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WNS catalog - Christmas Island

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
CX001.02 postage 1/8/2002 45c multi issue=Year of the Horse 2002 unwmk 1
CX002.02 1/8/2002 $1.35 1
CX003.02 1/8/2002 5c issue=Year of the Horse 2002 b d=Rat 2 1
CX004.02 1/8/2002 5c d=ox 2 2
CX005.02 1/8/2002 5c d=tiger (2002) 2 3
CX006.02 1/8/2002 5c d=rabbit (2002) 2 4
CX007.02 1/8/2002 15c d=dragon (2002) 2 1
CX008.02 1/8/2002 15c d=snake (2002) 2 2
CX009.02 1/8/2002 15c d=horse (2002) (2002) 2 3
CX010.02 1/8/2002 15c d=goat (2002) 2 4
CX011.02 1/8/2002 25c d=monkey (2002) 2 1
CX012.02 1/8/2002 25c d=rooster 2 2
CX013.02 1/8/2002 25c d=dog 2 3
CX014.02 1/8/2002 25c d=pig (2002) 2 4
CX015.02 5/1/2002 45c issue=WWF dt=Christmas Island birds d=C.I. Hawk-Owl 1 2
CX016.02 5/1/2002 45c d=Christmas Island Imperial Pigeon 1 1
CX017.02 5/1/2002 $1 d=Christmas Island Goshawk 1
CX018.02 5/1/2002 $1.50 d=Christmas Island Thrush 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18