325th Anniversary of the Death of Rembrandt issue of Antigua

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Antigua 325th Anniversary of the Death of Rembrandt, sheet of 1 type
Short desc: 325th Anniversary of the Death of Rembrandt

Issuer: Antigua
Date: 11/22/1993
Occasion: Rembrandt death
Number/Year: 325

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

15c d="Hannah and Samuel" - Rembrandt
30c d=The Jewish Bride (1993)
40c d="Jacob wrestling with the Angel" - Rembrandt
$5 d="Moses with the Tablets of the Law" - Rembrandt
$6 d="The Blinding of Samson by the Philistines"

Issues with this name: Antigua, Barbuda (1994), Maldive Islands (1994)