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WNS catalog - Zimbabwe

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
ZW001.04 postage 2/17/2004 $500 multi d=Environment Africa unwmk
ZW002.04 2/17/2004 $3000.00 d=Environment - Sondela
ZW003.04 2/17/2004 $4200.00 d=Environment - Water
ZW004.04 2/17/2004 $5400.00 d=Environment - Trees
ZW005.04 4/6/2004 $1500.00 dt=medals of Zimbabwe d=Independence Medal
ZW006.04 4/6/2004 $9000.00 d=Bronze Cross of Zimbabwe
ZW007.04 4/6/2004 $13000.00 d=Silver Cross of Zimbabwe
ZW008.04 4/6/2004 $16500.00 d=Gold Cross of Zimbabwe
ZW009.04 7/20/2004 $1500 dt=aloes (2004) d=Aloe ballii
ZW010.04 7/20/2004 $3000 d=Aloe rhodesiana
ZW011.04 7/20/2004 $9000 d=Aloe greatheadii
ZW012.04 7/20/2004 $10000 d=Aloe ortholopha
ZW013.04 7/20/2004 $13000 d=Aloe inyangensis
ZW014.04 7/20/2004 $16500 d=Aloe arborescens
ZW015.04 9/20/2004 $2300 issue=Simon Vengai Muzenda death 1st d=Simon Vengai Muzenda 1
ZW016.04 9/20/2004 $12000 1
ZW017.04 9/20/2004 $17000 1
ZW018.04 9/20/2004 $22000 1
ZW019.04 10/11/2004 $17000 issue=SAPOA d=Africa..le (National Bird of Namibia) perf=14.5 1
ZW020.04 10/11/2004 $2300 d=African fish eagle (National Bird of Zimbabwe) 1
ZW021.04 10/11/2004 $9000 d=peregrine falcon (National Bird of Angola) 1
ZW022.04 10/11/2004 $5000 d=cattle egret (National bird of Botswana) 1
ZW023.04 10/11/2004 $1000 d=Purple-crested Lourie (National bird of Swaziland) 1
ZW024.04 10/11/2004 $3000 d=blue crane (National bird of South Africa) 1
ZW025.04 10/11/2004 $12000 d=bar-tailed trogon (2004) 1
ZW026.04 10/11/2004 $500 d=African fish eagle (National Bird of Zambia) 1
ZW027.04 10/26/2004 $4600 issue=Conservation Practices in Zimbabwe d=Kingston chigidhani 1
ZW028.04 10/26/2004 $33500 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15