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1898 US b issue of Cuba

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Short desc: 1898 US b

Issuer: Cuba
Date: 1898
Sort position: 3

Consists of 16 stamps: (See stamps as list)

3c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-1m
3c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-2m
3c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-3m
3c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-1m
3c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-2m
3c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-3m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-1m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-2m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-3m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-4m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-8m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-1m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-2m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-3m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-4m
5c oc=blk on=type=newspaper-1896-8m

All are blgrn d=King Alfonso XIII (1890) perf=14