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Watermark "stars (Cuba)" (Hungary usage only)

  • Colnect-1960-509-Sports-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1823-493-Agricultural-cooperation-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1823-489-Education-of-labourers-wmk-12-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1823-503-Army-wmk-12-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1823-492-Mechanized-agriculture-wmk-12-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1823-494-Transport-wmk-12-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1291-676-J%C3%A1nos-Ap%C3%A1cai-Csere-1625-1659-philosopher-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1291-676-S%C3%A1ndor-K%C5%91r%C3%B6si-Csoma-1784-1842-explorer-and-writer-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1291-676-%C3%81nyos-Jedlik-1800-1895-physicist-and-naturalist-back.jpg
  • Colnect-1291-676-Ign%C3%A1c-Semmelweis-1818%7E1865-physician-back.jpg
Short desc: stars (Cuba)

In use 1868-1961

Users of this watermark: Hungary (794 stamps, 1868-1961), Szeged (1 stamp, 1919) Show with all usages

Used by 794 stamps of Hungary: (See all uses as list)

newspaper tax 1868 2k brn imperf
newspaper tax 1868 1k bl imperf
newspaper 1871 1k red imperf
newspaper 1872 1k rosered imperf
newspaper 1874 1k org imperf
newspaper 1881 1k org imperf
newspaper 1914 2f org
newspaper 1920 10f dpbl imperf
official 1921 100f perf=15
official 1921 60f perf=15
official 1921 20f perf=15
official 1921 10f brnvio&blk perf=15
official 1921 1000f purbrn&blk perf=15
official 1921 500f perf=15
official 1921 350f perf=15
official 1921 250f perf=15
official 1922 15k oc=blk on=1921-20f perf=15
official 1922 1000k issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1922 100k issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1922 50k issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1922 25k oc=blk on=1921-60f perf=15
newspaper 1922 20f lil imperf
official 1923 5000k issue=o1923 paper=gray moire
official 1923 3000k issue=o1923 perf=15 paper=gray moire
official 1923 1000k issue=o1923 paper=gray moire
official 1923 500k issue=o1923 paper=gray moire
official 1923 2000k ovpt=KORONA oc=blk on=1921-250f perf=15
official 1923 350k ovpt=KORONA oc=blk on=1921-350f perf=15
official 1923 150k ovpt=KORONA oc=blk on=1921-100f perf=15
official 1923 5k brn issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1923 10k viobrn issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1923 15k grayblk issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1923 25k org issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1923 600k issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1923 150k issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1923 300k issue=1922 official
official 1923 350k issue=1922 official perf=15
official 1923 500k issue=1922 official
official 1924 1000k bl&red
official 1924 500k org&red perf=15
airmail 4/11/1924 1000k issue=1924 air d=Icarus (1924)
airmail 4/11/1924 2000k issue=1924 air d=Icarus (1924)
airmail 4/11/1924 500k issue=1924 air d=Icarus (1924)
airmail 4/11/1924 100k issue=1924 air d=Icarus (1924)
airmail 4/20/1925 5000k issue=1924 air d=Icarus (1924)
airmail 4/20/1925 10000k issue=1924 air d=Icarus (1924)
postage due 1926 1f issue=1926 due b d=Icarus (1924) ovpt=PORTO//numeral//FILLER//bar oc=blk on=type=airmail-1924-500k
postage due 1926 3f issue=1926 due b d=Icarus (1924) ovpt=PORTO//numeral//FILLER//bar oc=blk on=type=airmail-1924-2000k
postage due 1926 10f issue=1926 due b d=Icarus (1924) ovpt=PORTO//numeral//FILLER//bar oc=blk on=type=airmail-1925-10000k
postage due 1926 5f issue=1926 due b d=Icarus (1924) ovpt=PORTO//numeral//FILLER//bar oc=blk on=type=airmail-1925-5000k
(plus 744 more) (See all uses as list)