Dahomey starts (with synonyms)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

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Name Issues/Designs
African and Malagasy Union founding 1961 - African & Malagasy Union
African Development Bank founding 1964 - ... 5th
Air Afrique founding 1961 - ...
ASECNA founding 1960 - ...
Ludwig van Beethoven birth 1770 - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Beethoven birth
Louis Bleriot birth 1872 - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Louis Bleriot
Copernicus birth
(syn. of Nicolaus Copernicus birth)
1473 - 500th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
ILO founding 1919 - ... 50th syns. I.L.O. founding, I.L.O founding
INTERPOL founding 1923 - 50th Anniversary of ...
ITU founding 1865 - ... 100th syns. I.T.U. founding
Johannes Kepler birth 1571 - 400th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
Lions founding
(syn. of Lions International founding)
1917 - Lions 50th
St. Therese of Lisieux birth 1873 - 100th Anniversary of the Birth of ...
Napoleon birth 1770 - 200th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Napoleon Bonaparte birth, Napoleon I birth
National Lottery founding 1967 - 4th Anniversary of ...
Louis Pasteur birth 1822 - 150th Anniversary of the Birth of ... syns. Pasteur birth
Albert Schweitzer birth 1875 - ... 100th syns. Dr. Albert Schweitzer birth, Dr. Schweitzer birth
UNICEF founding 1946 (2) - ... 18th, 25th Anniversary of ... syns. United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund founding
UN founding 1945 - UN 25th syns. UNO founding
UPU founding
(syn. of Universal Postal Union founding)
1874 - Centenary of ...
WHO founding
(syn. of World Health Organization founding)
1948 - WHO 20th
World Meteorological Organization founding 1950 - 100th Anniversary of ... syns. WMO founding

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