Stamps of Namibia, Postcard Rate denom

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1997, Nov 3 1997 issue - flora and fauna (1997 Namibia) unwmk (no perf info)
- Postcard Rate multi Panthera pardus

1997, Nov 3 Animals and the 25th Anniversary of Communique of Shanghai - Self-Adhesive Stamps issue
- Postcard Rate multi Value: $1.20 - Panthera pardus

2003, Aug 27 National Monuments, Heroes Acre, Windhoek issue
- Postcard Rate multi

2004, Feb 2 Honey Bees, Apis mellifica scutellata & Flowers issue
- Postcard Rate multi Aloe sp.

2004, Jul 7 Historical Buildings of Bethanie issue
- Postcard Rate multi

2005, Jul 22 Plants with Medicinal Value issue
- Postcard Rate multi Citrullus lanatus

2006, Jun 20 2006 surcharges b issue
- Postcard Rate multi Coracias caudata
- Postcard Rate multi Giraffa camelopardalis

2007, Mar 22 100th Anniversary of Etosha National Park issue (10 stamps)
- Postcard Rate multi Melierax gabar
- Postcard Rate multi Acacia tortilis
- Postcard Rate multi Quelea quelea
- Postcard Rate multi Equus burchelli
- Postcard Rate multi Loxodonta africana
- Postcard Rate multi Connochaetes taurinus
- Postcard Rate multi Salvadora persica
- Postcard Rate multi Anax tristis
- Postcard Rate multi Antidorcas marsupialis
- Postcard Rate multi Agama aculeata

2008, Feb 28 weaver birds of Namibia
- Postcard Rate multi White-browed sparrow weaver

2008, Mar 3 Euphorbias of Namibia
- Postcard Rate multi Euphorbia virosa

2008, Aug 8 Ediacaran fossils
- Postcard Rate multi

2009, Feb 2 eagles (2009)
- Postcard Rate multi bateleur

2009, Apr 10 The Brandberg issue (10 stamps)
- Postcard Rate multi augur buzzard
- Postcard Rate multi Third Highest Peakon Brandberg - Numasfels
- Postcard Rate multi Quiver Tree
- Postcard Rate multi CMR Beetle Mylabris oculata
- Postcard Rate multi leopard
- Postcard Rate multi Kobas Cyphostemma curiorii
- Postcard Rate multi Bokmakiri
- Postcard Rate multi Jameson's Red Rock Rabbit
- Postcard Rate multi Brandberg Halfmens
- Postcard Rate multi Jordan's Girdled Lizard

2009, Jul 3 wild horses of Namibia
- Postcard Rate multi

2010, Feb 8 endangered species of Namibia (10 stamps)
- Postcard Rate wattled crane
- Postcard Rate Gazania thermalis
- Postcard Rate leatherback turtle
- Postcard Rate Giant Quiver Tree
- Postcard Rate Cape vulture
- Postcard Rate White Namib toktokkie
- Postcard Rate cheetah
- Postcard Rate Hook-lipped Rhinoceros
- Postcard Rate wild dog
- Postcard Rate Nama-padloper Tortoise

2011, Jan 28 The Big Five issue
- Postcard Rate multi elephant

2011, Mar 23 frogs of Namibia
- Postcard Rate multi Long Reed Frog
- Postcard Rate multi Bubbling Kassina
- Postcard Rate multi Tandy's sand frog
- Postcard Rate multi Angolan Reed Frog

2011, Jun 21 aloes of Namibia
- Postcard Rate multi Aloe gariepensis

2012, Feb 13 2012 issue - Endemic and Near-Endemic birds of Namibia
- Postcard Rate multi Dune Lark
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