Sheets of Cuba, 2007

Issuer Date Desc State
Cuba 1/18/2007 Electric Trains 2007, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 2/14/2007 Cats 2007, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 3/14/2007 15th Anniversary of the Patria Newspaper, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 3/31/2007 Animals in the National Zoo, sheet of 1 type
Cuba 3/31/2007 empty sheet (#52809) incomplete
- no image Cuba 4/22/2007 Tourist Attractions in the Old Town of Cienfuegos, sheet of 1 type
- no image Cuba 5/8/2007 sheet of 1 type
Cuba 5/8/2007 empty sheet (#52810) incomplete
- no image Cuba 5/10/2007 empty sheet (#23053) incomplete
- no image Cuba 5/19/2007 empty sheet (#23054) incomplete
- no image Cuba 6/20/2007 Pan American Games 2007, empty sheet (#23055) incomplete
Cuba 6/20/2007 empty sheet (#52811) incomplete
Cuba 9/3/2007 empty sheet (#52812) incomplete
- no image Cuba 10/8/2007 empty sheet (#23056) incomplete
Cuba 10/8/2007 empty sheet (#52813) incomplete
- no image Cuba 10/12/2007 empty sheet (#23057) incomplete
- no image Cuba 10/25/2007 empty sheet (#23058) incomplete
- no image Cuba 10/27/2007 empty sheet (#23059) incomplete
- no image Cuba 11/15/2007 empty sheet (#23060) incomplete
Cuba 11/15/2007 empty sheet (#52814) incomplete
Cuba 12/31/2007 empty sheet (#23061) incomplete