Stamps, 13 Feb 2001

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St. Vincent


2001, Feb 13 HONG KONG '01 issue - Birds of Prey (2001) unwmk p. 14 (11 stamps)
- 90c multi Herpetotheres cachinnans
- $1 multi Gymnogyps californianus
- $1.10 multi Terathopius ecaudatus
- $1.10 multi Falco subbuteo
- $1.10 multi Pandion haliatus
- $1.10 multi Accipiter gentilis
- $1.10 multi Haliaeetus vocifer
- $1.10 multi Neophron percnopterus
- $2 multi Ictinia mississippiensis
- $5 multi Falco sparverius
- $5 multi great grey owl Strix nebulosa

2001, Feb 13 Owls of the World issue (14 stamps)
- 10c multi Bubo bubo
- 20c multi Tyto alba
- 50c multi great grey owl Strix nebulosa
- 70c multi Asio otus
- 90c multi Strix aluco
- $1 multi Surnia ulula
- $1.40 multi Strix uralensis
- $1.40 multi Aegolius funereus
- $1.40 multi Asio capensis
- $1.40 multi Ketupa zaylonensis
- $1.40 multi Athene noctua
- $1.40 multi short-eared owl Asio flammeus
- $5 multi Nyctea scandiaca
- $5 multi Strix butleri


2001, Feb 13 Pokemon issue p. 13.75 (7 stamps)
- 50c multi Weepinbell
- 50c multi Snorlax
- 50c multi Seel
- 50c multi Hitmonchan
- 50c multi Jynx
- 50c multi Ponyta
- $2 multi
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