Togo things (with synonyms)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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301 to 400 of 1980

Name Issues/Designs
René Caillié death 1839 - Caillie
Caiman latirostris
(syn. of broad-snouted caiman)
d - Caiman latirostris 2019
Pope Caius d - Pope Caius 2000
calcite d - calcite 1999
Callithrix jacchus d - Callithrix jacchus 2017
Caloenas nicobarica
(syn. of Nicobar pigeon)
d - Caloenas nicobarica 2016
Camarasaurus supremus d - Camarasau.. supremus 2015
Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge d - Catherine..Cambridge 2017, etc (2) syns. Catherine Middleton Duchess of Cambridge, Duchess of Cambridge, Catherine Middleton, Kate Middleton
Camille Pissarro birth 1830 - 185th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
David Campese d - David Campese 2019
Camponotus gigas d - Camponotus gigas 2019
Cancellaria cancellata d - Cancellar..ancellata 1964
Canis familiaris
(syn. of dog)
subtype of mammal
d (2) - Canis familiaris (1999) 1999, etc (6), Canis familiaris (2001) 2001, etc (10)
Canis lupus hodophilax d - Canis lup..odophilax 2018
Canis lupus lupus
(syn. of Eurasian wolf)
d - Canis lupus lupus (2016) 2016
subtype of watercraft
d - fisherman casting net from canoe 1974
Cantharellus cibarius
(syn. of chanterelle)
d (4) - Cantharel.. cibarius (2015) 2015, Cantharel.. cibarius (2017) 2017, Cantharel.. cibarius (2018) 2018, ...
Cantharellus lutescens
(syn. of Craterellus lutescens)
d - Cantharel..lutescens (1999) 1999
Cantharellus tubaeformis
(syn. of Craterellus tubaeformis)
d - Cantharel..baeformis (2000) 2000
Raul Capablanca death 1942 - 70th Anniversary of the Death of ...
Cape Hatteras Lighthouse d - Cape Hatt..ighthouse, North Carolina 2017 syns. Cape Hatteras Light, Cape Hatteras Lighthouse North Carolina, Cape Hatteras, North Carolina
Cape Neddick Light d - Cape Neddick Light (2019) 2019
Carabus auronitens d - Carabus auronitens 1996
Caralluma burchardii
(syn. of Apteranthes burchardii)
d - Caralluma burchardii 1999
Caranx hippos d - Caranx hippos 2001
Carassius auratus auratus
(syn. of goldfish)
d - Carassius..s auratus (1999) 1999, etc (7)
subtype of sailing ship
d - caravel (1999) 1999
Carcharodon carcharias
(syn. of great white shark)
d - Carcharod..archarias 2015, etc (5)
Cardinalis cardinalis
(syn. of Northern Cardinal)
d - Cardinali..ardinalis 2015, etc (2)
Cardium costatum d - Cardium costatum 1964, etc (2)
Carduelis cannabina
(syn. of common linnet)
d - Carduelis cannabina 1996
Carduelis carduelis
(syn. of European goldfinch)
d - Carduelis carduelis (1999 Togo) 1999
Carica papaya
(syn. of papaya)
d - Carica papaya (1986 Togo) 1986
Magnus Carlsen d - Magnus Carlsen 2017, etc (3)
Carnotaurus sastrei d - Carnotaurus sastrei 2015, etc (2)
Carolina Dog d - Carolina Dog 2018
Dan Carter d - Dan Carter 2019
Casmaria iredalei d - Casmaria iredalei 1974
Casmerodius albus
(syn. of great egret)
d (2) - Casmerodius albus (1957) 1957, Casmerodius albus (1959) 1959
Rene Cassin
(syn. of René Cassin)
d - Rene Cassin (1969) 1969
Cassini-Huygens d - Cassini-Huygens (2014) 2014
Cassis cornuta d - Talostolida pellucens, Cassis cornuta 2016 syns. horned helmet
casting d - fisherman casting net from canoe 1974
Fidel Castro d - Fidel Castro (1926-2016), Nikita... 2017 syns. Fidel, Fidel Castro Ruz
Catacroptera cloanthe d - Catacropt.. cloanthe (1997 Togo) 1997 syns. Catacroptera cloanthe cloanthe
cattle d - cattle (1974) 1974 syns. Bos taurus
Cattleya bowringiana d - Cattleya bowringiana 2017
Cattleya palatine x Cattleya percivaliana d - Cattleya ..civaliana 2018
Cattleya tigrina d - Cattleya tigrina 2017
Causeway Atchinedju d - Causeway Atchinedju 1975
Edinson Cavani d - Edinson Cavani 2019
Celebrity Equinox d - Celebrity Equinox 2019
celerifere d - celerifere 1978
Centropyge bicolor
(syn. of bicolor angelfish)
d - Centropyge bicolor 2017
Cephalophus rufilatus d - Cephaloph..rufilatus 1996, etc (5)
Cephalophus zebra
(syn. of zebra duiker)
d - Cephalophus zebra (1996) 1996
Cephalorhynchus commersonii
(syn. of Commerson's dolphin)
d (3) - Cephalorh..mmersonii (2015 Togo) 2015, Cephalorh..mmersonii (2016) 2016, Cephalorh..mmersonii (2017) 2017
Cephalorhynchus heavisidii d - Cephalorh..eavisidii 2016
Cepora aspasia d - Cepora aspasia (2019) 2019 syns. Cepora aspasia olga
Ceratops horridus d - Ceratops horridus (2019) 2019
Ceratotherium simum
(syn. of white rhinoceros)
d (2) - Ceratotherium simum (2001 Togo) 2001, Ceratotherium simum (2015) 2015, etc (3)
Cercopithecus cephus
(syn. of moustached guenon)
d - Cercopithecus cephus (1996) 1996
Cercopithecus diana
(syn. of Diana monkey)
d - Cercopithecus diana (2019) 2019
Cercopithecus hamlyni d - Cercopith..s hamlyni 2001
Cercopithecus mona
(syn. of mona monkey)
d - Cercopithecus mona 2019
Cercopithecus neglectus
(syn. of De Brazza's monkey)
d - Cercopith..neglectus 2016
Cercopithecus petaurista
(syn. of lesser spot-nosed monkey)
d - Cercopith..etaurista 2019
Ceryle rudis
(syn. of Pied Kingfisher)
d - Ceryle rudis (2006) 2006
Cethosia cyane d - Cethosia cyane (2014) 2014 syns. Leopard Lacewing
Chaetodipterus faber
(syn. of Atlantic spadefish)
d (2) - Chaetodipterus faber (2017) 2017, Chaetodipterus faber (2018) 2018
Chaetodipterus goreensis d - Chaetodip..goreensis 1987
Chaetodon hoefleri d - Chaetodon hoefleri 1987
Marc Chagall 1887 "Artist and His Model" - "At the Barber's" - "Bride with Fan" - "Cemetery Gate" - "Couple at Dusk" - "David in Profile" - "Fiancee with Bouquet" - "For Vava" - "In the Sky of the Opera" - "Moses breaking the Tablets" - "Myth of Orpheus" - "Peasants" - "Portrait of the Artist's Sister" - "Rebecca giving Abraham's Servant a Drink" - "The Cellist" - "The Old Musician" - "The Profile" - "The Quarrel" - "Three Candles" - birth The Kiss of Peace, by syns. Chagall
Chalcophaps indica d - Chalcophaps indica 2019
chalcopyrite d - chalcopyrite, Australia 2019
Chamaeleo dilepis
(syn. of flap-necked chameleon)
d - Chamaeleo dilepis 1965
Charlie Chaplin death 1977 - 40th Anniversary of the Death of ...
Charaxes cynthia d - Charaxes cynthia (1996) 1996
Charaxes pollux d - Charaxes pollux (1999) 1999
King Charles II
(syn. of Charles II of England)
d - King Charles II (2000) 2000
Chef hawaien d - Chef hawaien 2017
Cheilinus fasciatus
(syn. of red-breasted wrasse)
d - Cheilinus fasciatus 2016
Cheilopogen pinnatibarbatus d - Cheilopog..ibarbatus 2019
Chelmon rostratus
(syn. of copperband butterflyfish)
d - Chelmon rostratus (2018) 2018
Chelodina mccordi d - Chelodina mccordi 2018
Chelonia mydas
(syn. of green sea turtle)
d (2) - Chelonia mydas (2015) 2015, Chelonia mydas (2019) 2019
Chelonoidis abingdonii d - Chelonoid..bingdonii 2018
Chelonoidis nigra d - Chelonoidis nigra 2019
cherry d - cherry blossoms 1998 syns. cherries
chess - ...
chick d - chick holding ticket 1968
China '96 1996 - ...
Chiryu The Summer Horse Fair d - Chiryu Th..orse Fair 1998
Chlamydocarya macrocarpa d - Chlamydoc..acrocarpa 1975
Chlorophyllum molybdites d - Chlorophy..olybdites (2006) 2006
Choeropsis liberiensis
(syn. of pygmy hippopotamus)
d - Choeropsi..beriensis (1964) 1964
chow chow d - chow chow 2017 syns. Chow, Chow-chow
Christ & His Flock d - Christ & His Flock 1985
Christ & the Fishermen d - Christ & ..Fishermen 1985
Christ at Emmaus d - Christ at Emmaus 1969, etc (2)
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301 to 400 of 1980