Stamps of Montserrat, 22 Dec 2003

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2003, Dec 22 Birds of the Caribbean issue - birds of the Caribbean (2003 Montserrat) wmk. St Edwards crown & CA (no perf info) (11 stamps)
- 90c multi belted kingfisher
- $1.15 multi Yellow Warbler
- $1.50 multi hooded warbler Wilsonia citrina
- $1.50 multi roseate spoonbill Ajaja ajaja
- $1.50 multi laughing gull
- $1.50 multi white-tailed tropicbird
- $1.50 multi Bare-eyed Thrush
- $1.50 multi glittering-throated emerald
- $1.50 multi Lesser Antillean Grackle
- $5 multi Cedar Waxwing
- $6 multi bananaquit

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