Stamps of Singapore, 100c=1$ currency

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1968, Dec 1 1968 issue - dances wmk. rectangles p. 14 (7 stamps)
X 15c Tari Payong
X 20c multi Kathak Kali
- 25c Ling Chung & Lu Chih Shen
X 30c dragon dance
X 50c Tari Lilin
X 75c Tarian Kuda Kepang
X $1 grn & multi Yao Chi

1969, Apr 15 ECAFE Plenary Session issue unwmk p. 13.5
- 15c ECAFE Emblem
- 30c ECAFE Emblem
- 75c ECAFE Emblem

1969, Jul 20 10,000 homes completion issue p. 13.75
- 25c slogan as apartment building
- 50c slogan as apartment building

1969, Aug 9 Singapore 150th issue (no perf info) (6 stamps)
- 15c airplane over Singapore docks
- 30c map of Singapore & UN emblem
- 75c Flags & outline of Malaysian Federation
- $1 Uplifted hands holding crescent & stars
- $5 Tail of Japanese aircraft & searchlight beams
- $10 Bust from statue of Sir Stamford Raffles

1969, Nov 10 musical instruments 1969 issue - musical instruments (1969 Singapore) wmk. S mult p. 13.5 (5 stamps)
X 1c multi Mirudhangam
- 4c multi Pi Pa
- $2 multi rebab
- $2 multi Vine
- $10 multi Ta Ku

1970, Mar 15 EXPO '70 issue unwmk p. 14
- 15c multi Mussels Telescopium sp Thatcheria mirabilis Amusium pleu
- 30c multi tropical fish
- 75c multi American Flamingo Phoenicopterus ruber Helmeted Hornbill
- $1 multi orchids

1970, Jul Peoples Association 10th issue p. 13.5
- 15c dporg & blk child at play
- 50c
- 75c

1970, Aug 9 national service p. 14
- 15c emer & blk & org soldier & map
- 50c soldier & map
- $1 soldier & map

1970, Aug 23 Festival of Sports 1970 issue p. 13x13.5
- 10c blk & car & ultra runners
- 15c swimmers
- 25c badminton
- 50c automobile race

1970, Nov 1 shipping industry p. 12
X 15c blvio & yelbis & red National Line ship
X 30c brnol & ultra Ship in first container berth
X 75c brnol & orgred Ship repairing & ship building

1971, Jan 1 Commonwealth heads meeting issue p. 14
- 15c multi country names in circle
- 30c multi country flags in circle
- 75c multi Commonwealth flags
- $1 multi Commonwealth flags linked to Singapore 63×61 mm

1971, Apr 4 Visit ASEAN Year issue (5 stamps)
- 15c multi street scene with rickshaws, p. 11.5
- 20c multi Houseboat village & boats, p. 11.5
- 30c multi Market place, p. 11.5
- 50c multi Waterfront
- 75c multi Houses of Worship

1971, Aug 9 Singapore festivals p. 14.25
- 15c multi Chinese New Year
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