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11c denom (#6092)

  • Colnect-535-822-Woman-from-Cambodia.jpg
  • Colnect-535-811-Woman-from-Cambodia.jpg
  • Colnect-821-402-Along-Bay.jpg
  • Colnect-802-674-Halong-Bay.jpg
  • Colnect-804-014-Single-engine-airplane.jpg
Desc: 11c

Currency: French Indochinese piastre (100c=1pi=1p)

Numerical sorting value: 660

Users of this denom: Kwangchowan (2 stamps, 1923-1927), IndoChina (5 stamps, 1922-1942)

Used by 7 stamps: (See all uses as list)

IndoChina 1922 11c vio&blk pc=bl d=Cambodian girl ovpt=bars 11//CENTS oc=blk on=55c-vio&blk-unissued
IndoChina 4/1922 11c vio&blk issue=1922 d=Cambodian girl cents
Kwangchowan 7/1/1923 11c vio&blk issue=1923
Kwangchowan 9/26/1927 11c org issue=1927 d=Bay of Along ovpt=KOUANG-TCHEOU small oc=red on=issuer=IndoChina-1927-11c-org
IndoChina 9/26/1927 11c org issue=1927 d=Bay of Along
IndoChina airmail 6/8/1938 11c red issue=1933 air d=airplane (1933)
IndoChina airmail 1942 11c carrose issue=1942 air no RF d=airplane (1933)