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German mark

Name: German mark
Defn: 100pf=1dm=1mk=1m
Desc: new
Units of money:
pfennig pf 1
mark m 100

Users of this currency: Allenstein (28 stamps, 1920), Austria (79 stamps, 1945), Cameroun (26 stamps, 1897-1918), Caroline Islands (29 stamps, 1899-1919), German occupation of Alsace (16 stamps, 1940), German occupation of Lorraine (16 stamps, 1940), Baden (6 stamps, 1905), Bavaria (313 stamps, 1874-1920), Württemberg (189 stamps, 1875-1923), Germany (1100 stamps, 1875-1990), Germany, AMG (35 stamps, 1945-1946), French occupation of Germany (13 stamps, 1945-1946), Baden district (65 stamps, 1947-1949), Rhine Palatinate (52 stamps, 1947-1949), Württemberg district (47 stamps, 1947-1949), Belgian occupation of Germany (7 stamps, 1920), Berlin (855 stamps, 1949-1990), Berlin-Brandenburg (7 stamps, 1945), MecklenburgVorpommern (37 stamps, 1945-1946), Saxony Province (26 stamps, 1945-1946), Saxony East (22 stamps, 1945-1946), Saxony West (40 stamps, 1945-1946), Thuringia (13 stamps, 1945-1946), German offices in China (35 stamps, 1898-1901), Heligoland (12 stamps, 1875-1879), Kiauchau (22 stamps, 1900), German occupation of Latvia (13 stamps, 1919), First German occupation of Lithuania (12 stamps, 1916-1917), German occupation of Luxembourg (41 stamps, 1940-1941), Mariana Islands (27 stamps, 1899-1919), Marienwerder (42 stamps, 1920), Marshall Islands (27 stamps, 1897-1919), Memel (122 stamps, 1920-1923), Lithuanian occupation of Memel (39 stamps, 1923), Poland (7 stamps, 1919), German occupation of Poland (16 stamps, 1915-1917), German occupation of Romania (4 stamps, 1918), German occupation of Russia (22 stamps, 1941-1943), Samoa (23 stamps, 1900-1915), Schleswig (28 stamps, 1920), Togo (34 stamps, 1897-1919), British occupation of Togo (29 stamps, 1914-1915), Upper Silesia (89 stamps, 1920-1922)

Denominations used in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
0 0  
0pf 2   Germany 4/18/1942 bl issue=military airmail d=Junkers 52, Germany 7/10/1942
1pf 16   Heligoland 2/15/1875 red&grn issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland a) ... Berlin 2/23/1957 gray issue=1956 d=Brandenburg Gate (1957)
2pf 39   Heligoland 1875 grn&red issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland a) ... Berlin 1949 blk issue=1948b d=planter ovpt=BERLIN oc=red on=issuer=Germany-issue=production-2pf-blk Württemberg 1919 grayblk ovpt=2 oc=bl on=issue=1906 communal-2 1/2pf unissued
2 1/2pf 18   Württemberg 1916 grayblk issue=1906 communal ... Schleswig 5/20/1920 gray issue=1920 officials d=arms of Schleswig ovpt=C.I.S. oc=blk on=2 1/2pf-gray
3pf 127   Germany 1/1/1875 grn issue=1875 d=numeral (pfennige) ... Berlin 3/1/1963 issue=1956 d=Brandenburg Gate (1957)
3+2pf 13   Germany 11/1/1933 bisbrn dt=Wagner opera scenes d=Tannhauser ... Saxony West 1/7/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 3pf+2pf 3   Germany 9/15/1939 bisbrn issue=1939 dt=national culture d=meeting in German Hall ... German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-3pf+2pf
3+7pf 5   Germany 9/29/1941 brn issue=Styria & Carinthia annexation d=Marburg ... Germany 6/26/1943 brn issue=Fatigue Duty d=soldier holding shovel
4pf 36   Germany 1931 ltbl issue=1927 official d=numeral in oval (1927) ... Berlin 1/22/1954 yelbrn d=Berlin exhibition halls at the radio tower
4+1pf 1   Berlin 8/9/1953 brn issue=Reconstruction of the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church d=Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church
= 4pf+1pf 0  
4+2pf 6   Germany 11/1/1932 ltbl issue=semipostal 1932 dt=landmarks (1932) d=Wartburg Castle ... Germany 11/2/1953 choc issue=welfare 1953 d=August Hermann Francke
4+3pf 9   Germany 10/4/1935 gray issue=1935 costumes dt=costumes (1935) d=woman of Silesia ... Saxony West 1/28/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 4pf+3pf 3   Germany 9/15/1939 graybl issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Review in Vienna ... German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-4pf+3pf
4+16pf 2   Baden district 2/24/1949 issue=Freiburg reconstruction d=Kornhaus
5pf 186   Württemberg 1875 vio issue=1875 communal ... Berlin 2/15/1990 prusbl&gray issue=1987 dt=tourist attractions d=Braunschweiger Löwe
5+2pf 2   Germany 11/1/1933 brtgrn dt=Wagner opera scenes d=Das Rheingold, Germany 11/5/1934 grn dt=occupations (1934) d=mason
= 5pf+2pf 1   Germany 11/4/1929 issue=arms 1929 d=Bremen arms
5+3pf 8   Germany 10/4/1935 emer issue=1935 costumes dt=costumes (1935) d=woman of Rhineland ... Saxony West 1/28/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 5pf+3pf 2   Germany 11/1939 emer issue=Winterhilf 1939 dt=buildings (1939) d=Kaiserpfalz, Goslar, German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-5pf+3pf
5+4pf 1   Germany 3/21/1943 grn issue=Hero Memorial Day d=Motorcycle drivers
5+5pf 3   Germany 12/15/1925 issue=1925 arms d=arms of Prussia (1925) ... Germany 12/1/1926 issue=1926 arms
= 5pf(+5pf) 1   Germany 11/15/1928 issue=arms 1928 d=Hamburg arms
5+10pf 1   Germany 6/26/1943 olgrn issue=Fatigue Duty d=soldier sharpening scythe
5+15pf 1   Germany 11/29/1933 issue=charity 10th
6pf 85   Germany 1932 olgrn issue=1928 d=Ebert ... Berlin 1953 choc issue=1952 portraits d=Walter Rathenau 1867-1922
6+4pf 32   Germany 2/2/1932 issue=semipostal ovpt 1932 ... Saxony West 1/7/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 6pf+4pf 8   Germany 2/17/1939 grn issue=Auto Exhibition d=The first cars of Benz 1885 & Daimler 1886 ... Germany 8/15/1948 orange brown issue=1948 Köln Cathedral d=Madonna
6+9pf 4   Germany 5/19/1941 dkgrn issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Junior camp Zeesen ... Germany 5/1/1944 viobl issue=Charity 1944 b d=Postwoman
6+14pf 5   Germany 10/12/1942 ultra&brn issue=European Postal Conference 1942 d=postilion on globe ... Saxony West 5/8/1946 issue=1946 semi b
= 6pf+14pf 5   Germany 1/6/1945 viobrn issue=Oldenburg municipal law 600th d=Count Anton Guenther ... MecklenburgVorpommern 12/31/1945 ver issue=child welfare d=hand holding child
6+19pf 1   Germany 9/1/1938 dpgrn issue=Nazi Congress 1938 d=Hitler (1938)
= 6pf+19pf 3   Germany 4/28/1939 dkbrn issue=Day of National Labor d=Hitler at podium ... Germany 8/25/1939 dkbrn issue=Nazi Congress 1939 d=Hitler at podium
6+24pf 5   Germany 1/12/1941 dpgrn issue=Stamp Day 1941 d=postilion blowing horn ... Germany 10/2/1944 dkgrn issue=Stamp Day 1944 d=posthorn letter
6pf+44pf 1   Saxony East 2/6/1946 issue=1946 semi d=Dresden - Zwinger
6+94pf 1   Germany 8/9/1940 brtblgrn&red issue=Heligoland acquisition 50th d=Heligoland rocks & sea
7pf 8   Berlin 8/1954 issue=1954 d=Berlin exhibition halls at the radio tower ... Berlin 1962 dkbrnol&orgbrn issue=Old Berlin views d=Die Linden approx 1650
7+3pf 3   Berlin 11/26/1955 brn issue=Bishopric of Berlin 25th d=St Otto ... Germany 10/1/1960 dt=Little Red Riding Hood
7 1/2pf 22   Bavaria 3/30/1914 blgrn issue=1914 d=King Ludwig III (pf) ... Schleswig 5/20/1920 yelbrn issue=1920 officials d=arms of Schleswig ovpt=C.I.S. oc=blk on=7 1/2pf-yelbrn
8pf 65   Germany 11/1/1926 blgrn issue=1926 dt=portraits (1926) d=Beethoven (1926) ... Berlin 1971 ol issue=1970 d=Heinemann
8+2pf 1   Germany 12/14/1949 brnvio issue=1949 welfare dt=portraits (1949 Germany) d=St. Elizabeth
8+4pf 10   Germany 11/1/1933 org dt=Wagner opera scenes d=Die Walkure ... Saxony West 1/28/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 8pf+4pf 7   Germany 11/4/1929 issue=arms 1929 d=Lippe-Detmold arms ... German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-8pf+4pf
8+7pf 1   Germany 3/21/1943 brnorg issue=Hero Memorial Day d=Military engineers
= 8pf(+7pf) 1   Germany 11/15/1928 issue=arms 1928 d=Mecklenburg-Schwerin arms
8pf(+8pf) 1   Germany 9/26/1927 dkgrn issue=Hindenburg 80th d=Hindenburg (1927)
8+12pf 2   Germany 5/19/1941 red issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Performance competition, Germany 5/1/1944 bl issue=Charity 1944 b d=Old mail coach
8+22pf 1   Germany 4/13/1943 dkbl issue=54th birthday of Adolf Hitler d=Adolf Hitler & symbols
= 8pf+22pf 4   MecklenburgVorpommern 10/21/1945 pur issue=1945 semi a ... MecklenburgVorpommern 12/31/1945 ultra issue=child welfare d=girl
10pf 217   Württemberg 1875 rose issue=1875 communal ... Berlin 10/13/1988 issue=150 years of railways Berlin to Potsdam d=Potsdam trainstation Berlin 1838
10+2pf 4   Germany 7/28/1950 dkgrn issue=Bach death 200th d=Johann Sebastian Bach seal ... Germany 7/29/1953 issue=International Stamp Exhibition 1953 d=Thurn & Taxis palace gate
= 10pf+2pf 1   Germany 9/30/1949 grn&blk issue=German stamp 100th dt=stamp on stamp d=1849 Bavarian stamp
10+3pf 2   Berlin 10/7/1951 dkgrn issue=Stamp Day 1951 d=Boys with stamp album & globe, Germany 10/23/1951 grn issue=charity 1951 dt=portraits (1951 Germany) d=Friedrich von Bodelschwingh
= 10pf+3pf 0  
10+4pf 1   Württemberg district 2/11/1949 issue=German Ski Championship 1948-49 d=Isny with mountains
10+5pf 36   Germany 3/11/1944 purbrn issue=Hero Memorial Day 1944 d=searchlight ... Berlin 2/4/1972 issue=Youth 1972 dt=animal protection d=Boy raiding bird nests
= 10pf+5pf 6   Bavaria 1919 ver d=King Ludwig III (pf) ovpt=5Pf.//... oc=blk on=1914-10pf ... Germany 8/15/1949 green issue=1949 Goethe
10+10pf 3   Germany 12/15/1925 issue=1925 arms d=arms of Bavaria (1925) ... Germany 12/1/1926 issue=1926 arms
10+20pf 6   Baden district 2/24/1949 issue=Freiburg reconstruction d=Tower of Frieburgs Munster ... Baden district 2/25/1949 grn&red issue=Red Cross d=Red Cross & Baden arms
10+30pf 1   Germany 11/29/1933 issue=charity 10th
10+60pf 1   Thuringia 3/30/1946 brn issue=bridge reconstruction d=Saalburg Bridge
12pf 87   Germany 9/1/1928 redorg issue=1928 d=Hindenburg (face) ... Berlin 4/9/1949 gray issue=UPU 75th d=von Stephan
12+3pf 4   Germany 2/2/1932 issue=semipostal ovpt 1932 ... Germany 11/5/1934 dt=occupations (1934) d=farmer (1934)
12+6pf 9   Germany 10/4/1935 dkcar issue=1935 costumes dt=costumes (1935) d=woman of the Black Forest ... Saxony West 1/7/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 12pf+6pf 3   Germany 9/15/1939 carred issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Motor race ... German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-12pf+6pf
12+8pf 13   Germany 1/28/1938 car issue=Nazi control 5th d=youth holding torch and laurel ... Germany 11/9/1944 carred d=eagle fighting with snakes
= 12pf+8pf 5   Germany 2/17/1939 carred issue=Auto Exhibition d=Race cars of Auto-Union & Mercedes-Benz 1938 ... Germany 8/15/1948 grnbl issue=1948 Köln Cathedral d=three kings (1948)
12+13pf 1   Germany 9/29/1941 rosebrn issue=Styria & Carinthia annexation d=Pettau
12+18pf 4   Germany 5/19/1941 carlake issue=1939 dt=national culture ... Saxony West 5/8/1946 issue=1946 semi b
12pf+28pf 4   MecklenburgVorpommern 10/21/1945 red issue=1945 semi a ... MecklenburgVorpommern 12/31/1945 red issue=child welfare d=smiling boy
12+38pf 12   Germany 4/13/1938 copred issue=Hitler 49th d=Hitler (1938) ... Germany 3/11/1944 dkbrn issue=1200th Anniversary of Fulda
= 12pf+38pf 3   Germany 4/13/1939 carred issue=Adolf Hitler 50th d=Adolf Hitler in Braunau ... Germany 4/21/1945 brtcar issue=Nazi control 12th d=storm trooper
12+68pf 1   Thuringia 3/30/1946 red issue=bridge reconstruction
12+88pf 5   Germany 8/8/1942 grn issue=goldsmiths 10th d=Luneburg Lion & betrothal cup ... Germany 9/11/1944 carred issue=Goldsmith's Art 1944 d=Nautilus-Cup Dresden
= 12pf+88pf 1   Saxony East 2/6/1946 issue=1946 semi d=Dresden - Rathaus
15pf 123   Württemberg 6/1906 yelbrn issue=1906 communal ... Berlin 1972 issue=1970 d=Heinemann
15+5pf 3   Berlin 10/6/1964 issue=welfare 1964 dt=scenes from Sleeping Beauty ... Berlin 10/6/1965 issue=welfare 1965 dt=scenes from Cinderella
= 15pf+5pf 7   Bavaria 1919 ver d=King Ludwig III (pf) ovpt=5Pf.//... oc=blk on=1914-15pf ... Germany 4/22/1939 rosepur issue=horticultural exhibition 1939 d=Exhibition Pavilion Stuttgart Coat of arms
15+10pf 11   Germany 10/4/1935 redbrn issue=1935 costumes dt=costumes (1935) d=woman of Hesse ... Saxony West 1/28/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 15pf+10pf 3   Germany 9/15/1939 issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Women athletes ... German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-15pf+10pf
15pf(+15pf) 1   Germany 11/15/1928 red&yel&bl issue=arms 1928 d=Oldenburg arms
16pf 22   Germany 1/26/1938 issue=1938 franchise ... Berlin 4/9/1949 blgrn issue=UPU 75th d=von Stephan
16+10pf 1   Germany 3/11/1944 grnbl issue=Hero Memorial Day 1944 d=S-26 class fast attack craft
= 16pf+10pf 1   Germany 9/15/1939 grn issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Postal police
16+24pf 2   Germany 5/19/1941 blk issue=1939 dt=national culture, Germany 5/1/1944 olgrn issue=Charity 1944 b d=Off-road driving
16+74pf 1   Thuringia 3/30/1946 blgrn issue=bridge reconstruction
20pf 222   Germany 1/1/1875 ultra issue=1875 d=German eagle (1875 pfennige) ... Berlin 1/12/1989 issue=1987 dt=tourist attractions d=Nofretete Berlin
20+2pf 1   Berlin 10/7/1951 brnred issue=Stamp Day 1951 d=Boys with stamp album & globe
= 20pf+2pf 0  
20+3pf 4   Germany 7/28/1950 dkcar issue=Bach death 200th d=Johann Sebastian Bach seal ... Germany 7/29/1953 issue=International Stamp Exhibition 1953 d=telecommunications building
20+5pf 3   Berlin 12/1/1949 car issue=currency revaluation relief d=Hand holding sacrificial bowl & Berlin bear in the background ... Germany 10/23/1951 rosered issue=charity 1951 dt=portraits (1951 Germany) d=Elsa Brandstrom
= 20pf+5pf 1   Bavaria 1919 bl d=King Ludwig III (pf) ovpt=5Pf.//... oc=blk on=1914-20pf
20+6pf 1   Württemberg district 2/11/1949 issue=German Ski Championship 1948-49 d=view of Isny
20+10pf 38   Germany 11/1/1933 bl dt=Wagner opera scenes d=Tristan und Isolde ... Berlin 4/17/1974 brn issue=Youth 1974 dt=youth activities d=Youth with camera
= 20pf+10pf 4   Germany 9/15/1939 ultra issue=1939 dt=national culture d=glider workshop ... Germany 8/15/1949 red issue=1949 Goethe
20+14pf 1   Germany 3/21/1943 bl issue=Hero Memorial Day d=Small anti-aircraft warfare
20+20pf 1   Germany 12/15/1925 issue=1925 arms d=arms of Saxony (1925)
20+30pf 5   Germany 5/19/1941 ultra issue=1939 dt=national culture d=glider workshop ... Baden district 2/24/1949 issue=Freiburg reconstruction d=Trumpet Angel
20+40pf 4   Baden district 2/25/1949 lil&red issue=Red Cross d=Red Cross & Baden arms
20+50pf 0  
20+60pf 1   Germany 11/29/1933 issue=charity 10th
24pf 27   Germany 1/26/1938 issue=1938 franchise ... Berlin 4/9/1949 orgbrn issue=UPU 75th d=von Stephan
24+10pf 1   Germany 3/11/1944 redbrn issue=Hero Memorial Day 1944 d=railway gun
= 24pf+10pf 1   Germany 9/15/1939 olgrn issue=1939 dt=national culture d=mail coach
24pf+16pf 1   Germany 8/15/1948 car issue=1948 Köln Cathedral d=Cologne Cathedral (1948 b)
24+26pf 2   Germany 11/5/1943 brnred issue=In Memorial of November 9th, Saxony West 5/8/1946 issue=1946 semi b
= 24pf+26pf 1   Germany 3/5/1947 lake brown issue=Leipzig Fair 1947 dt=people in groups d=Leipzig receives charter
24+36pf 2   Germany 5/19/1941 redvio issue=1939 dt=national culture d=mail coach, Germany 5/1/1944 dkvio issue=Charity 1944 b d=glider workshop
24+76pf 3   Germany 3/28/1940 dkgrn issue=2nd National Stamp Exposition d=Hall of Honor, Chancellery ... Thuringia 3/30/1946 ltbrn issue=bridge reconstruction
25pf 139   Heligoland 1875 red&grn issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland c) ... Berlin 1/13/1977 issue=1977 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Burg Gemen Württemberg 1916 org ovpt=25 Pf. oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-25pf-org unissued
25+10pf 6   Germany 11/1/1932 issue=semipostal 1932 dt=landmarks (1932) d=Lichtenstein Castle ... Berlin 2/4/1972 issue=Youth 1972 dt=animal protection d=Care of Kittens
= 25pf+10pf 6   Germany 11/4/1929 issue=arms 1929 d=Mecklenburg-Strelitz arms ... Germany 5/18/1939 bl issue=Nurburgring races d=KdF-Wagen ovpt=Nuerburgring-Rennen oc=blk on=25pf+10pf-modern auto
25+15pf 12   Germany 11/1/1933 ultra dt=Wagner opera scenes d=Lohengrin ... Germany 3/11/1944 viobl issue=Hero Memorial Day 1944 d=Smoke Mortar
= 25pf+15pf 3   Germany 9/15/1939 viobl issue=1939 dt=national culture d=Sanatorium Konigstein ... German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-25pf+15pf
25+25pf 1   Germany 12/1/1926 issue=1926 arms
= 25pf(+25pf) 1   Germany 11/15/1928 dkgrn&yel&red issue=arms 1928 d=Brunswick arms
25+50pf 1   Germany 9/9/1941 ultra issue=Berlin races d=Brandenburg Gate (1941)
= 25pf+50pf 1   Germany 6/18/1939 ultra issue=German Derby 70th
25+100pf 3   Germany 6/22/1940 ultra issue=Blue Ribbon race 1940 d=horseman on leaping horse ... Germany 6/16/1942 dkbl issue=Blue Ribbon 1942 d=racehorse
30pf 159   Cameroun 1900 org&blk pc=sal issue=yacht d=yacht ... Berlin 11/6/1987 issue=1987 dt=tourist attractions d=Schloss Celle
30+5pf 2   Berlin 12/1/1949 bl issue=currency revaluation relief d=Hand holding sacrificial bowl & Berlin bear in the background, Berlin 10/29/1950 issue=Reconstruction of the Berlin Philharmonic d=Singing angel from the Ghent altarpiece
= 30pf+5pf 0  
30+10pf 3   Germany 10/23/1951 dpbl issue=charity 1951 dt=portraits (1951 Germany) d=Johann Pestalozzi (1951) ... Germany 11/2/1953 bl issue=welfare 1953 d=Fridtjof Nansen (1953)
30+15pf 37   Rhine Palatinate 8/12/1949 bl issue=Goethe 200th dt=Goethe portraits ... Berlin 11/16/1978 issue=Christmas 1978 d=Adoration of the Magi, Frauenkirche Munich
= 30pf+15pf 0  
30+20pf 3   Germany 10/4/1935 olbrn issue=1935 costumes dt=costumes (1935) d=woman of Friesland ... Saxony West 1/28/1946 issue=1926 semi a
30+30pf 1   Germany 3/21/1943 grn issue=Hero Memorial Day d=paratroopers
30+50pf 3   Rhine Palatinate 1948 dpbl issue=for Ludwigshafen explosion victims d=St Christopher ... Baden district 2/24/1949 issue=Freiburg reconstruction d=Fish Fountain
30+60pf 4   Baden district 2/25/1949 bl&red issue=Red Cross d=Red Cross & Baden arms
35pf 16   Bavaria 1918 issue=official 1918 ovpt=Volksstaat//Bayern oc=blk on=issue=official 1916-35pf-unissued ... Berlin 6/16/1982 issue=1979 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Schloss Lichtenstein
38pf 1   Austria 7/3/1945 ultra d=arms of Austria (1945 a)
40pf 155   Cameroun 1900 lake&blk issue=yacht d=yacht ... Berlin 10/12/1989 issue=300 years French School, Berlin d=300 years French Grammar School Gymnasium
40+20pf 29   Berlin 9/15/1960 bl issue=holiday for Berlin children d=Boy on the beach ... Berlin 11/16/1989 issue=Christmas 1989 d=angel
40+30pf 1   Saxony West 1/7/1946 issue=1926 semi a
40+35pf 8   Germany 11/1/1933 mag dt=Wagner opera scenes d=Parsifal ... Germany 11/5/1940 redlil issue=Winterhilfswerk 1940 dt=buildings (1940) d=Historical City Hall of Münster
= 40pf+35pf 2   Germany 11/1939 rosevio issue=Winterhilf 1939 dt=buildings (1939) d=Hohentwiel, German occupation of Luxembourg 1/12/1941 rosevio dt=buildings (1939) d=Hohentwiel ovpt=LUXEMBURG oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-40pf+35pf
40+40pf 2   Germany 11/1/1932 issue=semipostal 1932 dt=landmarks (1932) d=Marburg castle, Germany 3/21/1943 pur issue=Hero Memorial Day d=tank IV
40+80pf 4   Baden district 2/25/1949 gray&red issue=Red Cross d=Red Cross & Baden arms
40+160pf 1   Germany 4/13/1943 olgrn issue=54th birthday of Adolf Hitler
41pf 0  
42pf 8   Germany 6/22/1936 brn issue=Brown Ribbon 1936 d=racing horses ... Germany 2/1946 brtgrn issue=1946 d=numeral (1946 Germany)
42pf+28pf 1   Saxony Province 1/19/1946 vio issue=reconstruction d=locomotives (1946)
42+108pf 7   Germany 7/20/1938 dpbrn issue=Brown Ribbon 1938 d=woman on horse ... Germany 7/23/1944 brn issue=Brown Ribbon 1944 d=Mare with foal
= 42pf+108pf 1   Germany 7/12/1939 dkbrn issue=Brown Ribbon 1939
45pf 7   Germany 9/1/1928 dporg issue=1928 d=Ebert ... Germany 1948 red issue=1948a d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=45pf-red-numeral (1946 Germany)
50pf 205   Heligoland 1875 grn&red issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland c) ... Berlin 5/5/1988 issue=300th death of the Great Elector d=Friedrich Wilhelm & his family in the garden of the Berlin Württemberg redbrn unissued
50+20pf 11   Berlin 10/14/1982 issue=Welfare 1982 dt=roses (1982 Germany) d=Floribunda-Grandiflora ... Berlin 11/12/1985 issue=Christmas 1985 d=Adoration of the Magi by Hans Baldung
= 50pf+20pf 1   Germany 11/6/1990 grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990 d=angel holding candles
50+25pf 38   Berlin 4/22/1966 issue=youth 1966 dt=animals (1966 Germany) d=red deer (1966) ... Berlin 11/10/1988 issue=Christmas 1988 d=Annunciation of the Shepherds
= 50pf+25pf 0  
50pf+40pf 4   Germany 11/4/1929 issue=arms 1929 d=Schaumburg-Lippe arms ... Germany 11/1/1931 issue=semipostal 1931 dt=landmarks (1931) d=Holstein Gate, Lubeck
50+50pf 3   Germany 12/1/1926 issue=1926 arms ... Germany 3/21/1943 dkgrn issue=Hero Memorial Day d=Speedboat S 14-17
= 50pf(+50pf) 1   Germany 11/15/1928 choc&multi issue=arms 1928 d=Anhalt arms
= 50pf+50pf 1   Germany 8/15/1948 blue issue=1948 Köln Cathedral d=Cathedral Towers
50pf+1.50m 1   Germany 11/29/1933 issue=charity 10th
54+96pf 3   Germany 1/26/1943 carred issue=10th Anniversary of Assumption of Power d=Brandenburg Gate with Reich-Eagle ... Germany 4/14/1944 issue=55th birthday of Adolf Hitler
60pf 120   Germany 1911 mag issue=1905 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ... Berlin 9/27/1990 issue=200th birthday of Adolph Diesterweg d=Adolph Diesterweg Upper Silesia olgrn d=dove over mines larger unissued
60+30pf 31   Berlin 10/5/1971 bl issue=Welfare 1971 dt=wooden toys d=Mobile swing nurse ... Berlin 11/16/1989 issue=Christmas 1989 d=Adoration of the Magi
= 60pf+30pf 5   Germany 4/19/1990 issue=Max & Moritz 125th d=Widow Bolte ... Germany 11/6/1990 grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990
60+40pf 1   Saxony West 1/28/1946 issue=1926 semi a
= 60pf+40pf 1   Germany 3/5/1947 ultra issue=Leipzig Fair 1947 dt=people in groups d=foreign merchants at fair
70pf 22   Bavaria 1920 dkvio issue=1920 official a d=numeral over arms of Bavaria ... Berlin 6/21/1990 issue=1987 dt=tourist attractions
70+30pf 1   Berlin 4/20/1989 issue=Youth 1989 dt=circus (1989) d=trapeze artists
= 70pf+30pf 3   Germany 4/19/1990 issue=Max & Moritz 125th ... Germany 11/6/1990 grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990
70+35pf 20   Berlin 10/5/1972 issue=Welfare 1972 dt=chess pieces (1972) d=chess king ... Berlin 10/13/1988 issue=Welfare 1988 dt=Gold and Silversmithing d=Coincup 1536
75pf 44   Bavaria 1918 issue=official 1918 ovpt=Volksstaat//Bayern oc=blk on=issue=official 1916-75pf-unissued ... Germany 1948 brtultra issue=1948a d=numeral (1946 Germany) ovpt=posthorn row oc=blk on=75pf-brtultra-numeral (1946 Germany) Upper Silesia red d=dove over mines larger unissued
80pf 102   Bavaria 1/1/1888 lil issue=1888 d=arms of Bavaria (large letters) ... Berlin 5/5/1989 gray issue=Congress of the Int. Org. of Supreme Audit Institutions d=Congress emblem & red pencil Upper Silesia org d=dove over mines larger unissued
80+35pf 2   Berlin 4/20/1989 issue=Youth 1989 dt=circus (1989) d=Juggling Sea Lions, Berlin 10/12/1989 issue=Welfare 1989 d=Brandenburg mail car approx 1700
= 80pf+35pf 4   Germany 4/19/1990 issue=Max & Moritz 125th ... Berlin 9/27/1990 dt=post & telecom
80+40pf 19   Berlin 10/14/1982 issue=Welfare 1982 dt=roses (1982 Germany) d=Floribunda ... Berlin 10/13/1988 issue=Welfare 1988 dt=Gold and Silversmithing d=Cope Clasp approx 1400
= 80pf+40pf 0  
84pf 15   Germany 5/1946 blgrn issue=1946 d=numeral (1946 Germany) ... Berlin 9/1/1948 emer issue=1948a d=reapers ovpt=BERLIN oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-issue=production-84pf-emer
84+66pf 1   Saxony West 5/8/1946 issue=1946 semi b
90pf 17   Bavaria 1920 olgrn issue=1920 official a d=numeral over arms of Bavaria ... Berlin 11/12/1981 issue=20th century sculpture d=Kneeling Flora
90+45pf 11   Berlin 4/5/1979 issue=youth 1979 dt=aircraft (1978 Germany) d=Douglas DC-3 (1979) ... Berlin 4/15/1982 issue=Sports Aid 1982 d=Youth Sports Volleyball
100pf 26   Germany 5/1921 grn issue=1921 d=miners right ... Berlin 8/9/1990 yel issue=100 years of German Pharmaceutical Society d=mortar formula computer image aspirin DPhG Emblem
= 1m 108   Bavaria 1874 vio d=arms of Bavaria (large letters) ... Berlin 1/18/1971 issue=1971 trains d=Subway 1971
100+50pf 3   Berlin 2/9/1989 issue=Sports Aid 1989 d=volleyball (1989) ... Berlin 10/12/1989 issue=Welfare 1989 d=Prussian postal official 19th century
= 100pf+50pf 8   Germany 2/15/1990 dt=popular sports d=handball ... Germany 11/6/1990 grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990
1.10m 3   Berlin 1966 redbrn issue=1966 dt=architecture (1966) d=Trinitatis Hospital, Hildesheim ... Berlin 1967 issue=1967 dt=art (1967) d=Christ-John Group Wooden Statue
= 110pf 2   Berlin 1973 blk issue=1970 d=Heinemann, Berlin 6/16/1982 pur issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=Color TV camera
120(pf) 8   Germany 5/1921 ultra issue=1921 d=miners right ... Berlin 7/14/1988 dt=tourist attractions d=St Peters Cathedral Schleswig
120+55(pf) 3   Berlin 2/13/1986 issue=Sports Aid 1986 d=Show Jumping ... Berlin 2/18/1988 issue=Sports Aid 1988 d=hammer throw
= 120pf+55pf 0  
120+60(pf) 10   Berlin 10/14/1982 issue=Welfare 1982 dt=roses (1982 Germany) d=Miniature-rose ... Berlin 10/15/1985 issue=Welfare 1985 d=Scattered flowers berries birds & insects
1 1/4m 9   Bavaria 1920 grn issue=1920 official a d=numeral (1920 Bavaria) ... Germany 4/22/1922 cl issue=Munich fair d=arms Munich
= 1.25m 15   Bavaria 12/17/1919 yelgrn ovpt=Freistaat//Bayern(roman) oc=blk on=1m-yelgrn-unissued ... Memel 10/17/1922 issue=1922 air b
= 1.25mk 1   Belgian occupation of Germany 1/16/1920 blvio issue=1920 d=++on=1fr-(125)
= 1m25pf 1   Memel 7/7/1920 vio&ultra issue=French overprinted d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=bars//MEMEL//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1920-60c-vio&ultra
1.30m 1   Berlin 1969 grn issue=1966 dt=architecture (1966) d=Tegel Castle, Berlin (1969)
= 130pf 3   Berlin 1972 issue=1970 d=Heinemann ... Berlin 5/5/1988 dkviobl&dkultra issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Lise Meitner (1988)
140pf 4   Berlin 1973 blgrn issue=1970 d=Heinemann ... Berlin 8/10/1989 dkultra&och issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Cecile Vogt
140+60pf 1   Berlin 2/9/1989 issue=Sports Aid 1989 d=field hockey (1989)
= 140pf+60pf 2   Germany 2/15/1990 dt=popular sports
1 1/2m 4   Bavaria 1920 ver issue=1920 official a d=numeral (1920 Bavaria) ... Bavaria 4/6/1920 issue=1920b d=Madonna & Child (1920 Bavaria) on=issue=1920-1 1/2m
= 1.50m 10   Bavaria 12/17/1919 orgyel ovpt=Freistaat//Bayern(roman) oc=blk on=1m-orgyel-unissued ... Memel 10/17/1922 issue=1922 air b
= 150pf 5   Germany 5/1921 org issue=1921 d=farmers (1921) ... Berlin 7/12/1979 brn issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=excavator
1.60m 1   Germany 8/1921 brn issue=1921 provisional d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) oc=blk on=1920-5pf-brn
= 160pf 4   Germany 5/1921 issue=1921 d=farmers (1921) ... Berlin 10/15/1975 grn issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=Large blast furnace with wind heater system
170pf 2   Berlin 1972 org issue=1970 d=Heinemann, Berlin 11/10/1988 dkgrn&blkvio issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Hannah Arendt
180pf 2   Berlin 7/12/1979 ol issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=Loader, Berlin 7/13/1989 bl&vio issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Lotte Lehmann
190pf 3   Berlin 1973 pur issue=1970 d=Heinemann ... Berlin 7/15/1982 issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=excavator
200pf 3   Germany 1/11/1924 grnbl d=carrier pigeon ... Berlin 1/13/1977 issue=1977 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Schloss Bürresheim - Eifel
= 2m 80   Germany 1/1/1875 roselil issue=1875 d=oval ... Berlin 1971 blvio issue=1970 d=Heinemann
210pf 1   Berlin 2/14/1979 redbrn issue=1977 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Schwanenburg
2 1/4m 1   Memel 1922 ver<bl issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-40c-ver<bl
230pf 2   Berlin 11/16/1978 dkgrn issue=1977 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Burg Lichtenberg, Berlin 5/17/1979 vio issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=Frankfurt Airport (1979)
240pf 1   Berlin 11/10/1988 dkgrn&brn issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Mathilda Franziska Anneke
2 1/2m 7   Bavaria 1920 dpbl issue=1920 official a d=numeral (1920 Bavaria) ... Memel 1922 vio&ultra issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1920-60c-vio&ultra
= 2.50m 8   Bavaria 12/17/1919 slbl ovpt=Freistaat//Bayern(roman) oc=blk on=1m-slbl-unissued ... Memel 8/1/1920 lilrose issue=German overprinted d=union of North and South (1920) ovpt=Memelgebiet oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1920-2.50m-lilrose
= 250pf 2   Berlin 7/15/1982 issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=Frankfurt Airport (1979), Berlin 7/13/1989 redvio&ultra issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Queen Louise of Prussia
280pf 1   Berlin 7/15/1982 bl issue=1979 dt=castles (1977 Germany) d=Schloss Ahrensburg
300pf 5   Germany 1/11/1924 gray d=carrier pigeon ... Berlin 8/10/1989 issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Fanny Hensel
= 3m 63   Cameroun 1900 blkvio issue=yacht d=yacht (high value) ... Berlin 4/1956 redpur issue=1956
350pf 2   Berlin 11/10/1988 issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Hedwig Dransfeld, Berlin 2/9/1989 issue=1987 dt=tourist attractions d=Externsteine Horn-Bad Meinberg
400pf 0  
= 4m 16   Bavaria 4/6/1920 issue=1920b on=issue=1920-4m ... Germany 9/25/1933 brn issue=Chicago World Exhibition Flight
5.00m 1   Memel 1921 cl<olgrn issue=1921b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=large numerals oc=blk on=2m
= 500pf 2   Berlin 2/17/1976 ind issue=1975 dt=technology (1975) d=radio telescope (1976), Berlin 1/12/1989 issue=famous women dt=famous women d=Alice Salomon
= 5m 69   Heligoland 1879 grn&red&blk issue=1879b d=numeral in garter ... Berlin 3/21/1949 dkbl issue=1949 dt=Berlin sights d=Tegel Castle Württemberg 1923 org issue=inflation communal a ovpt=5//bar//Mark oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-10pf-org unissued
5m+100m 1   Germany 2/19/1923 org d=miners left ovpt=100M//Rhein-Ruhr-//Hilfe oc=blk on=2/24/1923-5m
6m 6   Memel 1922 slgrn issue=1922a d=sower (1903) ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=red on=issuer=France-1903-15c-slgrn ... Memel 10/17/1922 issue=1922 air b
6m+4m 1   Germany 12/11/1922 ultra&brn d=planting charity
700pf 0  
= 7m 0  
8m 2   Memel 1922 red issue=1922a d=sower (1906 no ground) ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1921-30c-red, Germany 5/1922 olgrn issue=1922b d=posthorn (1921)
9m 4   Memel 1922 dkbl&buff issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-5fr-dkbl&buff ... Memel 10/17/1922 issue=1922 air b
10m 33   Bavaria 3/10/1911 org issue=Prince Regent Luitpold 90th d=Prince Regent Luitpold (m) ... Austria 9/10/1945 grayvio issue=1945 due
12m 3   Memel 1922 ver<bl issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-40c-ver<bl ... Württemberg 1923 rosered issue=inflation communal a ovpt=12//bar//Mark oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-40pf
12m+8m 1   Germany 12/11/1922 redorg&blgray d=planting charity
20m 25   Bavaria 3/10/1911 dkbrn issue=Prince Regent Luitpold 90th d=Prince Regent Luitpold (m) ... Germany 4/1923 redvio issue=1922e d=miners left
20m+1000m 1   Germany 2/19/1923 ind&grn d=plowing (1922) ovpt=1000M//Rhein-Ruhr-//Hilfe oc=blk on=1922-20m-plowing
25m 9   Germany 1922 issue=1922 air d=carrier pigeon ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 3/1923 yelorg issue=arms d=Lithuanian arms a
25m+500m 1   Germany 2/19/1923 olbrn d=farmers (1921) ovpt=500M//Rhein-Ruhr-//Hilfe oc=blk on=1922-25m-farmers (1921)
30m 5   Memel 1922 vio&ultra issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1920-60c-vio&ultra ... Germany 12/1922 olgrn issue=1922e d=miners left
40m 7   Memel 1922 cl<olgrn issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1900-1fr-cl<olgrn ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=ship (1923)
50m 13   Memel 1922 org&bl issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1920-2fr-org&bl ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=ship (1923)
60m 1   Württemberg 1923 emer issue=inflation communal a oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-1.25m
80m 3   Memel 1922 org&bl issue=1922b d=Liberty & Peace ovpt=MEMEL(slanted)//value oc=blk on=issuer=France-1920-2fr-org&bl ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=ship (1923)
100m 13   Germany 1922 brnvio pc=buff d=numeral in oval (1921) ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=ship (1923)
200m 6   Germany 1922 carrose pc=buff d=numeral in oval (1921) ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=navy arms
300m 8   Germany 1922 grn pc=buff d=numeral in oval (1921) ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=navy arms Germany dpgrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
400m 10   Germany 1922 bisbrn pc=buff d=numeral in oval (1921) ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=navy arms Germany blgrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
500m 10   Germany 1922 org pc=buff d=numeral in oval (1921) ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=navy arms Germany dlrose d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
600m 1   Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=navy arms
800m 1   Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=lighthouse (1923)
1000m 6   Württemberg 1923 olgrn issue=inflation communal a oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-60pf ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=lighthouse (1923) Germany rose d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
2000m 3   Württemberg 1923 emer issue=inflation communal a oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-1.25m ... Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=lighthouse (1923)
3000m 2   Germany 1923 issue=1922d d=numeral in oval (1921), Lithuanian occupation of Memel 4/12/1923 issue=union d=lighthouse (1923)
4000m 1   Germany 1923 issue=1922d d=numeral in oval (1921)
5000m 1   Germany 8/1923 issue=1922d d=numeral in oval (1921)
100000m 1   Germany 9/1923 issue=1922d d=numeral in oval (1921)

Used by 3665 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Bavaria 1874 1m vio d=arms of Bavaria (large letters) wmk=wide zigzags imperf
Bavaria 1874 1m vio d=arms of Bavaria (large letters) wmk=wide zigzags perf=11.5
Heligoland 1875 10pf grn&red issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland b) perf=13.5x14.25
Heligoland 1875 2pf grn&red issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland a) perf=13.5x14.25
Württemberg official communal 1875 10pf rose issue=1875 communal perf=11.5x11
Heligoland 1875 50pf grn&red issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland c) perf=13.5x14.25
Württemberg official communal 1875 5pf vio issue=1875 communal perf=11.5x11
Heligoland 1875 5pf red&grn issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland b) perf=13.5x14.25
Heligoland 1875 25pf red&grn issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland c) perf=13.5x14.25
Germany 1/1/1875 3pf grn issue=1875 d=numeral (pfennige)
Germany 1/1/1875 2m roselil issue=1875 d=oval
Germany 1/1/1875 10pf rose issue=1875 d=German eagle (1875 pfennige)
Germany 1/1/1875 5pf vio issue=1875 d=numeral (pfennige)
Germany 1/1/1875 20pf ultra issue=1875 d=German eagle (1875 pfennige)
Germany 1/1/1875 25pf redbrn issue=1875 d=German eagle (1875 pfennige)
Germany 1/1/1875 50pf gray issue=1875 d=German eagle (1875 pfennige)
Heligoland 2/15/1875 1pf red&grn issue=1875 d=Queen Victoria (1875 Heligoland a) perf=13.5x14.25
Württemberg 7/1/1875 5pf vio issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 7/1/1875 2pf gray issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 7/1/1875 50pf gray issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 7/1/1875 3pf grn issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 7/1/1875 2m yel issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 7/1/1875 20pf ultra issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 7/1/1875 25pf redbrn issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
Württemberg 7/1/1875 10pf car issue=1875 d=numeral in circle (1875) perf=11.5x11
... skipping 3615 ...
Germany semipostal 9/27/1990 80pf+35pf dt=post & telecom perf=14
Germany semipostal 9/27/1990 100pf+50pf dt=post & telecom perf=14
Berlin semipostal 9/27/1990 60pf+30pf dt=post & telecom d=railroad mail car
Berlin semipostal 9/27/1990 80pf+35pf dt=post & telecom
Berlin semipostal 9/27/1990 100pf+50pf dt=post & telecom d=early mail truck
Germany semipostal 11/6/1990 50pf+20pf grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990 d=angel holding candles perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/6/1990 60pf+30pf grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990 perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/6/1990 70pf+30pf grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990 perf=14
Germany semipostal 11/6/1990 100pf+50pf grn&multi issue=Christmas 1990 perf=14
Upper Silesia 60pf olgrn d=dove over mines larger unissued
Upper Silesia 75pf red d=dove over mines larger unissued
Upper Silesia 80pf org d=dove over mines larger unissued
Württemberg 50pf redbrn unissued
Germany 300m dpgrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 500m dlrose d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 400m blgrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 1000m rose d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 300m yelgrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 500m pnk d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 400m ltgrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 400m dkbrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Germany 500m ltgrn d=numeral in circle (1923) unissued
Württemberg official communal 1916 25pf org ovpt=25 Pf. oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-25pf-org wmk=crosses & circles perf=11.5x11 unissued
Württemberg official communal 1919 2pf grayblk ovpt=2 oc=bl on=issue=1906 communal-2 1/2pf wmk=crosses & circles perf=11.5x11 unissued
Württemberg official communal 1923 5m org issue=inflation communal a ovpt=5//bar//Mark oc=blk on=issue=1906 communal-10pf-org wmk=crosses & circles perf=11.5x11 unissued
