Fish 1979 issue of Barbuda

  • Colnect-1906-909-Yellow-Jack-Caranx-bartholomaei.jpg
  • Colnect-1906-910-Atlantic-Bluefin-Tuna-Thunnus-thynnus.jpg
  • Colnect-1906-911-Atlantic-Sailfish-Istiophorus-albicans.jpg
  • Colnect-4835-119-Wahoo-Acanthocybium-solandri.jpg


Barbuda Fish 1979, sheet of 1 type
Short desc: Fish 1979

Issuer: Barbuda
Date: 8/1/1979

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

30c d=yellowjack on=issuer=Antigua-issue=Fish 1979-30c perf=14.5
50c d=bluefin tunas on=issuer=Antigua-issue=Fish 1979-50c
90c d=sailfish (1979) on=issuer=Antigua-issue=Fish 1979-90c
$2.50 d=barracuda on=issuer=Antigua-issue=Fish 1979-$2.50
$3 d=wahoo (1979) on=issuer=Antigua-issue=Fish 1979-$3

All are dt=Sport Fish wmk=St Edwards crown & CA

Issues with this name: Antigua, Barbuda, St. Thomas & Prince Islands, Somalia