Desc: 30c
Currency: Cuban peso (1000m=100c=1p=1$mn=1$)
Numerical sorting value: 18000
Equivalent denoms: 0.30p (1)
Users of this denom: Cuba (427 stamps, 1928-2020)
Used by 427 stamps of Cuba: (See all uses as list)
1/2/1928 30c dkvio issue=6th Pan-American Conference d=sugar factory wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12
airmail 2/26/1931 30c dkvio issue=1931 airmail foreign d=airplane over Cuban coast wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
airmail 10/7/1952 30c vio issue=Pension Fund 1952 d=Sandrino perf=10
airmail 4/27/1954 30c issue=Sugar Industry 1954 perf=10
airmail 4/24/1955 30c orgred&brn issue=stamp 100th d=Republic Square Spanish West Indies Michel 3 Michel Cuba wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12.5
airmail 7/4/1955 30c issue=35th Anniversary of the Death of Crocier wmk=star (Cuba) perf=10
airmail 11/12/1955 30c issue=International Centenary Philatelic Exhibition b wmk=star (Cuba) imperf
airmail 11/12/1955 30c issue=International Centenary Philatelic Exhibition dt=aircraft (1955) d=Lockheed Constellation (1955) wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12.5
airmail 5/2/1956 30c graybl&blk issue=Retirement Fund 1956 d=Col. E. Fonts Sterling perf=12.5
airmail 6/26/1956 30c yelbrn issue=1956 air dt=birds (1956 Cuba) d=Colinus virginianus wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12.5
airmail 3/29/1957 30c olgrn&multi issue=Retirement Fund 1957 perf=12.5
airmail 5/17/1957 30c issue=Youth Recreation dt=athletes (1957) d=Young athletes - boxing perf=12.5
airmail 10/24/1957 30c bl&rose issue=UN Day 1957 d=UN emblem on map of Cuba perf=12.5
airmail 11/19/1957 30c brnblk&red issue=Cuban Normal School 100th perf=12.5
airmail 12/17/1957 30c yelbrn&dkgrn issue=Retirement Fund 1957 b perf=12.5
airmail 8/29/1958 30c grn&rose issue=100th Anniversary of De La Torre d=Perisphinctes spinatus perf=12.5
airmail 9/26/1958 30c issue=Felipe Poey d=Prionodes phoebe perf=12.5
airmail 11/28/1958 30c viobl issue=Inaugauration of UNESCO Headquarters perf=12.5
airmail 4/24/1959 30c brn&blgrn issue=Stamp Day 1959 wmk=R de C - monogram perf=12.5
airmail 3/28/1960 30c vio&brn issue=Retirement Fund 1960 dt=statues d=Doctor C. de la Torriente perf=12.5
airmail 1/10/1961 30c issue=underdeveloped countries conference perf=11.75
airmail 1/28/1961 30c issue=Declaration of Havana perf=12.5
airmail 1/28/1961 30c issue=Declaration of Havana perf=12.5
airmail 1/28/1961 30c issue=Declaration of Havana perf=12.5
airmail 1/3/1962 30c issue=revolution 3rd d=Airmail perf=12.5
airmail 3/26/1962 30c issue=International Radio Service perf=12.5
3/13/1963 30c issue=presidential palace attack 6th d=J. Echeverria and M. Mora wmk=R de C - monogram perf=12.5
6/1/1963 30c d=childrens week wmk=R de C - monogram perf=12.5
1/4/1965 30c bl&multi dt=Cuban Postal Museum dioramas
1/4/1965 30c yel&multi dt=Cuban Postal Museum dioramas perf=10
4/2/1965 30c dkbl&blk&brn issue=Voskhod 2 d=Leonov on space walk perf=10
5/10/1965 30c issue=International Quiet Sun Year d=Solar rays perf=10
5/17/1965 30c issue=ITU 100th d=ITU emblem (1965 Cuba) perf=10
6/10/1965 30c issue=9th Communist youth & students congress perf=10
7/20/1965 30c dt=flowers & location maps d=Brunfelsia nitida perf=10
7/25/1965 30c issue=1st National Games d=hurdles (1965) perf=10
12/5/1965 30c dt=National Aquarium fishes d=Holocentrus ascensionis (1965) perf=12.5
10/18/1966 30c issue=17th World Chess Olympiad imperf
2/27/1967 30c dt=National Museum Exhibits - Paintings d=Landscape by Gonzalo Escalante perf=12.5
3/13/1967 30c issue=National Events of 13 March 1957 d=Dionisio San Roman and Cienfuegos Revolt perf=12.5
7/29/1967 30c issue=Salon de Mayo d=Warriors by Edouard Pignon perf=12.5
11/7/1967 30c issue=50th Anniversary of the October Revolution d=50th anniversary of October Revolution Painted by Krivonogo perf=12.5
11/22/1967 30c dt=Historic Cuban Buildings d=Fortress Santiago de Cuba perf=12.5
1/4/1968 30c issue=Cultural Congress 1968 perf=12.5
4/24/1968 30c issue=Stamp Day 1968 d=G Sciltian El filatelista perf=12.5
5/10/1968 30c issue=20th Anniversary of WHO d=surgeons perf=12.5
6/20/1968 30c issue=35th Anniversary of The Seville-Camaguey Flight by Barberan and Collar d=Captain M. Barberan and Lieut. J. Collar perf=12.5
7/26/1968 30c issue=15th Anniversary of The Attack on Moncada Barracks d=Students Moncada school perf=12.5
10/10/1968 30c issue=100th Anniversary of The Cuban War of Independence d=Che Guevara and Castro addressing meeting perf=12.5
10/21/1968 30c issue=Olympics 1968 d=flag of Mexico, Aztec calendar, Olympic rings perf=12.5
(plus 377 more) (See all uses as list)