Stamps of Marshall Islands, 15 base day

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1999, Mar 15 20th Anniversary of the "Decade of Peril and Progress", 1950-1959 issue unwmk p. 13.5
- 60c multi World Condemns Racial Discrimination
- 60c multi Unrest Challenges Communism's March
- 60c multi Vision of European Union Takes Form

1999, Jul 15 20th Anniversary of the "Decade of Upheaval and Exploration", 1960-1969 issue (12 stamps)
- 60c multi Invention of the Laser
- 60c multi Pill Revolutionizes Family planning
- 60c multi Gagarin becomes Columbus of the Cosmos
- 60c multi Communism Advertises Failures
- 60c multi Planet Earth Endangered
- 60c multi Superpowers Totter on Precipice of War
- 60c multi Spirit of Ecumenism Renews Christianity
- 60c multi Railways Achieve Record Speeds
- 60c multi Cultural Revolution Stuns China
- 60c multi Arab-Israeli War Unsettles Middle East
- 60c multi Organ Transplants Repair Human Body
- 60c multi America Engulfed in Vietnam War

1999, Jul 15 Marshall Islands Maritime Administration issue p. 13x13.5
- 60c multi

1999, Nov 15 20th Anniversary of the "Decade of Detente and Discovery", 1970-1979 issue p. 13.5 (12 stamps)
- 60c multi Jumbo Jets Enter Transatlantic Service
- 60c multi China Advances on World Stage
- 60c multi Terrorists Range The World
- 60c multi space stations Orbit Earth
- 60c multi Oil Crisis Strangles World
- 60c multi China Unearths Underground Army
- 60c multi Reign of Death Devastates Cambodia
- 60c multi Superpowers Proclaim Era of Detente
- 60c multi Oldest Democracy Celebrates Bicentennial
- 60c multi Personal Computers Reach Markets
- 60c multi Diagnostic Tools Revolutionize Medicine
- 60c multi Automobiles Transport Millions

2000, Jan 15 20th Anniversary of the "Decade of People and Democracy", 1980-1989 issue (14 stamps)
- 60c multi Terrorism Claims Innocent Victims
- 60c multi Technology of War Advances
- 60c multi World's Oceans Endangered
- 60c multi Eyes of World Focus on Tiananmen
- 60c multi Events Signal "End of History"
- 60c multi People Unite in Freedom's Quest
- 60c multi Mankind Confronts New Diseases
- 60c multi Royal Romance Captivates the World
- 60c multi Information Age Begins
- 60c multi Armed Conflicts Upset Peace
- 60c multi Cell Phone Revolutionizes Communication
- 60c multi Every Man a Movie Maker
- 60c multi Space Exploration Makes Headlines
- 60c multi Disas

2000, Mar 15 20th Anniversary of the "Decade of Globalization and Hope", 1990-1999 issue (8 stamps)
- 60c multi Free Markets and Trade Reshape World Economy
- 60c multi Coalition Expels Iraq From Kuwait
- 60c multi South Africans Freed From Apartheid
- 60c multi WWW Revolutionizes Information Superhighway
- 60c multi Era of Soviet Power Ends
- 60c multi A Lasting Peace in the Middle East Promi…
- 60c multi Engineering Triumphs Alter Landscapes
- 60c multi Ethnic Conflicts Stun World
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