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Colombian peso (Colombia usage only)

Name: Colombian peso
Defn: 100c=1p
Symbol: $
Code: COP
Units of money:
centavo c 1
peso p, $ 100

Users of this currency: Colombia (4484 stamps, 3000-2023), Antioquia (182 stamps, 1868-1984), Bolivar (193 stamps, 1863-1904), Boyaca (21 stamps, 1899-1904), Cucuta (18 stamps, 1903-1906), Cundinamarca (53 stamps, 1870-1904), Santander (44 stamps, 1884-1907), Tolima (118 stamps, 1870-1903), Panama (140 stamps, 1878-1905) Show with all usages

Denominations used by Colombia in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
A 1   7/19/1988 grnbl issue=Atlantic Sailfish d=Istiophorus americanus
B 1   7/19/1988 viobl issue=Atlantic Sailfish d=Istiophorus americanus
1/4c 6   1939 dpbl issue=1939 postal tax ... 1946 sep issue=1945 postal tax
1/2c 14   1904 yel issue=1904 d=numeral (1904 Colombia) var=Lit. Medellin ... 1946 mag issue=1945 postal tax
0.01p 1   1953 issue=1953 air b oc=blk on=0.02p
= 1c 53   1865 cl issue=1865 d=arms of Colombia (1865) ... 10/18/1957 dkgrn d=St Vincent de Paul
1.30c 1   10/5/1972 oc=blk on=1.90c
1 1/2c 1   1923 choc d=arms of Colombia (1920)
2c 58   1871 brn issue=1870 dt=arms of Colombia (1870) d=numeral (1871) ... 1959 bl&redbrn issue=1959
2 1/2c 3   1859 grn d=arms 1859 (1859) ... 1869 blk pc=vio d=arms of Colombia (1869)
3c 18   1918 red d=arms 1918 ... 1959 dkbrn&pur issue=1959
4c 15   1902 bl issue=1902d d=arms of Colombia (1902) ... 11/23/1957 pur issue=3rd South American Fencing Championships
5c 236   1859 vio d=arms 1859 (1859) ... 6/16/1966 dt=maritime mail history
5c+5c 1   5/1/1966 issue=Red Cross 1966
7c 1   1/26/1935 car issue=National Olympiad d=running (1935)
8c 6   1926 dkbl issue=1926 d=arms (1926) ... 5/6/1940 car issue=Santander death 100th
9c 1   4/16/1946 blgrn&red d=Sucre (1946)
0.10p 5   1920 brickred issue=1920 air c d=Looking at the mountains from the biplane ... 3/20/1920 grn issue=1920 air b d=Flier in Plane Watching Biplane
= 10c 204   1859 redbrn d=arms 1859 (1859) ... 6/15/1966 issue=History of Colombian Aviation
11c 1   1950 pnk issue=UPU 75th dt=orchids (1950) d=Miltonia vexillaria
12c 4   1/26/1935 dkbl issue=National Olympiad d=Mole ... 1937 dpbl d=Tequendama Falls
14c 1   11/1953 issue=Chorographic Commission 100th d=Manuel Ancizar
15c 124   11/11/1921 bl issue=1921 air b d=Landscape with Airplane ... 6/16/1966 dt=maritime mail history
18c 2   1/26/1935 dkpur&yel issue=National Olympiad d=baseball (1935), 1950 bl issue=UPU 75th dt=orchids (1950)
20c 250   1859 bl d=arms 1859 (1859) ... 9/3/1974 brn
23c 6   10/10/1952 bl&grayblk issue=Manizales 100th d=Cathedral of Manizales ... 1956 viobl&red issue=Departmental d=Rice-farm
24c 1   1/26/1935 blgrn&ultra issue=National Olympiad d=swimming
25c 31   1870 blk pc=bl issue=1870 dt=arms of Colombia (1870) d=arms of Colombia (1870) ... 8/22/1968 issue=Pope Paul VI Visit to Colombia
30c 117   1920 brickred issue=1920 air c d=Winking Pilot Overprinted ... 9/12/1970 d=greek mask
0.35p 1   2/12/1960 issue=Humboldt death 100th d=giant anteater
= 35c 19   12/6/1954 brn issue=College 300th ... 7/19/1962 issue=Women's Franchise d=La Pola (monument) & woman casting ballot
0.4p 1   6/10/1960 brn&blk issue=Lincoln 150th d=Abraham Lincoln statue (1960)
= 40c 27   orgyel ... 2/2/1967 issue=Bogota Declaration d=South America map & emblem
45c 3   5/25/1963 issue=Women's Franchise 1963 d=La Pola (monument) & woman casting ballot ... 2/10/1965 brn&blk issue=Manuel Mejia Commemoration
50c 150   1862 grn issue=1862 d=arms 1862 ... 4/11/1972 issue=Colombian Crafts and Products d=Knotwork
55c 1   10/11/1963 issue=30th South American Tennis Championships d=Tennis player
0.6p 1   6/10/1960 red&blk issue=Lincoln 150th d=Abraham Lincoln statue (1960)
= 60c 96   1923 yelbrn issue=1923 consular V d=Seaplane over Magdalena River V ... 12/13/1973 issue=150th Anniversary of the Death of General Antonio Narino d=JMEspinoza General Antonio Nariño
70c 2   10/30/1952 issue=1st Latin-American Congress of Iron Specialists oc=blk on=80c, 10/29/1969 issue=13th Latin-American Neurological Congress
80c 28   6/1/1929 brtgrn issue=1929 air d=Magdalena River & Tolima Volcano ... 7/26/1975 issue=Santa Maria 400th d=Santa Marta Cathedral
1p 161   1859 rose pc=bl d=arms 1859 (1859) ... 12/3/1976 issue=50th Anniversary of Colombian Rotary Club
1.10p 13   5/20/1971 issue=400th Anniversary of Guacari ... 9/28/1975 issue=Rafael Nuñez 150th d=Rafael Nuñez (1975)
1.20p 13   6/26/1959 issue=1959 Miss Universe Pageant d=Luz Marina Zuluaga ... 12/20/1976 d=arms of Tunja
1,30p 1   7/20/1960 issue=Colombian independence 150th d=First edition of the newspaper La Bagatela
= 1.30p 34   1961 issue=Cauca 50th ... 11/14/1974 issue=100th Anniversary of UPU dt=Colombian Birds d=Ramphastos sulfuratus (1974)
= 1.3p 1   2/12/1960 issue=Humboldt death 100th d=Dasypus novemcinctus (1960)
1.40p 2   6/15/1966 issue=History of Colombian Aviation, 10/25/1966 issue=Visits of Chilean and Venezuelan Presidents d=arms of Venezuela, arms of Colombia, arms of Chile
1.45p 7   2/12/1960 issue=Humboldt death 100th d=blue parrotfish Scarus coeruleus ... 4/12/1962 gray&bl issue=anti-malaria
1.50p 18   12/5/1959 red&gray issue=40th Anniversary of Colombian "AVIANCA" Airmail Services ... 10/14/1977 issue=90th Anniversary of Society of Colombian Engineers
1.60p 1   10/13/1967 issue=UPU committee meeting
1.65p 1   7/20/1960 grn&brn issue=Colombian independence 150th d=Antonia Santos, Acevedo Gomez and Libori…
1p67c 1   10/10/1944 issue=Benevolent Association 75th d=sheet
1.70p 2   1/18/1967 yel&pur issue=Famous Colombians d=Jose Joaquin Casas, 6/15/1973 issue=Inauguration of Museum of Pre-Colombian Antiques, Bogota
1.80p 1   8/22/1968 issue=Pope Paul VI Visit to Colombia d=Bogotá Cathedral arms of Bogotá
1.90p 1   8/30/1963 bl&olbrn issue=300th Anniversary of Pereira
2p 112   1917 org issue=1917 d=Rufino Cuervo ... 12/1/1977 oc=blk on=1.30p
2.30p 1   7/24/1969 issue=150th Anniversary of Independence d=Triumphal entry of the Liberation Army in Bogotá
2.50p 11   5/28/1960 brn&bl issue=8th Pan-American Highway Congress d=Pan-American Highway through Colombia ... 11/28/1978 issue=Christmas 1978
2.80p 1   8/25/1966 dt=fishes (1966 Colombia) d=Holacanthus isabelita (1966)
3p 99   12/19/1921 vio issue=1921 air c d=airplane over Bogotá Cathedral (1921) ... 11/30/1979 issue=Christmas 1979
3.50p 8   11/28/1969 issue=50th Anniversary of Avianca ... 11/21/1978 issue=Calima Culture
4p 40   8/10/1971 issue=EXFICALI 71 ... 4/25/1980 issue=learn to write d=eagle & a
4.50p 1   8/5/1974 issue=2nd World Swimming Championships
5p 139   1866 blk dt=arms of Colombia (1866) d=arms of Colombia (1866 5p) ... 10/4/1982 issue=800th Anniversary of the Death of St. Francis of Assisi d=St. Francis of Assisi
6p 3   12/29/1976 issue=150th Anniversary of Panama Congress ... 10/6/1978 issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of General Tomas Cipriano de Mosquera d=Gen Tomás Cipriano de Mosquera
7p 56   1/6/1979 issue=Manizales Fair ... 12/10/1982 grn<gray issue=Award of Nobel Prize for Literature to Gabriel Garcia Marquez d=Gabriel García Márquez 1927-2014 writer & journalist
8p 7   8/17/1977 issue=150th Anniversary of the Death of Ludwig van Beethoven ... 10/31/1979 issue=120th Anniversary of the Birth of Rafael Uribe Uribe d=Rafael Uribe Uribe (1979)
9p 34   8/16/1978 issue=50th Anniversary of Presidential Guard Battalion ... 8/18/1983 issue=200th Anniversary of Royal Botanical Expedition from Spain to South America d=Cinchona lanceifolia
10p 55   1866 blk dt=arms of Colombia (1866) d=arms of Colombia (1866 10p) ... 5/17/1984 issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Jose Prudencio Padilla
11p 3   8/9/1978 issue=1000th Anniversary of Castilian Language
12p 15   7/19/1979 issue=International Year of the Child ... 4/12/1985 dt=fauna (1985) d=Hydrochoerus hydrochaens
1234 11   7/16/1971 issue=6th Pan-American Games / EXFICALI 71 ... 10/30/2020 issue=National Parks of Colombia 2020 d
14p 4   11/16/1979 issue=Tourism 1979 d=Perf: 14 ... 4/12/1985 dt=fauna (1985) d=Dryocopus lineatus nuperus
15p 12   10/23/1979 issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Sir Rowland Hill ... 12/4/1985 issue=Christmas 1985 d=Child with toys
16p 1   12/7/1982 d=Rio Negro 4th Cent
18p 7   12/11/1981 issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Andres Bello ... 5/30/1986 issue=Jose Asuncion Silva d=Jose Asuncion Silva
20p 29   8/25/1966 dt=fishes (1966 Colombia) d=Scomberomorus cavalla ... 11/6/1986 ultra d=Vultur gryphus (1986)
22p 1   12/21/1984 issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Luis Eduardo Lopez de Mesa d=Luis Eduardo Lopez de Mesa
23p 2   12/7/1982 d=Honda, 12/10/1982 ultra<gray issue=Award of Nobel Prize for Literature to Gabriel Garcia Marquez
24p 3   1/31/1986 issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo d=Alfonso Lopez Pumarejo (1986) ... 6/19/1986 issue=Death of Fernando Gomez Martinez d=Fernando Gomez Martinez
25p 26   12/1/1959 bl&red issue=1959 unification ... 7/31/1987 yel&red issue=1987
30p 20   12/21/1976 issue=200th Anniversary of American Revolution ... 5/12/1988 grn issue=40th Anniversary of Declaration of Human Rights
35p 8   12/1/1981 issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Jose Manuel Restrepo ... 9/20/1988 blkol issue=Nature Conservation 1988 d=Monachus tropicalis (1988)
37p 1   2/25/1985 issue=Pedro Nel Gomez memorial d="Married Couple" - Pedro Nel Gomez
40p 13   8/18/1983 issue=200th Anniversary of Royal Botanical Expedition from Spain to South America d=Begonia urticae ... 8/17/1996 issue=50th Anniversary of Society of Colombian Authors and Composers
45p 15   11/2/1984 issue=45th Congress of Americanists, Bogota ... 12/10/1989 issue=Human Rights
50p 14   1903 orgyel d=arms (1903) ... 10/26/2022 issue=60th Anniversary of Mosquera-Cundimarca
55p 8   8/29/1985 dt=fauna (1985) d=Momotus momota (1985) ... 12/27/1989 issue=Christmas 1989
60p 21   11/25/1981 d=West Bridge, Santa Fe de Antioquia ... 9/29/1990 issue=100th Anniversary of Salesian Brothers in Colombia d=St. John Bosco
70p 20   7/17/1986 issue=Veneration of Bach, Handel and Schutz ... 8/7/1991 issue=Antanasio Girardot 200th
80p 20   11/27/1987 issue=1st Meeting of Eight Latin-American Presidents of Contadora and Lima Groups, Acapulco, Mexico ... 4/21/1992 issue=10th Anniversary of the Death of Indalecio Lievano Aguirre d=Indalecio Liévano Aguirre & UN flag
90p 11   9/2/1987 issue=33rd Anniversary of the Death of of Aurelio Martinez Mutis d=A Martínez Mutis 1884-1954 Andean Condor ... 3/11/1992 issue=Exports 1992
100p 63   1903 dkbl d=arms (1903) ... 9/25/2020 issue=25th Anniversary of the Reactivation of the Air Force of the National Army of Colombia
110p 16   4/3/1989 issue=International Coffee Organization ... 11/20/1992 issue=Christmas 1992
115p 3   12/27/1988 d=Andres Bello College ... 10/12/1989 issue=America 1989 d=Pre-Columbian art Natives while gold casting
120p 1   8/10/1988 issue=100th Anniversary of Return of Society of Jesus to St. Bartholomew's Senior College
130p 8   8/23/1989 issue=America 1989 d=Potter & Sinu ceramic figurine ... 6/27/1990 issue=100th Anniversary of International Union of American Republics
135p 1   8/6/1989 issue=100th Anniversary of Armenia
150p 12   2/16/1990 issue=50th Anniversary of Colombia National Radio ... 12/21/1993 issue=170th Anniversary of National Museum of Colombia
170p 5   7/26/1990 issue=50th Anniversary of Gold Museum ... 5/31/1991 issue=Whale d=Megaptera novaeangliae (1991)
176p 1   12/10/1989 issue=45th Anniversary of the Death of Joaquin Quijano Mantilla d=Joaquin Quijano Mantilla
180p 4   3/4/1994 dt=birds (1994 Colombia) d=Ognorhynchus icterotis (1994) ... 10/20/1994 issue=100th Anniversary of Colombian Society of Engineers
190p 7   4/18/1991 dt=butterflies (1991 Colombia) d=Heliconius longarenus ernestus ... 4/13/1992 issue=Copyright Protection
200p 25   7/1/1986 issue=Visit of Pope John Paul II ... 1/20/2021 issue=National Natural Parks of Colombia 2021
210p 3   8/24/1991 issue=Pre-Columbian Art ... 3/11/1992 issue=Exports 1992
220p 15   6/7/1993 issue=America Cup 1993 ... 12/18/1995 issue=Christmas 1995
230p 6   6/2/1992 issue=2nd U.N. Conference on Environment and Development ... 11/27/1992 issue=10th Anniversary of the Death of Gloria Lara
240p 3   3/4/1994 dt=birds (1994 Colombia) d=Rallus semiplumbeus ... 8/12/1994 issue=Census 1993
250p 8   12/12/1989 issue=170th Anniversary of the Beginning of the Liberation Campaign of Simon Bolivar ... 12/1/1993
260p 2   7/22/1992 issue=America 1992, 10/5/1992 issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America
270p 25   3/4/1994 dt=birds (1994 Colombia) d=Semnornis ramphastinus (1994) ... 4/4/1995 dt=Colombian Patriots d=Carlos Lleras Restrepo
300p 7   10/21/1982 issue=Tourism 1982 ... 11/22/1994 issue=Christmas 1994
330p 8   1/2/1995 issue=75th Anniversary of SCADTA ... 12/18/1995 issue=Christmas 1995
400p 28   10/5/1992 issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America ... 3/1/2009 issue=Corporate Stamp 4.72
440p 1   10/5/1992 issue=500th Anniversary of Discovery of America
460p 5   6/10/1993 issue=200th Anniversary of French Declaration of Human Rights ... 12/1/1993 issue=Tourism 1993
500p 152   5/3/1987 issue=450th Anniversary of Mompox City d=St Barbaras Church Mompox ... 12/16/2022 issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
520p 3   6/10/1993 issue=200th Anniversary of French Declaration of Human Rights ... 12/1/1993 issue=Tourism 1993
560p 4   3/4/1994 dt=birds (1994 Colombia) d=Anas cyanoptera borreroi ... 10/27/1994 issue=80th Anniversary of National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences
600p 27   3/9/1999 issue=America 1998 d=Soledad Roman de Nunez ... 5/1/2012 issue=50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Korea d=coffee (2012)
630p 2   3/21/1994 issue=International Decade for Natural Disaster Reduction, 6/16/1994 issue=4th Latin American Presidential Summit
650p 18   1/17/1995 issue=Flora and Fauna 1995 d=Iguana iguana (1995 Colombia) ... 10/9/2001 issue=United Nations Year of Dialogue among Civilizations
700p 1   7/18/1996 issue=150th Anniversary of National Capitol, Bogota
750p 9   1/17/1995 issue=Flora and Fauna 1995 ... 12/6/1995 issue=Myths and Legends
800p 34   6/10/1993 issue=200th Anniversary of French Declaration of Human Rights ... 3/18/2014 issue=Centenary of the Secondary School Gimnasio Moderno
830p 1   9/3/1991 issue=Atlantic Sailfish d=Istiophorus americanus
880p 1   8/5/1993 issue=Amazon
900p 7   4/26/1996 issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Policarpa Salavarrieta ... 7/23/1997 issue=Vegetable Ivory Palm Production Project d=Phytelephas seemannii
950p 2   4/2/1992 issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Francisco de Paula Santander, 4/14/1992 issue=EMS Stamps without Value
1000p 134   12/5/1997 issue=50th Anniversary of Colombian Society of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology ... 10/9/2022 issue=World Post Day 2022
1100p 26   12/30/1997 issue=America 1997 ... 8/5/2004 issue=Narino department
1110p 1   5/26/1994 issue=World Cup 1994
1200p 55   3/9/1999 issue=America 1998 d=Bertha Hernandez de Ospina ... 7/24/2012 issue=Department of Colombia - Cauca
1300p 36   4/16/1999 issue=Turtles 1999 dt=turtles (1999) d=Chelonia mydas (1999 Colombia) ... 10/9/2014 issue=150th Anniversary of the Official Diary
1400p 12   2/18/2002 issue=Children's Day 2002 d="Flower and Girl" - Diana Tovar Reyes ... 12/13/2013 issue=500th Anniversary of the Discovery of the Pacific Ocean
1500p 37   1/26/2006 issue=Pre-Hispanic Gold Artefacts 2006 dt=Pre-Hispanic Gold Artefacts ... 9/5/2012 issue=XIX National Sport Games &Third National Games for disabled Sportsmen Carlos Lleros Restrapo 2012
1600p 17   10/9/2003 issue=America 2003 d=Ramphastos ambiguus, Caluromys lanatus, ... 12/2/2011 d=Christmas 2011
1700p 17   3/10/2004 issue=Laguna de Guatavita ... 3/30/2011 issue=Newspaper - El Catolicismo
1800p 9   3/28/2005 issue=Pre-Hispanic Gold Artefacts dt=Pre-Hispanic Gold Artefacts ... 4/29/2013 d=Las Hermosas National Park
1900p 31   7/18/2001 issue=Copa America Football Championships 2001 ... 12/1/2011 issue=ONU SIDA
2000p 431   3/10/2004 issue=Laguna de Guatavita ... 4/27/2023 issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Luis Enrique Martinez Argote d=Luis Enrique Martinez Argote
2100p 21   8/17/2001 issue=America 2001 ... 7/16/2013 issue=Departments of Colombia - Cundinamarca
2200p 1   7/26/2013 issue=World Games 2013
2204p 1   4/7/1998 issue=50th Anniversary of WHO Safe Motherhood
2300p 8   2/1/2002 issue=Nature 2002
2400p 21   4/11/2003 issue=Caldas department ... 8/28/2012 issue=Law 1248 of 2008 for Debona Arango Perez
2500p 6   10/9/2002 issue=America 2002 ... 3/13/2014 issue=150th Anniversary of Pereira City (Risaralda)
2600p 2   5/23/2014 issue=Colombia participating in Brazil 2014
2800p 22   4/11/2003 issue=Caldas department ... 12/15/2004 issue=Christmas 2004
3000p 38   11/17/2004 issue=Choco department ... 2/9/2018 issue=Carnival of Barranquilla 2018 d=Diablos Arlequines (Harlequin Devils) Dance
3100p 4   2/23/2005 issue=100th Anniversary of Rotary International ... 12/9/2005 issue=Christmas 2005
3300p 27   2/7/2006 issue=Quindio department ... 11/27/2007 issue=Christmas 2007
3500p 7   8/25/2004 issue=100th Anniversary of FIFA ... 12/11/2013 issue=Christmas 2013
3700p 8   6/10/2005 issue=60th Anniversary of FENALCO ... 3/31/2009 issue=50th Anniversary of Inter-American Bank of Development - BID
3900p 2   4/30/2002 issue=Ruddy Duck d=Oxyura jamicensis, 7/30/2008 issue=185th Anniversary of the Naval Battle on the Lake of Maracaibo
4000p 45   10/28/1996 issue=30th Anniversary of Founders Theatre d="Theatre Curtain" - detail, Guillermo Va… ... 1/28/2019 issue=60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with India
4100p 5   4/11/2003 issue=Caldas department ... 10/31/2003 issue=50th Anniversary of DAS
4200p 4   6/30/2005 issue=100th Anniversary of Atlantico Department ... 6/27/2010 issue=50th Anniversary of Folk Festivals & National Reign of Bambucco
4400p 3   7/15/2004 issue=Olympics 2004 ... 10/20/2010 issue=Centenary of the Fine Arts Institute
4500p 5   4/7/2006 issue=500th Anniversary of the Birth of St. Franz Xavier ... 7/28/2013 issue=Centenary of Deportivo Indepentiente Medellin
4600p 7   6/7/2005 issue=Butterflies 2005 d=Actinote ozomene ... 8/16/2012 issue=Famous Colombian People of all Ages dt=Famous Colombian People of all Ages d=Diego de Torres y Moyachoque
4800p 1   4/4/2006 issue=20th Anniversary of Pope John Paul II's Trip to Colombia
5000p 226   6/13/2003 issue=Orchids 2003 d=Oncidium obryzatum ... 12/29/2022 issue=50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Cambodia
5100p 1   10/8/2008 issue=Alfonso López Michelsen memorial d=Alfonso Lopez Michelsen (2008)
5200p 2   5/22/2008 issue=Centenary of Friendship between Colombia and Japan, 7/31/2008 issue=Agreement Colombia-Switzerland on Trade and Friendship 100th
5300p 2   5/25/2006 issue=Frédéric Chopin, 6/25/2007 issue=4th Spanish Speaking Countries conference d=congress emblem
5500p 1   5/8/2009 issue=Centenary of the High Military School
5600p 1   9/25/2008 issue=Cradle of Accordions Festival - Villanueva
5800p 1   2/18/2010 issue=9th South American Games
5900p 10   6/12/2010 issue=500th Anniversary of the discovery of the Archipelago of St Andres, Providence and St Catherine d=Isla de San Andres ... 8/3/2010 d=Dona Teresa Pizzaro de Angulo
6000p 19   11/24/2009 issue=First series of the Bicentenary of Independence d=Andres Rosillo y Meruelo ... 10/24/2012 issue=50th Anniversary of the National Federation of Oil Palm Farmers FEDEPALMA
6100p 1   4/11/2011 issue=International Year of Biodiversity
6200p 1   8/31/2011 issue=International Year of Forests
6400p 1   3/23/2012 issue=Centenary of the Band of the Police of Colombia
7000p 4   6/13/2003 issue=Orchids 2003 d=Cattleya dowiana (2003) ... 8/9/2013 d=Alfonso Palacio Rudas
7200p 3   4/30/2002 issue=Amphibians 2002 d=Dendrobates histrionicus ... 5/13/2014 issue=50th Anniversary of Colombia Crafts
10000p 33   11/30/2005 issue=50th Anniversary of Elite Corps Training Facility "Lanceros" of the Colombian Armed Forces ... 8/26/2020 issue=Combat Corona Campaign
12000p 1   11/7/2015 issue=XX National and IV Paranational Sports Games - Chocó and Tolima 2015
13700p 2   4/30/2002 issue=Butterflies 2002 d=Dryas iulia (2002 Colombia)
15000p 1   9/29/2004 issue=50th Anniversary of Women's Citizenship
20000p 29   12/3/2009 issue=For a Mine Free World ... 12/22/2022 issue=400th Anniversary of the Bucaramanga
25000p 1   7/7/2016 issue=Participation of Colombia in the Olympics 2016
30000p 1   12/18/2012 issue=Colombian Medallists at London 2012
100000P 1   7/24/2018 issue=50th Anniversary of the ARC Gloria Training Ship

Used by 4484 stamps of Colombia: (See all uses as list)
40c orgyel
1859 5c bl d=arms 1859 (1859) imperf
1859 2 1/2c grn d=arms 1859 (1859) imperf
1859 1p rose pc=bl d=arms 1859 (1859)
1859 1p car d=arms 1859 (1859) imperf
1859 10c redbrn d=arms 1859 (1859) imperf
1859 20c bl d=arms 1859 (1859) imperf
1859 5c vio d=arms 1859 (1859) imperf
1860 5c graylil issue=1860 d=arms of Colombia (1860) imperf
1860 20c bl issue=1860 d=arms of Colombia (1860) imperf
1860 5c lil issue=1860 d=arms of Colombia (1860) imperf paper=laid
1860 10c yelbuff issue=1860 d=arms of Colombia (1860) imperf
1861 2 1/2c blk d=arms of Colombia (1861) imperf
1861 5c yel d=arms of Colombia (1861) imperf
1861 10c bl d=arms of Colombia (1861) imperf
1861 20c red d=arms of Colombia (1861) imperf
1861 1p pink d=arms of Colombia (1861) imperf
1862 1p redlil issue=1862 d=arms 1862 imperf
1862 1p redlil pc=bl issue=1862 d=arms 1862 imperf
1862 20c red issue=1862 d=arms 1862 imperf
1862 10c bl issue=1862 d=arms 1862 imperf
1862 50c grn issue=1862 d=arms 1862 imperf
1863 10c bl pc=bl issue=1863 d=arms of Colombia (1863) imperf
1863 50c grn issue=1863 d=arms of Colombia (1863) imperf
1863 20c red issue=1863 d=arms of Colombia (1863) imperf
... skipping 4434 ...
11/18/2022 2000p issue=Men's Clothing from the 16th Century - The 200th Anniversary of Independence
11/18/2022 2000p issue=Men's Clothing from the 16th Century - The 200th Anniversary of Independence
11/18/2022 2000p issue=Men's Clothing from the 16th Century - The 200th Anniversary of Independence
11/18/2022 2000p issue=Men's Clothing from the 16th Century - The 200th Anniversary of Independence
12/7/2022 5000p issue=Christmas 2022
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/16/2022 500p issue=Accessories from the 17th Century
12/22/2022 20000p issue=400th Anniversary of the Bucaramanga
12/29/2022 5000p issue=50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Cambodia
12/29/2022 5000p issue=50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Cambodia
12/29/2022 2000p issue=200th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Chile
12/29/2022 2000p issue=200th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Chile
12/29/2022 2000p issue=200th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Chile
12/29/2022 2000p issue=200th Anniversary of Diplomatic Relations with Chile
4/27/2023 2000p issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Luis Enrique Martinez Argote d=Luis Enrique Martinez Argote
