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Watermark "CASA+...6mm"

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Short desc: CASA+...6mm

Users of this watermark: Brazil (52 stamps, 1941-1970)

Used by 52 stamps of Brazil: (See all uses as list)

1941 50r issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 20r issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 50000r red issue=1941b d=Armed Forces
1941 20000r brn issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 10000r rosered issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 5000r bl issue=1941b d=Floriano Peixoto perf=11
1941 2000r grayvio issue=1941b d=Commerce (1941)
1941 1200r issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 1000r issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 600r issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 500r issue=1941b d=agriculture
1941 400r issue=1941b d=agriculture
1941 300r issue=1941b d=agriculture
1941 200r issue=1941b d=agriculture
1941 100r issue=1941b d=steel industry
1941 700r issue=1941b d=steel industry
9/25/1944 40c yelbrn issue=Rio Grande Chamber of Commerce 100th perf=11
3/19/1945 40c ultra issue=Rio Grande do Sul pacification 100th perf=11
4/16/1945 40c issue=10th Esperanto Congress perf=11
4/20/1945 40c vio issue=Baron of Rio Branco 100th perf=11
5/8/1945 20c dkvio issue=Allied victory
5/8/1945 40c dkrd issue=Allied victory
5/8/1945 1cr org issue=Allied victory
5/8/1945 2cr steelbl issue=Allied victory
5/8/1945 5cr grn issue=Allied victory
7/18/1945 20c issue=Brazilian Expeditionary Force perf=11
7/18/1945 5cr issue=Brazilian Expeditionary Force perf=11
7/18/1945 2cr issue=Brazilian Expeditionary Force perf=11
7/18/1945 40c issue=Brazilian Expeditionary Force perf=11
7/18/1945 1cr issue=Brazilian Expeditionary Force perf=11
9/3/1945 1.20cr gray issue=Third Inter-American Radio Conference d=radio tower, map of Americas, Sugarloaf perf=11
9/18/1946 40c issue=Constitution of 1946 adoption perf=11x12
4/17/1956 60c issue=Mococa city 100th perf=11.75
10/8/1956 2.50cr issue=Baron de Bocaina 100th perf=11.75
4/18/1957 2.50cr dkbrn issue=100th Anniversary of the Spiritualism Code d=Allan Kardec perf=11.75
12/1957 2.50cr ltbl issue=Tamandare 150th d=Almirante Tamandaré & Brazilian cruiser Almirante Tamandaré (C12)
12/10/1957 2.50cr dkprusgrn issue=Sarapui radio station opening d=Sarapui radio station
1958 3.50cr dkgrn issue=Tamandare 150th d=NAeL Minas Gerais
1/28/1958 2.50cr issue=150 years of opening ports to friendly nations
4/1/1958 2.50cr grn issue=150th Anniversary Of Supreme Military Court perf=11.75
7/24/1958 2.50cr sep issue=47th inter-parliamentary conference perf=11.75
8/1/1958 2.50cr redbrn issue=Júlio Bueno Brandão 100th perf=11.75
10/6/1958 2.50cr dkbl issue=Getílio Vargas - Law of Petrobrás perf=11.75
10/12/1960 2.50cr issue=Paulo de Frontin 100th perf=11.5x10.75
10/15/1960 2.50cr issue=10th Pan-American Railways Congress perf=11.5x10.75
10/18/1960 2.50cr d=woman athlete perf=11.5x10.75
11/11/1960 11cr issue=World Volleyball Championships 1960 perf=11.5x10.75
12/16/1960 2.50cr issue=industry&commerce fair perf=11.75
3/13/1961 2.50cr bl issue=Order of the Blessed Heart of Mary 50th
6/20/1961 5cr sep issue=War Arsenal 150th
(plus 2 more) (See all uses as list)