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Polish marka

Name: Polish marka
Defn: 100f=1mp=1m
Units of money:
fen f 1
mark m 100

Users of this currency: Central Lithuania (61 stamps, 1920-1922), Eastern Silesia (5 stamps, 1920), Poland (197 stamps, 1918-1924), Polish offices in the Turkish Empire (12 stamps, 1919)

Denominations used in this currency:
Denom Usages Selected stamps
2f 1   Poland 1919 redorg issue=1919 due c
3f 5   Poland 12/1918 brn issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-3pf ... Poland 2/1/1920 ver issue=1920 official a d=numeral & stars
4f 1   Poland 1919 redorg issue=1919 due c
5f 12   Poland 11/17/1918 brn issue=Warsaw 1 ... Poland 6/19/1922 bl issue=Silesian plebiscite d=eagle in oval
5f+5f 2   Poland 5/3/1919 issue=Polish Philatelic Exhibition 1919 imperf
10f 12   Poland 11/17/1918 grn issue=Warsaw 1 ... Poland 6/19/1922 ltvio issue=Silesian plebiscite d=eagle in oval
10f+5f 2   Poland 5/3/1919 issue=Polish Philatelic Exhibition 1919 imperf
15f 9   Poland 12/1918 dkvio issue=Warsaw 2 d=Germania (1916) oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1917-15pf ... Poland 11/20/1920 red issue=1920 official b d=numeral & stars leaning outward
15f+5f 2   Poland 5/3/1919 issue=Polish Philatelic Exhibition 1919 imperf
20f 9   Poland 12/1918 ultra issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-20pf ... Poland 6/19/1922 palered issue=Silesian plebiscite d=eagle & fasces
25f 16   Poland 11/17/1918 car issue=Warsaw 1 ... Central Lithuania 1921 dkgrn issue=1920a d=arms of Central Lithuania
25f+5f 2   Poland 5/3/1919 issue=Polish Philatelic Exhibition 1919 imperf
25f+2m 1   Central Lithuania 1921
30f 2   Poland 12/1918 org&blk issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-30(pf), Poland 1919 redorg issue=1919 due c
40f 3   Poland 12/1918 lk&blk issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-40(pf) ... Poland 6/19/1922 viobrn issue=Silesian plebiscite d=eagle & fasces
50f 13   Poland 11/17/1918 dkbl issue=Warsaw 1 ... Poland 6/19/1922 org issue=Silesian plebiscite d=eagle & fasces
50f+5f 2   Poland 5/3/1919 issue=Polish Philatelic Exhibition 1919 imperf
60f 1   Poland 12/1918 mag issue=Warsaw 2 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-60pf
75f 1   Poland 6/19/1922 blgrn issue=Silesian plebiscite d=eagle & fasces
100f 3   Poland 1919 redorg issue=1919 due c ... Poland 2/1/1920 ver issue=1920 official a d=numeral & stars
= 1m 17   Poland 1/27/1919 vio issue=1919a d=agriculture ... Poland 6/19/1922 blk issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
1.25m 1   Poland 6/19/1922 dkgrn issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
1.50m 3   Poland 1/27/1919 dpgrn issue=1919a d=agriculture ... Polish offices in the Turkish Empire 6/1/1919 dpgrn d=agriculture ovpt=LEVANT oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-issue=1919b-1.50m
= 150f 1   Poland 2/1/1920 ver issue=1920 official a d=numeral & stars
200f 2   Poland 1920 dkbl issue=1920 due d=numeral (1919 Poland), Poland 2/1/1920 ver issue=1920 official a d=numeral & stars
= 2m 18   Poland 1/27/1919 dkbrn issue=1919a d=agriculture ... Poland 6/19/1922 dprose issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
2.50m 3   Poland 1/27/1919 orgbrn issue=1919a ... Polish offices in the Turkish Empire 6/1/1919 orgbrn ovpt=LEVANT oc=blk on=issuer=Poland-issue=1919b-2.50m
300f 1   Poland 2/1/1920 ver issue=1920 official a d=numeral & stars
= 3m 8   Central Lithuania 1920 issue=1920 due imperf ... Poland 6/19/1922 emer issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
4m 10   Poland 1920 rosered issue=1920b d=eagle in oval ... Poland 6/19/1922 dpultra issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
500f 2   Poland 1919 redorg issue=1919 due c, Poland 1920 dkbl issue=1920 due d=numeral (1919 Poland)
= 5m 9   Poland 1/27/1919 redvio issue=1919a d=Polish cavalryman ... Poland 6/19/1922 yelbrn issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
5m+30m 1   Poland 5/5/1921 issue=1921 semi d=++ovpt=cross 30M
600f 1   Poland 2/1/1920 ver issue=1920 official a d=numeral & stars
= 6m 12   Poland 1920 dprose issue=1920a d=Polish cavalryman paper=thin laid ... Poland 6/19/1922 redorg issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
6m+30m 1   Poland 5/5/1921 carred issue=1921 semi d=++ovpt=cross 30M
8m 2   Poland 4/15/1921 blblk issue=1921 due d=eagle over numeral, Poland 1922 graybrn issue=1920b d=eagle in oval
10m 11   Poland 1920 brnred issue=1920a d=Polish cavalryman paper=thin laid ... Poland 6/19/1922 lilbrn issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
10m+30m 1   Poland 5/5/1921 brncar issue=1921 semi d=++ovpt=cross 30M
15m 1   Poland 1921 ltbrn issue=1920b d=sower & rainbow
20m 10   Central Lithuania 1920 issue=1920 due imperf ... Poland 6/19/1922 dpvio issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
20m+30m 1   Poland 5/5/1921 graygrn issue=1921 semi d=Polish cavalryman ovpt=cross 30MK oc=car on=issue=1920a-20m paper=thin laid
25m 3   Poland 5/2/1921 dkvio issue=new constitution d=women ... Central Lithuania 2/1922 car&yel issue=parliament opening d=Coats of arms of Central Lithuania
35m 1   Poland 1/25/1921 dpbl issue=1921 due ovpt d=eagle in shield oc=blk on=70h
50m 6   Poland 4/15/1921 blblk issue=1921 due d=eagle over numeral ... Poland 3/1/1923 blblk issue=1923 due d=eagle over numeral
75m 1   Central Lithuania 2/1922 issue=parliament opening d=industry
80m 1   Poland 1923 ver issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland)
100m 5   Poland 4/15/1921 blblk issue=1921 due d=eagle over numeral ... Poland 3/1/1923 blblk issue=1923 due d=eagle over numeral
150m 1   Central Lithuania 11/1921 issue=Zeligowski entry 1st d=Zeligowski
200m 3   Poland 1923 org issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland) ... Poland 3/1/1923 blblk issue=1923 due d=eagle over numeral
300m 2   Poland 1923 palebl issue=Silesian plebiscite d=miner (1922 Poland), Poland 3/1923 olgrn issue=1921 d=Polish eagle
400m 1   Poland 3/1923 brn issue=1921 d=Polish eagle
500m 2   Poland 3/1923 brnvio issue=1921 d=Polish eagle, Poland 3/1/1923 blblk issue=1923 due d=eagle over numeral
1000m 3   Poland 3/1923 org issue=1921 d=Polish eagle ... Poland 7/1923 ind issue=Copernicus d=Copernicus
2000m 2   Poland 3/1923 dlbl issue=1921 d=Polish eagle, Poland 3/1/1923 blblk issue=1923 due d=eagle over numeral
3000m 1   Poland 7/1923 brn d=Konarski
5000m 1   Poland 7/1923 rose issue=Copernicus d=Copernicus
10000m 3   Poland 1923 vio&buff issue=inflation d=Polish eagle oc=blk on=issue=1921-25m ... Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
20000m 3   Poland 1923 graygrn issue=inflation d=eagle in oval oc=blk on=2m-graygrn ... Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
25000m 2   Poland 1923 red issue=inflation d=sower & rainbow oc=blk on=20m-red
30000m 2   Poland 1924 scar d=arms of Poland (1924 a), Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
50000m 3   Poland 1923 grnbl issue=inflation oc=blk on=10m-grnbl-unissued ... Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
100000m 3   Poland 1923 redbrn issue=inflation oc=blk on=5m-redbrn-unissued ... Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
200000m 2   Poland 1924 ltbl d=arms of Poland (1924 a), Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
300000m 2   Poland 1924 redvio d=arms of Poland (1924 a), Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
500000m 2   Poland 1924 brn d=arms of Poland (1924 a), Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
1000000m 2   Poland 1924 palerose d=arms of Poland (1924 a), Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
2000000m 2   Poland 1924 dkgrn d=arms of Poland (1924 a), Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral
3000000m 1   Poland 1/20/1924 blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral

Used by 275 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Poland 11/17/1918 50f dkbl issue=Warsaw 1 wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) perf=11.5
Poland 11/17/1918 10f grn issue=Warsaw 1 wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) perf=11.5
Poland 11/17/1918 25f car issue=Warsaw 1 wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) perf=11.5
Poland 11/17/1918 5f brn issue=Warsaw 1 wmk=wavy lines (Lithuania) perf=11.5
Poland 12/1918 60f mag issue=Warsaw 2 d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-60pf wmk=lozenges
Poland 12/1918 30f org&blk issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-30(pf)
Poland 12/1918 40f lk&blk issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-40(pf)
Poland 12/1918 15f dkvio issue=Warsaw 2 d=Germania (1916) oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1917-15pf wmk=lozenges perf=14
Poland 12/1918 5f grn issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-5pf
Poland 12/1918 3f brn issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-3pf
Poland 12/1918 20f ultra issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-20pf
Poland 12/1918 10f car issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-10pf
Poland 12/1918 5f brn issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-3pf
Poland 12/1918 25f org issue=Warsaw 2 oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-7 1/2pf
Poland 12/1918 5f gray issue=Warsaw 2 d=Germania (1916) oc=blk on=issuer=German occupation of Poland-1916-2 1/2pf wmk=lozenges perf=14
Poland postage due 1919 100f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 500f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 50f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 2f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 20f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 10f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 4f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 30f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland postage due 1919 5f redorg issue=1919 due c wmk=lozenges perf=11.5
Poland 1/27/1919 1.50m dpgrn issue=1919a d=agriculture imperf
... skipping 225 ...
Poland postage due 3/1/1923 2000m blblk issue=1923 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland 7/1923 3000m brn d=Konarski perf=9-14.5
Poland 7/1923 1000m ind issue=Copernicus d=Copernicus perf=9-14.5
Poland 7/1923 5000m rose issue=Copernicus d=Copernicus perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 10000m lilbrn d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 20000m olgrn d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 30000m scar d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 50000m apgrn d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 100000m brnorg d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 200000m ltbl d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 300000m redvio d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 500000m brn d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 1000000m palerose d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland 1924 2000000m dkgrn d=arms of Poland (1924 a) perf=9-14.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 10000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 20000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 30000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 50000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 100000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 200000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 300000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 500000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 1000000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 2000000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
Poland postage due 1/20/1924 3000000m blblk issue=1924 due d=eagle over numeral perf=12.5
