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  • Stamp_of_USSR_1028.jpg
  • Colnect-1290-610-Turkish-Artillery.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_0789.jpg
  • Colnect-4313-347-Artillery.jpg
  • Stamp_of_USSR_1027.jpg
  • Colnect-1893-164-Artillery.jpg
  • Colnect-1741-884-Artillery.jpg
  • Colnect-3097-860-Artillery.jpg
  • Colnect-4104-082-100th-anniversary-of-the-Battle-of-Verdun.jpg
  • Colnect-799-526-Position-d--artillerie-Artillery-position.jpg
  • Colnect-417-621-Turkish-Artillery.jpg
Short desc: artillery

Things in this design:
weapon artillery

This design is used by 17 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Turkey 11/15/1916 2pa vio issue=1916 perf=12.5
Turkey 1917 2pa prusbl perf=11.5
Turkey 1918 5pi prusbl oc=blk on=1917-2pa-prusbl perf=11.5
Cilicia 3/4/1919 5pi prusbl issue=1919a ovpt=CILICIE tall oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-1917-2pa-artillery perf=11.5
Cilicia 3/14/1919 5pi prusbl issue=1919b ovpt=CILICIE smaller oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-1917-2pa-artillery perf=11.5
Turkey in Asia 1920 3pi vio oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-1916-2pa-vio perf=12.5
Turkey in Asia 1921 3pi vio issue=1921a oc=red on=issuer=Turkey-1916-2pa-vio perf=12.5
Russia 2/1941 15k grn issue=Red Army 23rd perf=12
South Africa 1942 4p slgrn issue=1942 var=smaller wmk=mult springboks head
South West Africa 1942 4p slgrn issue=1942 var=smaller ovpt=SWA oc=blk on=issuer=South Africa-1942-4p wmk=mult springboks head
Germany semipostal 3/21/1943 15+10pf redbrn issue=Hero Memorial Day perf=14
Russia 2/23/1946 60k brn issue=victory parade perf=12
Russia 2/23/1946 2r vio issue=victory parade perf=12
Oman 12/11/1982 50b issue=Armed Forces Day 1982 perf=13.5x14
Bahrain 2/5/1993 50f issue=25th Anniversary of Bahrain Defence Force perf=13.25x13
North Korea 2/10/2005 12w issue=Local Motives perf=12.5x12
Sierra Leone 10/28/2016 6000le issue=100th anniversary of the Battle of Verdun perf=13.25