Short desc: 1963
Issuer: St. KittsNevis
Date: 11/20/1963
Consists of 16 stamps: (See stamps as list)
1/2c bl&brn d=Sombrero Lighthouse
1c d=Loading sugar cane
2c d=Pall Mall Square Basseterre
3c d=gateway
4c d=Nelson’s Spring Nevis
5c d=Grammar school St Kitts
6c d=Mt Misery Crater St Kitts
10c d=hibiscus (1963 St. KittsNevis)
15c d=sea island cotton Nevis
20c d=Boat building Anguilla
25c d=White-crowned Pigeon
50c d=St George’s Church tower
60c d=Alexander Hamilton (1963)
$1 d=Map of St Kitts-Nevis
$2.50 d=Map of Anguilla (1963)
$5 d=Arms of St Christopher-Nevis-Anguilla
All are wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14
Issues with this name: Quaiti State in Hadhramaut, Andorra (Sp), Antigua, Australia, British Antarctic Territory, British Guiana, Christmas Island, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cook Islands, Dominica, Dubai, Finland, Reunion, Gambia, Greenland, Grenada, Guatemala, Iraq, Italy, Ivory Coast, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Nauru, New Hebrides (Br), New Hebrides (Fr), Nyasaland Protectorate, Papua New Guinea, Portuguese Guinea, St. KittsNevis, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Georgia, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, Upper Volta