Desc: 1/2c
Currency: Panamanian balboa (100c=1b)
Numerical sorting value: 30
Equivalent denoms: 0.005b (26)
Users of this denom: Panama (29 stamps, 1906-1968)
Used by 29 stamps of Panama: (See all uses as list)
11/1906 1/2c org&red&bl issue=1906 d=flag of Panama (1906) perf=12
1911 1/2c org issue=1909 d=map perf=12
1915 1/2c rose issue=1909 d=map perf=12
3/1/1915 1/2c olgrn&blk issue=Panama Exposition d=Chorerra Falls perf=12
11/1921 1/2c org issue=independence 100th d=arms of Panama City (1921) perf=12
5/1924 1/2c org d=arms of Panama (1924) perf=12
6/10/1926 1/2c org issue=Bolivar Congress 100th d=Bolivar (1926) perf=12
1932 1/2c org d=Bolivar (1926) ovpt=HABILITADA oc=red on=1926-1/2c perf=12
1933 1/2c org d=arms of Panama City (1921) ovpt=HABILITADA oc=blk on=1921-1/2c-org perf=12
12/1936 1/2c yelorg issue=4th Spanish-American Postal Congress d=ruins of customs house, Portobelo perf=12
1937 1/2c org issue=1937a d=Bolivar (1926) ovpt=1937-38 oc=blk on=1926-1/2c-org perf=12
3/1/1937 1/2c yelorg issue=1937b d=ruins of customs house, Portobelo ovpt=U//P//U oc=blk on=1936-1/2c-yelorg-ruins of customs house, Portobelo perf=12
11/25/1937 1/2c redorg issue=Cuerpo de Bomberos 50th d=Ricardo Arango wmk=Harrison & Sons, London perf=12
8/15/1939 1/2c org issue=Panama Canal 25th d=Gatun Lake perf=12
1/2/1941 1/2c org issue=new constitution d=arms of Panama (1924) ovpt=CONSTITUCION//1941 oc=blk on=1924-1/2c-org perf=12
1942 1/2c dkvio issue=1942 d=national emblems perf=12
1947 1/2c oc=blk on=type=airmail-1942-8c perf=12
1947 1/2c d=airplane over map of Panama oc=blk on=type=airmail-1941-8c perf=12
1948 1/2c d=flag of Panama (1948) perf=12
1955 1/2c orgbrn d=Tocumen International Airport perf=12
5/26/1966 1/2c issue=Personalities 1966 d=William Shakespeare (1966)
5/26/1966 1/2c issue=Paintings 1966 d=Elizabeth Tucher by Albrecht Dürer
7/11/1966 1/2c issue=World Cup 1966 d=Flags of Uruguay Germany Italy Brazil & the Jules Rimet
7/11/1966 1/2c issue=World Cup 1966
9/28/1966 1/2c issue=World Cup 1966 winners
9/28/1966 1/2c issue=World Cup 1966 winners
7/20/1967 1/2c issue=Birds 1967 d=Anhinga anhinga (1967)
2/2/1968 1/2c issue=Winter Olympics 1968
2/23/1968 1/2c issue=Butterflies 1968 d=Apodemia albinus