian 2019
Angora turc
(syn. of Turkish Angora)
d - Angora turc 2015
Ankylosaurus magniventris d - Ankylosau..niventris 2015, etc (4)
Annunciation d - Annunciation 1972
Anodorhynchus hyacinthinus
(syn. of hyacinth macaw)
d - Anodorhyn..cinthinus (2015) 2015
Anodorhynchus hyancinthinus
(syn. of hyacinth macaw)
d - Anodorhyn..cinthinus (2017) 2017
Ansellia africana d (2) - Ansellia africana (2016) 2016, Leopard Orchid Ansellia africana 2016, etc (4) syns. Ansellia gigantea
Anthobaphes violacea
(syn. of orange-breasted sunbird)
d - Anthobaphes violacea 1995
Anthocharis cardamines d - Anthochar..ardamines (2015) 2015 syns. Anthocaris cardamines, aurorasommerfugl, Euchloe cardamines, orange tip, Orange Tip butterfly
Anthurium scherzerianum d - Anthurium..rzerianum 1999
Apatosaurus d - Apatosaurus (1997) 1997
Apis mellifera
(syn. of western honey bee)
d - Apis mellifera 2015, etc (2)
Apollo 11 1969 start d - Apollo 11 2018 syns. Apollo 11 flight, Apollo 11 Moon Landing, Apollo XI, First Manned Landing on Moon, First Manned Moon Landing, First Moon Walk, First Moonwalk, moon landing
Apollo 13 1970 - ...
Apollo 14 1971 - ...
Apollo 17 1972 - ...
Apollo 8 1972 - 50th Anniversary of ... syns. Apollo VIII
Apollo-Soyuz 1975 (2) - 10th Anniversary of ..., ... d - Apollo-Soyuz 1975 syns. Apollo Soyuz
Appaloosa d - Appaloosa 2019
Edward Appleton d - Edward Appleton 1995
Aquila chrysaetos
(syn. of golden eagle)
d (4) - Aquila chrysaetos (2015) 2015, Aquila chrysaetos (2016) 2016, etc (2), Aquila chrysaetos (2018) 2018, ...
Aquila chrysaetos by Audubon d - Aquila ch..y Audubon 1985
Ara ararauna
(syn. of blue-and-yellow macaw)
d - Ara ararauna 2015, etc (2)
Ara macao
(syn. of Scarlet Macaw)
d - Ara macao (2019) 2019
Ara tricolor
(syn. of Cuban macaw)
d - Ara tricolor 2017
Arbacia lixula d - Arbacia lixula 2001
Archilochus alexandri
(syn. of black-chinned hummingbird)
d - Archiloch..alexandri 2015
Archilochus colubris
(syn. of ruby-throated hummingbird)
d (2) - Archilochus colubris 2015, Archilochus colubris (2019) 2019
Arctia villica
(syn. of Epicallia villica)
d - Arctia villica 2017
Arctocebus calabarensis
(syn. of Calabar angwantibo)
d - Arctocebu..abarensis (1996) 1996
Arctotis breviscapa d - Arctotis breviscapa 1999
Ardea alba
(syn. of great egret)
d - Ardea alba 2006, etc (2)
Ardea herodias
(syn. of great blue heron)
d - Ardea herodias 2017, etc (2)
Ardea melanocephala
(syn. of black-headed heron)
d - Ardea melanocephala 2015
Ardea purpurea
(syn. of purple heron)
d - Ardea purpurea (2015) 2015
Ardeola ralloides
(syn. of squacco heron)
d - Ardeola ralloides 2019
Argynnis paphia
(syn. of silver-washed fritillary)
d - Argynnis paphia (1999) 1999
Arkle d - Arkle 1985
Armillaria obscura d - Armillaria obscura 2014
Armillaria ponderosa d - Armillaria ponderosa 1995
Neil Armstrong 2012 death d (4) - Eagle olive branch Neil Armstrong 1994, Neil Armstrong 1979, Neil Armstrong, 1930-2012 2019, ... syns. Armstrong, Neil A. Armstrong
ASECNA founding 1960 (2) - ... 20th, ... 10th
Arthur Ashkin d - Arthur Ashkin 2019
Asio otus
(syn. of long-eared owl)
d - Asio otus 2015, etc (3)
(syn. of Faustino Asprilla)
d - Asprilla 1998
Assassination on Sarakawa 1973 - 15th Anniversary of the ...
Astrochelys radiata
(syn. of radiated tortoise)
d - Astrochelys radiata 1996
Astrochelys yniphora
(syn. of angonoka tortoise)
d - Astrochelys yniphora 1996, etc (2)
astronaut d - E Mitchell & astronaut on Moon 1971
Athene cunicularia
(syn. of burrowing owl)
d - Athene cunicularia 2015
Athene noctua
(syn. of Little Owl)
d - Athene noctua 2016
Atheris squamigera d - Atheris squamigera 2016
Athletics Championships 2010 2010 - ...
atom symbol d - atom symbol & E=mc2 1979
Atrophaneura hector d - Atrophaneura hector 2014
John James Audubon birth 1785 (2) - 200th Anniversary of ..., 160th Anniversary of ... syns. J. J. Audubon birth, John J. Audubon birth
Augusta-Westland CH-149 Cormorant d - Augusta-W..Cormorant 2019
Australia 1788 founding d - chalcopyrite, Australia 2019
Australian kelpie d - Australian kelpie 2014
Austria by William Norris 1843 d - Austria b..rris 1843 1979
Axiocerces harpax
(syn. of Axiocerses harpax)
d - Axiocerces harpax 1990
Ayome Waterfalls d - Ayome Waterfalls 1975
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685 1750 birth death d (3) - Johann Se..tian Bach (1967) 1967, Johann Se..tian Bach (2019) 2019, Johann Se..tian Bach & organ 1967 syns. Bach, J.S. Bach
Bachus and Ariadne - Titian d - Bachus an.. - Titian 2017
Bacocus aeilus d - Bacocus aeilus 2019
Lord Robert Baden-Powell
(syn. of Robert Baden-Powell)
1941 1941 d - Lord Robe..en-Powell 1982
Robert Baden-Powell 1857 1941 birth death - 75th Anniversary of the Death of ... d - Robert Baden-Powell (1961) 1961, etc (2) syns. Baden-Powell, Lord Baden-Powell, Lord R Baden-Powell, Lord Robert Baden-Powell, Lord Baden Powell
Robert Baden-Powell death 1941 - 75th Anniversary of the Death of ... syns. Baden-Powell death
Balaena mysticetus
(syn. of Bowhead Whale)
d - Balaena mysticetus (2018) 2018
Balaenoptera acutorostrata
(syn. of common minke whale)
d (2) - Balaenopt..orostrata 2015, etc (3), Balaenopt..orostrata (1997 Togo) 1997
Balaenoptera musculus
(syn. of blue whale)
d (2) - Balaenopt.. musculus 2019, etc (2), USS Seawolf (SSN-21) Seawolf-class; Balaenopt.. musculus 2019
Balaenoptera physalus
(syn. of fin whale)
d (2) - Balaenopt.. physalus 2019, Balaenopt.. physalus (1997) 1997
Balinese d - Balinese 1999
Balistoides conspicillum
(syn. of clown triggerfish)
d (2) - Balistoid..spicillum (2016) 2016, Balistoid..spicillum (2018) 2018
banana d - bananas (1996) 1996
BANDUNG 2017 2017 - ...
Bangladesh d - Bangladesh 2019
Charles Barkla d - Charles Barkla 1995
Kevin Barry d - Kevin Barry 1985
Bashos Hermitage & Camellia Hill d - Bashos He..llia Hill 1998
basketball 1891 start d (2) - basketball (1969) 1969, basketball (1972) 1972
Basketry d - Basketry 1966
Battle of Iwo Jima 1945 - 70th Anniversary of the ...
Battle of Leyte Gulf 1944 - 75th Anniversary of the ...
Battle of Stalingrad 1943 start
Battle of Waterloo 1815 - 200th Anniversary of the ...
Bob Beamon d (2) - Bob Beamon (1984) 1984, Bob Beamon (1996) 1996
Daniel C. Beard
(syn. of Daniel Carter Beard)
d - Daniel C. Beard 1961, etc (2)
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101 to 200 of 1980