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2b denom (#28552)

  • Colnect-3809-924-Tomas-Arias.jpg
  • Colnect-2584-538-Pius-XII-1939-1958.jpg
  • Colnect-2517-731-St-Peter%E2%80%99s-Cathedral-Rome---overprint-1964.jpg
  • Colnect-4731-943-St-Peter%E2%80%99s-Cathedral-Rome---overprint-1964.jpg
Desc: 2b

Currency: Panamanian balboa (100c=1b)

Numerical sorting value: 12000

Equivalent denoms: 2.00b (3)

Users of this denom: Panama (7 stamps, 1948-2001)

Used by 7 stamps of Panama: (See all uses as list)

airmail 2/20/1948 2b yel&blk issue=Revolutionary Junta of 1903 d=Tomas Arias
7/2/1956 2b ltvio dt=popes named Pius d=Pius XII
airmail 2/17/1964 2b grn&blk issue=21st Ecumenical Council dt=cathedrals (1964)
airmail 9/28/1964 2b grn&blk issue=21st Ecumenical Council b
2001 2b issue=Butterflies and Moths 2001 dt=Butterflies and Moths (2001) d=Tarchon felderi
2001 2b issue=Corals 2001 dt=corals (2001 Panama) d=Pocillopora (2001)
2001 2b issue=Christmas 2001