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95kr denom (#22022)

  • IS007.06.jpg
  • IS013.06.jpg
  • IS015.06.jpg
  • IS019.06.jpg
  • IS005.07.jpg
  • IS027.09.jpg
Desc: 95kr

Currency: Icelandic króna (100aur=100a=1k=1kr)

Numerical sorting value: 570000

Equivalent denoms: 95.00kr (4)

Users of this denom: Iceland (6 stamps, 2006-2009)

Used by 6 stamps of Iceland: (See all uses as list)

3/29/2006 95kr issue=100 Years of Cinema
3/29/2006 95kr issue=Nordic Mythology 2006
5/18/2006 95kr issue=Europa 2006
5/18/2006 95kr issue=Waterfalls 2006 dt=waterfalls (2006 Iceland) d=Waterfall Hjálparfoss
2/15/2007 95kr issue=International Year of the Arctic 2007/2008
9/16/2009 95kr issue=Sheep Gathering d=Shepherds & sheep in open pasture