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Image Colnect-579-250-Centenary-of-National-Museum-in-Lviv.jpg

No higher resolution available
(508 x 237 pixels)

Type: block Issuer: Ukraine Date: 2005
Visibility: public Image owner: none
20 matches:
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine empty block (#15502)
Ukraine block of 2, 2 types
Ukraine empty block (#15504)
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 4 types
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 4 types
Ukraine empty block (#15512)
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 2, 2 types
Ukraine empty block (#15516)
Ukraine block of 5 types
Ukraine block of 1 type
Ukraine block of 4 types
Ukraine block of 6 types

No visible images cropped from this one.

Resolution is unknown.

Source name: Colnect
File URL:

Uploaded September 6, 2014, 9:37 pm by Stan Shebs