Desc: 40np
Currency: Gulf rupee (100np=1r)
Numerical sorting value: 2400
Users of this denom: Abu Dhabi (2 stamps, 1964-1965), Ajman (1 stamp, 1964), Bahrain (3 stamps, 1957-1964), Dubai (11 stamps, 1963-1966), Fujeira (2 stamps, 1964-1965), Kuwait (4 stamps, 1957-1960), Oman (2 stamps, 1957-1960), Qatar (17 stamps, 1957-1966), Ras al Khaima (1 stamp, 1964), Sharjah (7 stamps, 1963-1966), Trucial States (1 stamp, 1961), Umm al Qiwain (2 stamps, 1964-1967)
Used by 53 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Kuwait 1957 40np issue=1957 ovpt=KUWAIT oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-6p
Bahrain 4/1/1957 40np lilrose issue=1957 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding d) ovpt=BAHRAIN oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-issue=1955-6p wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R
Qatar 4/1/1957 40np ovpt=QATAR//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-6p
Oman 4/1/1957 40np lilrose issue=1957 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding d) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-issue=1955-6p wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R
Kuwait 2/1/1958 40np plum issue=1958 d=Sheik Abdullah (1958) perf=12.5
Kuwait 2/1/1959 40np bl issue=1958 d=dhow (1959)
Kuwait 2/25/1960 40np d=Sheik Abdullah & Flag of Kuwait perf=14
Qatar 4/1960 40np ovpt=QATAR//value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-6p
Oman 4/26/1960 40np lilrose issue=1960 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding d) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-issue=1958-6p wmk=St Edwards crown mult
Bahrain 7/1/1960 40np gray d=Sheik Sultan bin Hamad Al Khalifah perf=14.5x14
Trucial States 1/7/1961 40np pur issue=1961 d=seven palm trees
Qatar 9/2/1961 40np scar issue=1961 d=falcon (1961) perf=14.5
Dubai airmail 6/15/1963 40np graybrn&brnvio issue=1963 air d=Falco peregrinus (1963)
Sharjah 7/10/1963 40np d=map & flag & sheikh
Dubai airmail 9/1/1963 40np issue=Red Cross 100th
Sharjah 10/6/1963 40np
Dubai airmail 12/20/1963 40np issue=malaria eradication
Dubai airmail 12/30/1963 40np orgred&ol issue=Freedom from Hunger
Ajman 1964 40np gld&multi issue=1964 d=Sheik Rashid & Stallion
Dubai airmail 1/20/1964 40np viobl&brnol issue=11th Boy Scout Jamboree
Dubai airmail 2/19/1964 40np viobl&brnol issue=Winter Olympics 1964
Bahrain 2/22/1964 40np sl issue=1964 d=Sheik Isa bin Sulman Al Khalifah perf=15x14
Sharjah 3/3/1964 40np issue=Olympics 1964
Abu Dhabi 3/30/1964 40np brtvio issue=1964 d=gazelle (1964) perf=14.5
Dubai 5/10/1964 40np issue=1964
Umm al Qiwain 6/29/1964 40np dt=sheikh&picture
Fujeira 9/22/1964 40np dt=Sheikh Mohammed&animals d=grebe
Dubai 10/10/1964 40np issue=Olympics 1964
Sharjah 10/15/1964 40np dt=Olympics
Dubai airmail 10/24/1964 40np orgred&ol issue=19th Anniversary of the United Nations
Dubai airmail 11/25/1964 40np issue=educational progress
Ras al Khaima 12/21/1964 40np issue=1964 d=seven palm trees
Abu Dhabi 3/30/1965 40np bl&brn issue=Falconry dt=falconry d=saker falcon on gloved hand perf=14.5
Sharjah 4/23/1965 40np dt=science&technology
Sharjah 4/23/1965 40np dt=science&technology d=x
Qatar 5/22/1965 40np issue=Qatar Scouts
Qatar 10/16/1965 40np issue=ITU 100th d=Radar station relay perf=13.5x14.5
Qatar 10/18/1965 40np dt=fishes (1965 Qatar) d=convict cichlid Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum perf=14x14.5
Fujeira official 11/10/1965 40np
Qatar 2/9/1966 40np issue=Gemini rendezvous d=Radar station relay ovpt=SPACE//RENDEZVOUS//... oc=blk on=10/16/1965-40np perf=13.5x14.5
Qatar 2/24/1966 40np issue=coin imperf
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=1966 misc
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=ICY perf=11.75
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=ICY d=John F. Kennedy perf=11.75
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=ICY d=Dag Hammarskjold (1966) perf=11.75
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=ICY d=Jawaharlal Nehru perf=11.75
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=1966 misc
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=1966 misc
Qatar 3/8/1966 40np issue=1966 misc
Sharjah 5/1/1966 40np issue=Fish 1966 d=Pygoplites diacanthus (1966)
(plus 3 more) (See all uses as list)