Short desc: 1928
Issuer: Thailand
Date: 4/15/1928
Consists of 15 stamps: (See stamps as list)
2s brn d=King Prajadhipok profile
3s grn d=King Prajadhipok profile
5s dkpur d=King Prajadhipok profile
10s red d=King Prajadhipok profile
15s bl d=King Prajadhipok profile
25s blk&brnorg d=King Prajadhipok profile
50s brnorg&blk d=King Prajadhipok profile
80s ltbl&blk d=King Prajadhipok profile
1b bl&blk d=King Prajadhipok standing
2b red&blk d=King Prajadhipok standing
3b yelgrn&blk d=King Prajadhipok standing
5b vio&blk d=King Prajadhipok standing
10b ol&purbrn d=King Prajadhipok standing
20b blgrn&redbrn d=King Prajadhipok standing
40b grn&dkbrn d=King Prajadhipok standing
All are perf=12.5
Issues with this name: Andorra (Sp), Bolivia, Eritrea, Estonia, Germany, Guadeloupe, Hungary, Gwalior, Patiala, Liberia, Netherlands Antilles, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Poland, Sarawak, Somalia, Spanish Morocco, Thailand, Turks & Caicos Islands, Upper Volta, Uruguay, Canal Zone