Desc: 0.40f.s.
Currency: Swiss franc (100rp=100r=100c=1fr)
Numerical sorting value: 2400
Equivalent denoms: 0,40fr (1), 40c (108), 40r (4)
Users of this denom: UN offices in Geneva (17 stamps, 1972-1996)
Used by 17 stamps of UN offices in Geneva: (See all uses as list)
1/5/1972 0.40f.s.
2/14/1972 0.40f.s. issue=Stop to Nuclear Weapons
6/5/1972 0.40f.s. issue=UN Environmental Conference
11/17/1972 0.40f.s.
11/16/1973 0.40f.s. issue=25th Anniversary of the UN Human Rigths
5/28/1976 0.40f.s. issue=UN Conference on Habitation
9/19/1977 0.40f.s. issue=Fight Against Race Discrimination
1980 0.40f.s. issue=UN 35th
3/7/1980 0.40f.s. issue=UN Decade for Women
11/21/1980 0.40f.s.
3/6/1981 0.40f.s. blk&bl issue=International Year of the Disabled
11/13/1981 0.40f.s. issue=10th Anniversary of the Developing Programme
3/19/1982 0.40f.s. issue=Our Environment
11/19/1982 0.40f.s. issue=Environmental Protection 1982
3/18/1983 0.40f.s. issue=Safety at Sea
12/9/1983 0.40f.s. issue=35th Anniversary of the Human Rights dt=paintings by Hundertwasser
2/2/1996 0.40f.s. issue=misc 1996