Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
arms of Finland
arms of Finland
arms of Finland (1930)
Short desc: arms of Finland (1930)
Things in this design:
arms of Finland
This design is used by 68 stamps:
(See all uses as list)
Finland 1/1/1930 5p choc issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 10p vio issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 20p yelgrn issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 40p blgrn issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 50p yel issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 60p dkgray issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 75p dporg issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 1m org issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 1.20m crim issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 1 1/2m redvio issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 2m ind issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 3m dkol issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 3 1/2m ol issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1/1930 4 1/2m saph issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/24/1930 25p yelbrn issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1932 2 1/2m bl issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1932 50p blgrn issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1932 50p blgrn oc=blk on=1930-40p-blgrn perf=14
Finland 1/1932 1.25m yel issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/1932 1.25m yel oc=blk on=1930-50p-yel perf=14
Finland 2/1/1932 2m redvio issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 3/1932 1 1/2m car issue=1930
Finland 1936 3 1/2m brtbl issue=1930
Finland 12/13/1936 2m car issue=1930
Finland 2/27/1937 2m car ovpt=2//MARKAA//bars oc=blk on=1 1/2m-car
Finland 1940 1.75m orgyel issue=1930
Finland 1940 2.75m pur issue=1930
Finland 6/16/1940 1.75m yel oc=blk on=issue=1930-1.25m-yel perf=14
Finland 6/16/1940 2.75m car oc=blk on=2m-car
Finland 8/24/1940 1 1/2m sl issue=1930
Finnish occupation of Karelia 10/1/1941 1.75m orgyel issue=1941a ovpt=ITA... a oc=blk on=issuer=Finland-issue=1930-1.75m
Finnish occupation of Karelia 10/1/1941 2.75m pur issue=1941a ovpt=ITA... a oc=blk on=issuer=Finland-issue=1930-2.75m
Finland 1942 1m yelgrn issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 10/1/1942 2m yelorg issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 10/1/1942 2 1/2m car issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 2/1/1943 3 1/2m car oc=blk on=1940-2.75m
Finland 1945 3m car issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1945 3m yel issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1945 4m ol issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1945 5m pur issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1945 5m saph issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1945 6m car issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 10/20/1945 2m blgrn issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 11/16/1945 10m bl issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/24/1946 5m yel issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 1/24/1946 8m pur issue=1930 perf=14
Finland 3/16/1946 8m pur oc=blk on=1945-5m-pur perf=14
Finland 2/10/1947 2 1/2m dkgrn issue=1947 perf=14
Finland 2/10/1947 3m dkgray issue=1947 perf=14
Finland 2/10/1947 6m org issue=1947 perf=14
Finland 2/10/1947 7m car issue=1947 perf=14
Finland 2/10/1947 10m pur issue=1947 perf=14
Finland 2/10/1947 12m bl issue=1947 perf=14
Finland 2/9/1948 3m dkgrn issue=1948 perf=14
Finland 2/9/1948 12m pur oc=blk on=1947-10m-pur perf=14
Finland 4/26/1948 24m brnlake issue=1948 perf=14
Finland 9/13/1948 6m grn issue=1948 perf=14
Finland 9/13/1948 9m car issue=1948 perf=14
Finland 9/13/1948 15m dkbl issue=1948 perf=14
Finland 1/9/1950 8m grn issue=1950 perf=14
Finland 1/9/1950 9m org issue=1950 perf=14
Finland 1/9/1950 10m viobrn issue=1950 perf=14
Finland 1/9/1950 12m red issue=1950 perf=14
Finland 1/9/1950 15m redvio issue=1950 perf=14
Finland 1/9/1950 20m bl issue=1950 perf=14
Finland 1/18/1952 10m ltgrn issue=1952 perf=14
Finland 1/18/1952 15m rosered issue=1952 perf=14
Finland 1/18/1952 25m bl issue=1952 perf=14
(plus 18 more)