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Watermark "unwmk" (Abu Dhabi usage only)

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Short desc: unwmk

Used by 86 stamps of Abu Dhabi: (See all uses as list)

3/30/1964 15np brn issue=1964 d=Sheik Shakhbut perf=14.5
3/30/1964 5np yelgrn issue=1964 d=Sheik Shakhbut perf=14.5
3/30/1964 20np brtultra issue=1964 d=Sheik Shakhbut perf=13x13.5
3/30/1964 10r dkbl issue=1964 d=oil rig & camels perf=13x13.5
3/30/1964 5r carrose issue=1964 d=oil rig & camels perf=13x13.5
3/30/1964 2r blk issue=1964 d=palace perf=13x13.5
3/30/1964 1r ltgrn issue=1964 d=palace perf=13x13.5
3/30/1964 75np gray issue=1964 d=gazelle (1964) perf=14.5
3/30/1964 50np brnol issue=1964 d=gazelle (1964) perf=14.5
3/30/1964 40np brtvio issue=1964 d=gazelle (1964) perf=14.5
3/30/1964 30np redorg issue=1964 d=Sheik Shakhbut perf=14.5
3/30/1964 20np brtultra issue=1964 d=Sheik Shakhbut perf=14.5
3/30/1965 20np dkbl&brn issue=Falconry dt=falconry d=saker falcon on gloved hand perf=14.5
3/30/1965 40np bl&brn issue=Falconry dt=falconry d=saker falcon on gloved hand perf=14.5
3/30/1965 2r turqbl&brn issue=Falconry dt=falconry d=saker falcon on gloved hand perf=14.5
10/1/1966 20f brtultra issue=1966 provisional d=Sheik Shakhbut ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-20np-perf=13x13.5 perf=13x13.5
10/1/1966 20f brtultra issue=1966 provisional d=Sheik Shakhbut ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-20np-perf=14.5 perf=14.5
10/1/1966 1d dkbl issue=1966 provisional d=oil rig & camels ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-10r perf=13x13.5
10/1/1966 500f carrose issue=1966 provisional d=oil rig & camels ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-5r perf=13x13.5
10/1/1966 200f blk issue=1966 provisional d=palace ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-2r perf=13x13.5
10/1/1966 100f ltgrn issue=1966 provisional d=palace ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-1r perf=13x13.5
10/1/1966 75f gray issue=1966 provisional d=gazelle (1964) ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-75np perf=14.5
10/1/1966 50f brnol issue=1966 provisional d=gazelle (1964) ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-50np perf=14.5
10/1/1966 40f brtvio issue=1966 provisional d=gazelle (1964) ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-40np perf=14.5
10/1/1966 30f redorg issue=1966 provisional d=Sheik Shakhbut ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-30np perf=14.5
10/1/1966 15f brn issue=1966 provisional d=Sheik Shakhbut ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-15np perf=14.5
10/1/1966 5f yelgrn issue=1966 provisional d=Sheik Shakhbut ovpt=bars//value oc=blk on=1964-5np perf=14.5
4/1/1967 5f graygrn&red issue=1967 d=Crossed national flags perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 1d grn&viobl issue=1967 d=palace perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 500f org&vio issue=1967 d=palace perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 200f bl&brn issue=1967 d=falcon (1967) perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 125f grn&brnol issue=1967 d=gazelle (1967) perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 60f bl issue=1967 d=Sheik Zayed (1967) perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 50f brn issue=1967 d=Sheik Zayed (1967) perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 40f blgrn issue=1967 d=Sheik Zayed (1967) perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 35f pur&red issue=1967 d=Crossed national flags perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 100f carrose issue=1967 d=Sheik Zayed (1967) perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 15f dkbrn&red issue=1967 d=Crossed national flags perf=13x13.5
4/1/1967 20f ind&red issue=1967 d=Crossed national flags perf=13x13.5
8/6/1967 40f prusgrn issue=1967 new portrait d=Sheik Zayed redrawn perf=14.5x14
8/6/1967 50f brn issue=1967 new portrait d=Sheik Zayed redrawn perf=14.5x14
8/6/1967 60f bl issue=1967 new portrait d=Sheik Zayed redrawn perf=14.5x14
8/6/1967 100f carrose issue=1967 new portrait d=Sheik Zayed redrawn perf=14.5x14
4/1/1968 35f pckbl&gld&red&grn issue=Human Rights Year d=Human Rights Emblem & Sheik Zayed perf=14.5
4/1/1968 150f issue=Human Rights Year d=Human Rights Emblem & Sheik Zayed perf=14.5
4/1/1968 60f issue=Human Rights Year d=Human Rights Emblem & Sheik Zayed perf=14.5
8/6/1968 5f issue=Sheik Zaid accession 1st d=arms of Abu Dhabi & Sheik Zayed perf=14x14.5
8/6/1968 10f issue=Sheik Zaid accession 1st d=arms of Abu Dhabi & Sheik Zayed perf=14x14.5
8/6/1968 100f issue=Sheik Zaid accession 1st d=arms of Abu Dhabi & Sheik Zayed perf=14x14.5
8/6/1968 125f issue=Sheik Zaid accession 1st d=arms of Abu Dhabi & Sheik Zayed perf=14x14.5
(plus 36 more) (See all uses as list)