Stamps of St. Vincent, 18 May 2009

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2009, May 18 40th Anniversary of the First Man on the Moon issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 13.5 (6 stamps)
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi
- $2 multi

2009, May 18 Pope Benedict XVI Visits Jordan issue p. 11.5
- $1.50 multi
- $2 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $3 multi

2009, May 18 125th Anniversary of the American Kennel Club issue - Dogs (13 stamps)
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $1.60 multi
- $3.25 multi
- $3.25 multi
- $3.25 multi
- $3.25 multi

2009, May 18 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy issue (6 stamps)
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi
- $2.50 multi

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