Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
pyramid & star
Watermark "quatrefoil & DDR"
(No images available)
Short desc: quatrefoil & DDR
Users of this watermark:
German Democratic Republic
(296 stamps, 1957-1965)
Used by 296 stamps of German Democratic Republic:
(See all uses as list)
official 1957 5pf emer issue=1957 official
official 1957 20pf yelol issue=1957 official
official 1957 30pf brnred issue=1957 official
official 1957 40pf red issue=1957 official
official 1957 50pf dkpur issue=1957 official
official 1957 70pf brn issue=1957 official
official 1957 15pf dkgray issue=1957 official
official 1957 10pf blgrn issue=1957 official
4/25/1957 15pf issue=1957
4/25/1957 10pf issue=1957
4/25/1957 20pf issue=1957
4/25/1957 30pf issue=1957
4/25/1957 40pf issue=1957
4/25/1957 50pf issue=1957
8/30/1957 20pf brnred issue=Leipzig Fall Fair 1957 d=Leipzig Fair 1957
8/30/1957 25pf bl issue=Leipzig Fall Fair 1957 d=Leipzig Fair 1957
10/25/1957 5pf blblk d=postrider 1563
11/1957 10pf blblk issue=IGY d=Sputnik 1 lined
11/7/1957 10pf issue=Russian revolution 40th d=Gun & red flag
11/7/1957 25pf bl&red issue=Russian revolution 40th d=Gun & red flag
11/22/1957 10pf grn&blk issue=Ramin memorial
11/22/1957 20pf dporg&blk issue=Abendroth memorial
1958 20pf red issue=IGY
1958 25pf turq issue=IGY
2/27/1958 25pf ultra issue=Leipzig Spring Fair 1958 d=dove & globe 1958
2/27/1958 20pf red issue=Leipzig Spring Fair 1958 d=dove & globe 1958
3/6/1958 5pf gray&blk issue=postal ministers conference 1958 d=radio tower Morse code posthorn
3/6/1958 20pf red issue=postal ministers conference 1958 d=radio tower radio waves as a text
3/20/1958 10pf blgrn&blgray issue=Zille 100th d=sketch
3/20/1958 20pf issue=Zille 100th d=Heinrich Zille
4/23/1958 10pf grngray issue=Planck 100th d=h (Planck constant)
4/23/1958 20pf dkredvio issue=Planck 100th d=Max Planck 1958
6/4/1958 20pf carred issue=6th Agricultural Show Markkleeburg d=Beet machines
6/4/1958 10pf grn issue=6th Agricultural Show Markkleeburg d=Mäh choppers
6/4/1958 5pf blgrn issue=6th Agricultural Show Markkleeburg d=cow
6/19/1958 20pf brnred&blk issue=evolution 100th d=von Linne
6/19/1958 10pf blgrn&blk issue=evolution 100th d=Darwin (1958)
6/25/1958 10pf ltrd issue=5th SED congress
7/5/1958 20pf issue=Rostock seaport d=Rostock harbour
7/22/1958 20pf carbrn issue=Grand Prize horse race 1958 d=horse racing
7/22/1958 10pf dkgrn issue=Grand Prize horse race 1958 d=Trotting
7/22/1958 5pf sep issue=Grand Prize horse race 1958 d=Mare & foal
8/7/1958 10pf blgrn&blk issue=Komensky d=Komensky (1958 German Democratic Republic)
8/7/1958 20pf orgbrn&blk issue=Komensky d=Komenský at school
8/19/1958 5pf gray&blk issue=Schiller University 400th d=seal
8/19/1958 20pf car&gray issue=Schiller University 400th d=University buildings
8/29/1958 10pf dkbrn&dkyelgrn issue=Leipzig Fall Fair 1958 d=Main train station
8/29/1958 25pf bl&blk issue=Leipzig Fall Fair 1958 d=Old Town Hall
9/19/1958 20pf red d=breaking atomic bomb
9/19/1958 25pf ltbl d=breaking atomic bomb
(plus 246 more)
(See all uses as list)