HONG KONG 2001 issue of Antigua
Short desc: HONG KONG 2001
Issuer: Antigua
Date: 3/26/2001
Occasion: Hong Kong 2001
Consists of 18 stamps: (See stamps as list)
25c d=Entoloma serrulatum perf=13.75
90c d=Morchella esculenta (2001) perf=13.75
$1 d=Clathrus ruber (2001) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Amanita muscaria (2001) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Boletus edulis (2001 Antigua) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Amanita phalloides (2001) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Amanita panthenna perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Chlorophyllum molybdites (2001) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Agaricus campestris (2001) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Clitocybe olearia perf=13.75
$1.65 d=red-stemmed tough shank (Collybia erythropus) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Calocybe gambosa perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Agrocybe cylindracea perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Volvariella bombycina (2001) perf=13.75
$1.65 d=Mycena pura (2001 Antigua) perf=13.75
$1.75 d=fawn shield-cap (Pluteus cervinus) perf=13.75
$6 d=Lactarius necator
$6 d=Leucocoprinus bimbaumii
All are dt=mushrooms (2001 Antigua)
Issues with this name: Antigua, Barbados, Bhutan, Brazil, British Indian Ocean Territory, Cuba, Falkland Islands, Isle of Man, Grenada, Hong Kong (2000), North Korea, Netherlands Antilles, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Vietnam