Short desc: network
In use 1922-1940
Users of this watermark: German occupation of Alsace (14 stamps, 1940), German occupation of Lorraine (14 stamps, 1940), Germany (262 stamps, 1922-1933), Upper Silesia (1 stamp, 1922)
Used by 291 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Germany official 1922 75pf dkbl issue=1922 official d=numeral (1922) perf=14x14.25
Germany official 1922 2m dkbl issue=1922 official d=numeral (1922) perf=14x14.25
Germany 1/1922 50pf vio issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 4m dpgrn&yelgrn issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 1/1922 3m orgred&yel issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 1/1922 50m dkgrn&vio issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 1/1922 5pf cl issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 10pf dkolgrn issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 15pf turqbl issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 25pf brn issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 30(pf) blgrn issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 40(pf) redorg issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 2m vio&rose issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 1/1922 60pf redvio issue=1922a d=iron workers
Germany 1/1922 75pf redvio issue=1922a d=Germania (Deutsches Reich)
Germany 1/1922 75pf ultra issue=1922a d=numeral (1921)
Germany 1/1922 80pf carrose issue=1922a d=iron workers
Germany 1/1922 100pf grn issue=1922a d=miners right
Germany 1/1922 120(pf) ultra issue=1922a d=miners right
Germany 1/1922 1 1/4m ver&redvio issue=1922a d=Germania (Deutsches Reich)
Germany 1/1922 150pf org issue=1922a d=farmers (1921)
Germany 1/1922 160pf slgrn issue=1922a d=farmers (1921)
Germany 1/1922 30m brn&yel issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 1/1922 5m org&yel issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 1/1922 10m carrose&rose issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 1/1922 20m vio&org issue=1922a d=posthorn (1921)
Upper Silesia official 2/1922 2m dkbl d=numeral (1922) ovpt=C.G.H.S oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-issue=1922 official-2m perf=14x14.25
Germany 4/22/1922 1 1/4m cl issue=Munich fair d=arms Munich
Germany 4/22/1922 4m dpbl issue=Munich fair d=arms Munich
Germany 4/22/1922 2m dkvio issue=Munich fair d=arms Munich
Germany 4/22/1922 3m ver issue=Munich fair d=arms Munich
Germany 5/1922 6m dkbl issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 20m dkvio issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 4m dkgrn issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 2m vio issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 5m brnorg issue=1922c d=numeral in oval (1921)
Germany 5/1922 30m brn issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 5m org issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 3m red issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 8m olgrn issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 5/1922 10m carrose issue=1922c d=numeral in oval (1921)
Germany 5/1922 20m ind&grn issue=1922c d=plowing (1922)
Germany 5/1922 40m ltgrn issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
Germany 10/1922 50m issue=1922d d=numeral in oval (1921)
Germany 12/1922 50m grnbl issue=1922e d=miners left
Germany 12/1922 25m olbrn issue=1922e d=farmers (1921)
Germany 12/1922 40m blgrn issue=1922e d=farmers (1921)
Germany 12/1922 10m bl issue=1922e d=farmers (1921)
Germany 12/1922 30m olgrn issue=1922e d=miners left
Germany 12/1922 12m ver issue=1922e d=farmers (1921) perf=14
(plus 241 more) (See all uses as list)