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Bref 50g denom (#17189)

  • IS014.02.jpg
Desc: Bref 50g

Currency: Icelandic króna (100aur=100a=1k=1kr)

Numerical sorting value: 0

Equivalent denoms: 1000g innanlands (10), 100g Innanlands (15), 100g til Evropu (5), 100g utan Evropu (4), 100Gr. (8), 1500g Innanlands (2), 2000g innanlands (5), 20g Bref innanlands (1), 250g Innanlands (8), 250g til Evropu (2), 250gEurope (2), 250goutsideEurope (2), 500g innanlands (7), 50g (60), 50g Domestic (16), 50g Europe (12), 50g innanlands (33), 50g Outside Europe (2), 50g til Evropu (27), 50g utan Evropu (12), 50gPriority (1), 50gPriorityoutsideEurope (1), 50gPrioritytoEurope (1), 50Gr. (32), B50g (8), B50g innanlands (20), B50g utan Evropu (1), Bref 20g (3), Bref innanlands (3), Bref til Evropu (1)

Users of this denom: Iceland (1 stamp, 2002)

Used by 1 stamp of Iceland: (See all uses as list)

9/5/2002 Bref 50g d=Salmo trutta (2002)

All are dt=fish of Lake Thingvallavatn