Short desc: 1963
Issuer: Greenland
Dates: 3/7/1963 - 1966
Consists of 18 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1o blk d=northern lights (1963)
5o red d=northern lights (1963)
10(o) grn d=northern lights (1963)
12o yelgrn d=northern lights (1963)
15o vio d=northern lights (1963)
20(o) bl d=King Frederik IX (1963)
25(o) brn d=King Frederik IX (1963)
30(o) grn d=King Frederik IX (1963)
35(o) red d=King Frederik IX (1963)
40(o) gray d=King Frederik IX (1963)
50(o) blgrn d=King Frederik IX (1963)
1966 50(o) car d=King Frederik IX (1963)
60(o) redpur d=King Frederik IX (1963)
80(o) redorg d=King Frederik IX (1963)
1kr dkbrn d=polar bear standing
2kr red d=polar bear standing
5k dkbl d=polar bear standing
10k grnblk d=polar bear standing
All are perf=12.75
Issues with this name: Quaiti State in Hadhramaut, Andorra (Sp), Antigua, Australia, British Antarctic Territory, British Guiana, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cook Islands, Dominica, Dubai, Finland, Reunion, Gambia, Greenland, Grenada, Guatemala, Iraq, Italy, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Nauru, New Hebrides (Br), New Hebrides (Fr), Nyasaland Protectorate, Papua New Guinea, Portuguese Guinea, St. KittsNevis, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Georgia, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, Upper Volta