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WNS catalog - New Caledonia

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
NC001.02 postage 2/8/2002 100fr multi issue=Year of the Horse 2002 unwmk 1
NC002.02 2/8/2002 70fr 1
NC003.02 2/8/2002 70fr d=seahorse (2002) 1 0
NC004.02 2/14/2002 100fr issue=St Valentine's Day 2002 1
NC005.02 3/12/2002 100fr d=cricket (2002)
NC006.02 3/21/2002 505fr d=Antique axe
NC007.02 4/2/2002 70fr issue=Hobie Cat 16 World Championships 2002 1
NC008.02 4/15/2002 5fr dkvio issue=2002 1
NC009.02 5/16/2002 30fr multi issue=sea turtles..New Caledonia) d=Caretta caretta (2002) 1
NC010.02 5/16/2002 70fr d=Eretmochelys imbricata (2002) 1
NC011.02 5/16/2002 70fr d=Dermochelys coriacea (2002 New Caledonia) 1 0
NC012.02 5/16/2002 30fr d=Chelonia mydas (2002 New Caledonia) 1
NC013.02 5/16/2002 100fr issue=World Cup 2002 2
NC014.02 6/14/2002 70fr issue=The king of coffee d=coffea arabica 1
NC015.02 6/14/2002 70fr d=processing 1 0
NC016.02 6/14/2002 70fr d=coffee cup 1 0
NC017.02 6/14/2002 210fr d=corvette Alcmène & map of New Caledonia
NC018.02 7/18/2002 10fr d=Emma Piffault
NC019.02 8/30/2002 70fr d=Edmond Caillard & telescope
NC020.02 8/30/2002 70fr d=Circus lights 0
NC021.02 9/19/2002 100fr issue=Sperm Whales in ..e headed Whale (Physeter macrocephalus) 1
NC022.02 9/19/2002 100fr 1 0
NC023.02 9/19/2002 70fr d=Mariotti, from the sp..word - Author Jean Mariotti (1901-1975)
NC024.02 11/8/2002 100fr issue=International Year of Mountains d=mountain chain 1
NC025.02 11/8/2002 1000fr d=Yesterday a Powder the local Gendarmes' Headquarters
NC026.02 11/8/2002 100fr d=Family photo - Festive Striped jerseys
NC027.02 11/29/2002 100fr d=Adrien Trohmae, Between tradition and innovation

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17