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Watermark "crowns"

  • Colnect-3106-123-Great-Lavra-Monastery-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-11th-cent-Papyrus-Iviron-Monastery-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-St-Athanasios-icon-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Gospel-cover-Great-Lavra-Monastery-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Stavronikitas-Monastery-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-EUROPA-CEPT-in-squares-Cooperation-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-Protaton-Church-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Vatopedion-Monastery-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Red-Cross---Jean-Henri-Dynant-1828-1910-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Red-Cross---Queen-Olga-founder-of-Greek-Red-Cross-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Red-Cross---Centenary-Emblem-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Red-Cross---Athenian-Treasury-Delphi-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Scout-with-a-bugle-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-A-Lefkaditis-and-Lord-Baden-Powell-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Jamboree-Badge-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Aphrodite-and-Apollo-Cyprus-4th-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Apollo-and-Labyrinth-Crete-3rd-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-Zeus-and-Eagle-Olympia-4th-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-Griffin-and-Squares-Avderon-5th-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-Athena-and-Owl-Athens-5th-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-The-five-Kings-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Helios-Sun-and-Rose-Rhodes-4th-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-The-campaign-against-hunger-emblem-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Demeter-Goddess-of-agriculture-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-Great-Alexander-and-Zeus-4th-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123-Arethousa-and-Chariot-Syracuse-5th-cent-BC--back.jpg
  • Colnect-3106-123--Athens-at-dawn--by-Lord-Baden-Powell-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Rams--heads-and-incised-squares-Delphi-5th-cent-BC-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-Crown-Prince-Constantine-Chief-Scout-of-Greece-back.jpg
  • Colnect-3105-930-St-Dionysios-Monastery-Mt-Athos-back.jpg
Short desc: crowns

In use 1936-1982

Users of this watermark: Corfu (30 stamps, 1941), Greece (1089 stamps, 1936-1982), Dodecanese Islands (2 stamps, 1947), Italian occupation of the Ionian Islands (16 stamps, 1941)

Used by 1137 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Greece 11/18/1936 3d blk&brn d=King Constantine I
Greece 11/18/1936 8d blk&bl d=King Constantine I
Greece postal tax 1/20/1937 50l vio issue=1937 tax
Greece postal tax 1/20/1937 10l car issue=1937 tax
Greece 1/24/1937 1d grn d=King George II perf=13x12.5
Greece 1/24/1937 3d redbrn d=King George II perf=13x12.5
Greece 1/24/1937 8d dpbl d=King George II perf=13x12.5
Greece 1/24/1937 100d carlake d=King George II perf=13x12.5
Greece 4/17/1937 3d yelbrn d=Pallas Athene
Greece 11/1/1937 10l issue=1937 d=lady of Tiryns var=TYPI
Greece 11/1/1937 5l brn&bl issue=1937 d=contest with bull
Greece 11/1/1937 7d issue=1937 d=Apostle Paul on Arios Pagos
Greece 11/1/1937 20l blk&dkgrn issue=1937 d=Zeus of Dodona
Greece 11/1/1937 40l blk&blkgrn issue=1937 d=Coin of Amphiktyony
Greece 11/1/1937 50l brn&blk issue=1937 d=Diagoras of Rhodes
Greece 11/1/1937 80l blkvio&orgbrn issue=1937 d=Venus of Melos
Greece 11/1/1937 2d ultra issue=1937 d=Naval Battle of Salamis
Greece 11/1/1937 5d red issue=1937 d=Panathenaic Procession
Greece 11/1/1937 6d olbrn issue=1937 d=Alexander the Great at Issos battle
Greece 11/1/1937 15d grn issue=1937 d=Leon Isavros & the destruction of Arabs
Greece 11/1/1937 25d dkbl issue=1937 d=Glory of Psara
Greece 11/1/1937 10d issue=1937 d=Church of St Demetrios Thessaloniki
Greece 1938 10l issue=1937 d=lady of Tiryns var=corrected
Greece 1/9/1938 3d orgbrn issue=Royal Wedding 1938 d=Princess Frederica & Crown Prince Paul perf=13.5x12.5
Greece 1/24/1938 8d dkbl issue=Royal Wedding 1938 d=Princess Frederica & Crown Prince Paul perf=13.5x12.5
Greece 2/8/1938 1d grn issue=Royal Wedding 1938 d=Princess Frederica & Crown Prince Paul perf=13.5x12.5
Greece 5/27/1940 6d bl d=arms (1940)
Greece 5/27/1940 8d blgray d=arms (1940)
Greece 8/3/1940 3d issue=youth organization 4th
Greece 8/3/1940 5d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 10d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 15d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 20d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 25d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 2d org&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 30d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 50d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 75d issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece 8/3/1940 100d issue=youth organization 4th
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 8d bl&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 65Dr bl&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 100dr pur&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 45Dr grn&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 4dr grn&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 6d car&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 55Dr car&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 32dr org&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece airmail 8/3/1940 16Dr pur&blk issue=youth organization 4th perf=12.5
Greece postal tax 12/1/1940 50l dkgrn d=Dull green paper
Italian occupation of the Ionian Islands 1941 8d dpbl issue=1941a d=King George II ovpt=ITALIA//... oc=blk on=issuer=Greece-1937-8d perf=13x12.5
(plus 1087 more) (See all uses as list)