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WNS catalog - Solomon Islands

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
SB001.02 postage 1/31/2002 $1 multi issue=WWF dt=grey cuscus unwmk 1
SB002.02 1/31/2002 $1.70 1
SB003.02 1/31/2002 $2.30 1
SB004.02 1/31/2002 $5 1
SB005.02 2/6/2002 $1 issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th a wmk=crown & CA spiral 1
SB006.02 2/6/2002 $1.90 1
SB007.02 2/6/2002 $2.10 1
SB008.02 2/6/2002 $2.30 1
SB009.02 2/6/2002 $10 issue=Queen Elizabeth II reign 50th b 2
SB010.02 2/8/2002 $1 issue=PhilaKorea 2002 dt=C..cowrie Cypraea cribraria perf=14.1x14.5 1 1
SB011.02 2/8/2002 $1 d=Kitten Cowrie 1 2
SB012.02 2/8/2002 $1 d=Stolid Cowrie 1 3
SB013.02 2/8/2002 $1.90 d=Tapering Cowrie 1 4
SB014.02 2/8/2002 $1.90 1 5
SB015.02 2/8/2002 $1.90 1 6
SB016.02 2/8/2002 $2.30 1 7
SB017.02 2/8/2002 $2.30 1 8
SB018.02 2/8/2002 $2.30 1 9
SB019.02 2/8/2002 $10 1 10
SB020.02 8/5/2002 $2.30 issue=Queen Mother memorial unwmk 1 2
SB021.02 xlink Colnect 352034-Queen_Mother_1900-2002-Death_of_Queen_Mother-Solomon_Islands
SB022.02 postage 8/5/2002 $5 multi issue=Queen wmk=crown & CA spiral perf=14.5x14.3 1 3
SB023.02 8/5/2002 $5 1 4
SB024.02 5/23/2002 $1 issue=Methodist Mission 100th unwmk 1
SB025.02 5/23/2002 $1.70 1
SB026.02 5/23/2002 $2.10 1
SB027.02 5/23/2002 $2.30 1
SB028.02 5/23/2002 $5 perf=14.3 1
SB029.02 6/17/2002 $2.10 issue=United We Stand perf=13.5 1
SB030.02 7/7/2002 $4 issue=Year of the Horse 2002 dt=horses (2002 Solomon Islands) 1
SB031.02 7/7/2002 $4 1 0
SB032.02 xlink Colnect 352045-Rear_Admiral_Norman_Scot..iversary_of_Guadalcanal-Solomon_Islands
SB033.02 postage 8/7/2002 $5 multi issue=Battle of Guadalcanal 60th unwmk perf=14x14.3 1 6
SB034.02 8/7/2002 $5 1 7
SB035.02 8/7/2002 $5 1 8
SB036.02 11/25/2002 $1 issue=Christmas 2002 perf=14 1
SB037.02 11/25/2002 $2.10 1
SB038.02 11/25/2002 $2.30 1
SB039.02 11/25/2002 $5 1
SB040.02 2/8/2003 $1.35+3 issue=World AIDS Day 2003 1
SB001.03 3/17/2003 $2.00+$5.00 issue=Cyclones Zoe and Beri Relief Fund 1
SB002.03 7/8/2003 $1.50 issue=Solomon Islands &..blic of China Diplomatic Relations 20th 1
SB003.03 7/8/2003 $2.10 1
SB001.11 2/12/2011 $1.00 multi issue=Indipex 20..=sieve cowrie Cypraea cribraria perf=14 1
SB002.11 2/12/2011 $1.00 d=Kitten Cowrie Cypraea felina 1 0
SB003.11 2/12/2011 $1.00 1 0
SB004.11 2/12/2011 $1.90 1
SB005.11 2/12/2011 $1.90 1 0
SB006.11 2/12/2011 $1.90 1 0
SB007.11 2/12/2011 $2.30 1
SB008.11 2/12/2011 $2.30 1 0
SB009.11 2/12/2011 $2.30 1 0
SB010.11 7/15/2011 $15.00 issue=Royal Wedding 2011 1
SB011.11 7/15/2011 $15.00 1 0
SB012.11 7/15/2011 $7.50 1
SB013.11 7/15/2011 $7.50 1 0
SB001.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Diamond Jubilee of Elizabeth II 1
SB002.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 1 0
SB003.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 1 0
SB004.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 1 0
SB005.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 1
SB006.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Solomon Islands Cathedrals perf=13.5 2
SB007.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 2 0
SB008.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 2 0
SB009.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 2 0
SB010.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 2
SB011.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Desmond Tutu 3
SB012.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 3 0
SB013.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 3 0
SB014.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 3 0
SB015.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 3
SB016.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Birds of Solomon ..ands 2012 d=Rhipidura leucophrys (2012) 4
SB017.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Myzomela cardinalis (2012) 4 0
SB018.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Cinnyris jugularis (2012 Solomon Islands) 4 0
SB019.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Rhipidura rufifrons (2012) 4 0
SB020.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Pachycephala pectoralis (2012) 4
SB021.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Birds of Prey 2012 d=Aviceda subcristata 5
SB022.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Haliastur indus (2012) 5 0
SB023.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Haliastur sphenurus 5 0
SB024.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Haliaeetus leucogaster (2012 Solomon Islands) 5 0
SB025.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Circus approximans (2012) 5
SB026.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Reptiles and Amph..olomon Islands d=Acrochordus granulatus 6
SB027.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Crocodylus porosus (2012) 6 0
SB028.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Corucia zebrata 6 0
SB029.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Ceratobatrachus guentheri 6 0
SB030.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Cyrtodactylus biordinis 6
SB031.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Dinosaurs 2012 d=Dimorphodon (2012) 7
SB032.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Kentrosaurus (2012) 7 0
SB033.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Spinosaurus (2012) 7 0
SB034.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Liopleurodon (2012) 7 0
SB035.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Tyrannosaurus rex (2012) 7
SB036.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Dolphins 2012 d=Stenella longirostris (2012) 8
SB037.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Tursiops truncatus (2012 Solomon Islands) 8 0
SB038.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Stenella coeruleoalba (2012) 8 0
SB039.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Sousa chinensis (2012) 8 0
SB040.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Stenella atteanuata 8
SB041.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Whales 2012 d=Balaenoptera edeni (2012) 9
SB042.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Megaptera novaeangliae (2012) 9 0
SB043.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Mesoplodon densirostris (2012) 9 0
SB044.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Balaenoptera edeni (2012) 9 0
SB045.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 9
SB046.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Owls 2012 d=Tyto alba (2012 Solomon Islands) 10
SB047.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 10 0
SB048.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Ninox jacquinoti 10 0
SB049.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Nesasio solomonensis 10 0
SB050.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Tyto alba (2012 Solomon Islands) 10
SB051.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Bats of Solomon Islands d=Myotis adversus 11
SB052.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Pipistrellus angulatus 11 0
SB053.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Myotis adversus 11 0
SB054.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Pteropus admiralitatum 11 0
SB055.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Saccolaimus saccolaimus 11
SB056.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Lapita Pottery d=..tery fragment 1000 BC from Reef Islands 12
SB057.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Conus gloriamus & Pottery shard showing human figures 12 0
SB058.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Lycina aurantium & Pottery fragment 1000 BC from Reef Islands 12 0
SB059.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Nautilus pompilius & Typical Dentate stamping 12 0
SB060.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Murex pecten & Lapita pottery ornament 12
SB061.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Orchids 2012 d=Laelia harpophylla 13
SB062.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Cypripedium parviflorum 13 0
SB063.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Chysis bractescens 13 0
SB064.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Laelia anceps (2012) 13 0
SB065.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Cypripedium pubescens 13
SB066.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Butterflies of Solomon Islands d=Papilio toboroi perf=13.5 14
SB067.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Ornithoptera victoriae (2012) 14 0
SB068.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Vindula sapor (2012) 14 0
SB069.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Graphium hicetaon 14 0
SB070.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Papilio aegeus aegeus (2012) 14
SB071.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Solomon Islands Reef Fish d=Chaetodon meyeri 15
SB072.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Chaetodon ephippium (2012) 15 0
SB073.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Acanthurus lineatus (2012) 15 0
SB074.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Chaetodon ocellicaudus 15 0
SB075.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Heniochus acuminatus (2012) 15
SB076.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Turtles 2012 d=Chelonia mydas (2012 Solomon Islands) 16
SB077.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Eretmochelys imbricata (2012 Solomon Islands) 16 0
SB078.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Caretta caretta (2012) 16 0
SB079.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Lepidochelys olivacea (2012 Solomon Islands) 16 0
SB080.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Dermochelys cariacea 16
SB081.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Volcanoes of Solomon Islands d=cerussite & Simbo Island 17
SB082.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Kavachi & mimetite with wulfenite 17 0
SB083.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Tinakula and Smithsonite 17 0
SB084.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Kana Keoki Volcano and Tsumcorite 17 0
SB085.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Tinakula and mimetite with Smithsonite 17
SB086.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Royal Charity d=Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) 18
SB087.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Prince Harry of Wales 18 0
SB088.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Prince William Duke o..ridge & Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge 18 0
SB089.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 18 0
SB090.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Diana, Princess of Wales (1961-1997) 18
SB091.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Maritime History d=Canoe in Solomon Islands 19
SB092.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 19 0
SB093.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=galleon (2012) 19 0
SB094.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Spanish galleon (2012) 19 0
SB095.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Alvaro de Mendana de Neyra 19
SB096.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=70th Anniversary ..alcanal Campaign d=Harold William Bauer 20
SB097.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Jefferson Joseph DeBlanc 20 0
SB098.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Mitchell Paige 20 0
SB099.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=John Basilone (2012) 20 0
SB100.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Alexander Archer Vandegrift 20
SB101.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=50th Memorial Anniversary of Marilyn Monroe 21
SB102.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 21 0
SB103.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 21 0
SB104.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 21 0
SB105.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 21
SB106.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Lighthouses of Oc..ra North Head & Chlidonias albostriatus 22 1
SB107.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Cape Liptrap Lighthouse & Chroicocephalus scopulinus 22 2
SB108.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Maatsuyker Island & Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae 22 3
SB109.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 d=Cape Campbell Lighthouse & Sterna anaethetus 22 4
SB110.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 d=Cape Reinga & Gelochelidon nilatica 22
SB111.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Centenary of RMS Titanic perf=13.5 23
SB112.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 23 0
SB113.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 23 0
SB114.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 23 0
SB115.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 23
SB116.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 issue=Olympics 2012 24
SB117.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 24 0
SB118.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 24 0
SB119.12 6/5/2012 $9.00 24 0
SB120.12 6/5/2012 $27.00 24
SB001.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 issue=180th Anniversary of Death of Edouard Manet 1
SB002.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 1
SB003.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 1 0
SB004.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 1 0
SB005.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 1 0
SB006.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=435th Anniversary of Peter Paul Rubens 2
SB007.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 2
SB008.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 2 0
SB009.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 2 0
SB010.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 2 0
SB011.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=50th Anniversary of First American in Orbit 3
SB012.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 3
SB013.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 3 0
SB014.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 3 0
SB015.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 3 0
SB016.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 d=Valentina Tereshkova (2013)
SB017.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 issue=55th Anniversary of Sputnik 1 d=Sputnik 1 4
SB018.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 4 0
SB019.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 4 0
SB020.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 4 0
SB021.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=Rugby in Solomon Islands 5
SB022.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 5
SB023.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 5 0
SB024.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 5 0
SB025.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 5 0
SB026.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 issue=Football 2012 6
SB027.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 6
SB028.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 6 0
SB029.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 6 0
SB030.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 6 0
SB031.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 issue=Rotary in Solomon Islands 7
SB032.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 7
SB033.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 7 0
SB034.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 7 0
SB035.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 7 0
SB036.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 issue=50th Anniversary of Second Vatican Council 8
SB037.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 8
SB038.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 8 0
SB039.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 8 0
SB040.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 8 0
SB041.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=Diana Princess of Wales 9
SB042.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 9
SB043.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 9 0
SB044.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 9 0
SB045.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 9 0
SB046.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=History of Chess 10
SB047.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 10
SB048.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 10 0
SB049.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 10 0
SB050.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 10 0
SB051.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 issue=The Asia-Pacific Scout Region 11
SB052.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 11
SB053.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 11 0
SB054.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 11 0
SB055.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 11 0
SB056.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 issue=Solomon Islands Marine Life d=Amphiprion percula (2013) 12
SB057.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Cetoscarus bicolor (2013) 12
SB058.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Sargocentron spiniferum (2013) 12 0
SB059.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Arothron nigropunctatus (2013) 12 0
SB060.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Pseudanthias huchtii 12 0
SB061.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 issue=Domestic Cats 2013 d=Devon Rex (2013) 13
SB062.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Manx (2013) 13 1
SB063.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Bambino 13 2
SB064.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Bengal cat (2013) 13 3
SB065.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Sphynx 13 4
SB066.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 issue=Domestic dogs o..ific islands d=Australian kelpie (2013) 14
SB067.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Australian terrier (2013 Solomon Islands) 14
SB068.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Australian Silky Terrier 14 0
SB069.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Tenterfield Terrier 14 0
SB070.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dog 14 0
SB071.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 issue=Birds of Solomo..lands 2013 d=Caloenas nicobarica (2013) 15
SB072.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Ptiloris paradiseus 15
SB073.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Caloenas nicobarica (2013) 15 0
SB074.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Ptilinopus richardsii 15 0
SB075.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Cacomantis variolosus 15 0
SB076.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 d=Pachycephala pectoralis (2013) 15
SB077.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Ardea modesta 15
SB078.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Ptilinopus superbus 15 0
SB079.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Vini australis (2013) 15 0
SB080.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 d=Caloenas nicobarica (2013) 15
SB081.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 issue=Corals of Solomon Islands d=Sebae Anemone 16
SB082.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Dendrophthya 16
SB083.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Sinularia 16 0
SB084.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Corals of Solomon Islands
SB085.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 0
SB086.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 issue=Corals of Solomon Islands d=Stylaster californicus 16
SB087.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Acanthastrea lordhowensis 16
SB088.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Lesser Valley Coral Platygyra daedalea 16 0
SB089.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Flower Coral Alveopora tizardi 16 0
SB090.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Branch Coral Acropora florida 16 0
SB091.13 2/15/2013 $24.00 issue=Solomon Islands Fauna d=Phyllomedusa sauvagii 17
SB092.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Grampus griseus (2013) 17
SB093.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Stenella attenuata (2013) 17 0
SB094.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Megaptera novaeangliae (2013) 17 0
SB095.13 2/15/2013 $5.00 d=Dugong dugon (2013) 17 0
SB096.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=Mushrooms 2013 d=Agaricus dulcidulus perf=13.5 18
SB097.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=Trametes versicolor 18
SB098.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=Coprinopsis atramentaria 18 0
SB099.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=Amanita rubescens (2013) 18 0
SB100.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=Phellodon confluens 18 0
SB101.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=National Traditions of Solomon Islands d=The Bamboo Bang 19
SB102.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=Canoe Prow carving 19
SB103.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=breastplate 19 0
SB104.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=The Pan Pipers 19 0
SB105.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=The Mask Men 19 0
SB106.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 issue=Steam Trains d=LMS Princess Coronation 20
SB107.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=KC Class 20
SB108.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Cambrian Coast Express 20 0
SB109.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Duchess of Hamilton 20 0
SB110.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 d=Flying Scotsman locomotive 20 0
SB111.13 2/15/2013 $28.00 issue=World's Largest Cruise Ships d=Norwegian Epic 21
SB112.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=Freedom of the Seas (2013) 21 1
SB113.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=Carnival Magic 21 2
SB114.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=MSC Splendida (2013) 21 3
SB115.13 2/15/2013 $6.00 d=RMS Queen Mary 2 21 4
SB116.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 issue=WWF - White Cockatoos 22
SB117.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 22 0
SB118.13 2/15/2013 $7.00 22 0
SB119.13 2/15/2013 $35.00 22
SB120.13 xlink Colnect 534618-The_Circus_1890-91-Great_Impressionists_2013-Solomon_Islands
SB121.13 postage 3/29/2013 $7.00 multi issue=Im..of La Grande Jatte (2013) unwmk perf=13 1
SB122.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 d=by Georges Seurat 1 0
SB123.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB124.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB125.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1
SB126.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB127.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB128.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB129.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB130.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Alfred Sisley 1
SB131.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB132.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB133.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB134.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB135.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=Vase with Twelve Sunflowers - Vincent Van Gogh 1
SB136.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 d=by Vincent Van Gogh 1
SB137.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB138.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB139.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB140.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Gustav Caillebotte 1
SB141.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB142.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB143.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB144.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB145.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Camille Pissaro 1
SB146.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB147.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB148.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB149.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB150.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Mary Cassatt 1
SB151.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB152.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB153.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB154.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB155.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Armand Guillaumin 1
SB156.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB157.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB158.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB159.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB160.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Edgar Degas 1
SB161.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB162.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB163.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB164.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB165.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Claude Monet 1
SB166.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB167.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB168.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB169.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB170.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Paul Cezanne 1
SB171.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB172.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB173.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB174.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB175.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Fredric Bazille 1
SB176.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB177.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB178.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB179.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB180.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Berth Marisot 1
SB181.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB182.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB183.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB184.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB185.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Edouard Manet 1
SB186.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB187.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB188.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB189.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB190.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Emile Bernard 1
SB191.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB192.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB193.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB194.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB195.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Henri de Toulouse-lautrec 1
SB196.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB197.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB198.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB199.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB200.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Paul Signac 1
SB201.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB202.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB203.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB204.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB205.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Georges Lemmen 1
SB206.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB207.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB208.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB209.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB210.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Theo Van Rysselberghe 1
SB211.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB212.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 d=The Violinist, by Theo van Rysselberghe 1 0
SB213.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 d=by Theo Van Rysselberghe 1 0
SB214.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB215.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=by Felix Valloton 1
SB216.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB217.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB218.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB219.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 d=Post Impressionists - Felix Valloton 1 0
SB220.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=Post Impressionists - Paul Serusier 1
SB221.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB222.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB223.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB224.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB225.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=self portrait by Pierre Bonnard 1
SB226.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 d=Post Impressionists - Pierre Bonnard 1
SB227.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB228.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB229.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB230.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=Post Impressionists - Henri Edmond Goss 1
SB231.13 xlink Colnect 534729-Canal_de_la_Guidecca_-_V..ost_Impressionists_2013-Solomon_Islands
SB232.13 postage 3/29/2013 $7.00 issue=Impressi..nists - Henri Edmond Goss unwmk perf=13 1
SB233.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB234.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB235.13 3/29/2013 $35.00 d=Post Impressionists - Paul Gauguin 1
SB236.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1
SB237.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB238.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0
SB239.13 3/29/2013 $7.00 1 0

Prefixes: 02, 03, 11, 12, 13