Desc: 2r
Currency: Mauritian rupee (100c=1rs=1r)
Numerical sorting value: 12000
Equivalent denoms: 2.00r (2)
Users of this denom: Mauritius (55 stamps, 1978-2024)
Used by 55 stamps of Mauritius: (See all uses as list)
3/12/1978 2r issue=1978 d=Horse races on the Champs de Mars 1870 perf=14
2/1/1979 2r dt=locomotives (1979 Mauritius) d="Garratt", 1927
8/29/1979 2r issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Sir Rowland Hill
1/24/1980 2r dt=Pamplemousses Gardens d=Giant water lilies
5/6/1980 2r issue=LONDON 1980 dt=ships (1980 Mauritius)
10/1/1980 2r issue=100th Anniversary of Mauritius Institute
1/15/1981 2r dt=flowers (1981 Mauritius) d=Erythrospermum monticolum
4/10/1981 2r dt=State Coat of Arms d=Coat of Arms of Quatre-Bornes
8/27/1981 2r dt=personalities (1981 Mauritius) d=Abdul Razak Mohamed and Jules Koenig
9/16/1981 2r issue=Religion and Culture
11/26/1981 2r issue=Beginning of the 15th Century of the Islamic Calendar
2/25/1982 2r brn&brn issue=125th Anniversary of the Birth of Lord Baden-Powell
4/19/1982 2r issue=Darwin visit 150th d=Darwin's telescope
12/15/1982 2r issue=100th Anniversary of Robert Koch's Discovery of Tubercle Bacillus
6/24/1983 2r issue=World Communications Year
11/3/1983 2r issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Swami Dayananda
3/26/1984 2r dt=Mauritius kestrel d=Falco punctatus (1984)
8/20/1984 2r issue=Abolition of Slavery / Introduction of Indian Immigrants
6/7/1985 2r issue=85th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
9/2/1985 2r dt=Pink Pigeon d=Columba mayeri
4/21/1986 2r issue=60th birthday of Queen Elizabeth II
10/3/1986 2r dt=orchids (1986 Mauritius) d=Jumellea recta
12/30/1987 2r issue=Art and Architecture
7/1/1988 2r issue=40th Anniversary of WHO
1989 2r issue=1989 perf=14
10/4/1991 2r issue=Global Conservation d=The Morne
12/13/1991 2r dt=flora and fauna (1991) d=Takamaka flowers
8/13/1992 2r issue=Anniversaries and Events
3/9/1994 2r dt=mammals (1994 Mauritius) d=Lepus nigricollis
3/10/1999 2r issue=Plants 1999 dt=plants (1999) d=Senecio lamarckianus
9/17/1999 2r dt=Old Sugar Mill Chimneys
12/7/1999 2r issue=20th Century Achievements
1/25/2000 2r issue=150th Anniversary of Mauritius Chamber of Commerce and Industry
3/29/2000 2r dt=beetles (2000 Mauritius) d=Cratopus armatus
6/28/2000 2r issue=Olympics 2000
9/18/2000 2r issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam
10/9/2000 2r dt=fishes (2000 Mauritius) d=Naso brevirostris
9/12/2001 2r issue=Mauritius Economic Achievements during the 20th Century
3/19/2003 2r dt=Echo Parakeet d=echo parakeet fledgling
8/20/2003 2r dt=Anniversaries and events (2003)
12/10/2003 2r dt=fortifications (2003)
3/11/2004 2r dt=mountains (2004)
6/30/2004 2r dt=Traditional Trades
8/16/2004 2r issue=24th Southern African Development Community Summit
12/1/2004 2r dt=Anthuriums d=Anthurium andreanum var. acropolis
3/18/2005 2r issue=Nature Reserve Round Island d=Casarea dussumieri
7/14/2005 2r issue=Postal Service
10/9/2005 2r dt=Historical Monuments and Natural Stone Buildings in Mauritius
2/4/2006 2r issue=200th Anniversary of the City of Mahébourg
6/5/2006 2r issue=World Environment Day 2006
All are wmk=mult crown & script CA
(plus 5 more) (See all uses as list)